презентація для уроку о 10 класі за темою "Українська кухня".

Про матеріал

Тема: “National cuisine”


to activate students' vocabulary;

to develop students' reading skills based on a given text;

to practice speaking in dialogues and monologues;

to deepen students' knowledge of national cuisines of different countries;

to practice using the 2nd Conditional


I. Introduction

T: Good morning, children, I'm glad to see you. Today we are going to speak on the very important topic “National cuisine”. There's no doubt that food is very important in our life. People and all living can't live without eating. Each country has its own eating traditions. So, we are going to speak about food, eating habits and eating out in restaurants, cafes, our favourite dishes, likes and dislikes.

II. Warming-up

T: First, please answer my questions:

1. Do you like cooking?

2. What is cooking for you: an art or a dull every day duty?

3. Who usually cooks in your family?

4. What national Ukrainian dishes do you know?

5. What is your favourite food?

6. Would you like to open any exotic restaurant in your town?

7. Would you like to be a chef?

8. What are the popular dishes in your family?

9. How often do you eat out? What's your favourite café?

III. Main part

1. Vocabulary revision

1) T: Let's revise words connected with food. Listen to me and try to find the odd word out.

1. water, coke, bread, wine, juice;

2. boil, bake, fry, bowl, grill;

3. salty, pepper, spicy, sweet, bitter;

4. slice, cut, chop, stew, peel;

5. dish, meal, bowl, plate, cup;

6. potato, carrot, plum, cabbage, beet.

2) T: There are a lot of proverbs connected with food. Your task will be to make these proverbs complete

1. Every cook praises...a) over the spilt milk.

2. Dry bread at home is better...b) into the fire.

3. Too many cooks...c) the kettle black.

4. Out of the frying pan...d) his own broth.

5. Don't put all your eggs...e) lessen your meals.

6. The proof of the pudding is... f) than roast meat abroad.

7. His bread...g) in the fire.

8. There is no use crying...h) is buttered on both sides.

9. Half a loaf is...i) into one basket.

10. The pot is calling...j) better than none.

11. The fat is...k) spoil the broth (soup).

12. To lengthen your life,l) in eating.

Keys: 1-d, 2-f, 3-k, 4-b, 5-i, 6-1, 7-h, 8-a, 9-j, 10-c, 11-g, 12-e.

2. Speaking

1) T: Nowadays eating out is very popular in all countries and large cities. Sometimes people spend much money on it. Our town also has a wide range of restaurants and cafes offering cuisines from different countries. And, of course, our Ukrainian cuisine is among the most popular ones.

You have been to different cafes, I'm sure. And you had to split up into groups and find out information about the places for eating out in our town. Now, let's make a brief presentation of your favourite cafes, restaurants, etc.

2) T: We like going to cafés with our family or friends. And you were given tasks to make up dialogues about eating out. Who is ready?

3. Reading

T: As it was mentioned our Ukrainian cuisine is one of the most popular ones. Let's read about our national dish. Can you guess what dish it is? Of course, it's our Ukrainian borshch!

You must read the text and do two tasks: match the paragraphs with their headings and choose the correct answer.

Ode to borsch

1. In Ukraine, a meal would be incomplete without a soup course. Be the family rich or poor, soup is a daily "must". Soup never boils with a full boil but simmers gently for hours. Hearty soup, enriched with chunks of meat constitutes the basic meal of any peasant family.

2.The varieties of soups are as numerous as the cook's imagination is capable of dreaming up. An ingenious homemaker is able to cook a delicious soup from available products, even when the supplies are low. Though Ukrainian soups are numerous, each having its own name, basically they belong to one or another of the following classifications: vegetable, fish, broth, cereal, cream or milk.

3. Borsch with its many variations is the most popular as well as the national soup of Ukraine. The true old country style borsch is a mildly tart vegetable soup with beets predominating. It has a good chunk of meat, usually pork, cooking in it together with the vegetables. That's why Ukrainian borsch is a substantial dish, and a meal in itself.

4. Ukrainians have several varieties of borsch, depending on regional and personal preferences and on the season of the year. The spring borsch made of tender young vegetables is favoured by all. One distinctly different spring borsch is made of sorrel leaves. Mild tartness in borsch gives it a specific character.

5. The finishing touches to borsch vary with local and personal tastes. Some like it slightly thickened with a tablespoon of flour or raw egg yolks. Others achieve the same results by cooking a finely diced potato along with the vegetables. To finish borsch in a traditional way, most old country cooks mash together a bit of salted pork with some raw onions to a smooth paste. They claim that without this final touch, borsch lacks its character.

6. Borsch has one great virtue for a busy homemaker. It can be made a day in advance and reheated without any loss of quality. In fact, experts of borsch are convinced beyond any doubt that a reheated borsch from a previous day is more flavourful than when eaten the same day it is made.

Task 1:Match the paragraphs with their headings.

A)How to finish borsch 5

B)Varieties of borsch 4

C)A good feature of borsch 6

D) The necessity of soup for Ukrainians 1

E)The diversity of soups 2

F)The national soup of Ukraine 3

Task 2:Read the text more carefully and choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. In Ukraine, a meal would be imperfect without ....

a) a soup course

b) a borsch course

c) a "kasha" course

2. When the supplies are low, an ingenious homemaker....

a) is able to cook a delicious soup from any products he can find at home

b) is not able to cook a delicious soup from available products

c) has to buy at the market all the necessary ingredients to cook a delicious soup

3. The true old country style borsch is....

a) a mildly sweet vegetable soup with carrot predominating

b) a mildly sweet vegetable soup with beets predominating

c) a mildly tart vegetable soup with beets predominating

4. One distinctly different spring borsch is made of....

a) nettle leaves

b) sorrel leaves

c) burdock leaves

5. To finish borsch in a traditional way, most old country cooks mash together a bit of....... to a smooth paste.

a) salted pork with some raw sorrel

b) salted beef with some raw garlic

c) salted pork with some raw onions

6. Borsch can be made a day in advance and reheated....

a) without any loss of quality

b) with loss of quality

c) with trebling of quality

Task 2: 1 – a, 2 – a, 3 – c, 4 – b, 5 – c, 6 – a.

4. Speaking

T: You know, eating habits differ from country to country and each country has its unique cooking traditions. Today we have guests from different countries and let's listen to them. They are going to tell us about their traditional dishes.(додатки)

5. Grammar practice

T: I'm glad you know a lot about traditional dishes of different countries. It's time for us to revise our grammar material.

Second conditional



If+ past simple

Would + infinitive

●impossible present situations:

If I had more time, I wouldn't eat fast food. (I haven't got a lot of time)

●imagined , unlikely or impossible events in the future:

If I won a lot of money, I'd buy a fantastic computer. (I don't think I'll win a lot of money)

We use the past simple in the if clause. In the main clause, we use would or a modal verb and the infinitive.

T: Let's do one exercise. Use the cues below to write Second Conditional sentences.


1. If I didn't have a computer, I wouldn't use the Internet.

1. if / not have computer / not use the Internet

2. if / win lottery / buy a new computer.

3. if / play computer games / not be a good student

4. go to Tibet / if / have money

5. if / be a computer expert / earn a lot of money

6. make new friends / if / use the Internet.

6. Vocabulary practice

1)T: Everyone has his favourite dish and knows its recipe. Let's read the recipe and fill in the gaps.

Read the recipe. Fill in the gaps using the verbs.

Chicken Kyiv

This tasty dish is named after Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine. These stuffed chicken breasts are usually fried, but it is easier to cook them in the oven.

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of butter or margarine, softened

2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice

0.25 teaspoon of dried dill

0.25 teaspoon of salt

1 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves pounded thin

1 egg

1/3 cup of seasoning

Steps: cook, roll, mix, pre-heat, put, spread

1. 1) ______oven to 220 C.

2. In small bowl 2) _______butter, lemon juice, dill and salt until well blended.

3. 3) _______some butter mixture over each chicken cutlet.

4. From the short end, 4) _______up, at the same time turning the long edges of the chicken

toward the center and secure with a toothpick.

5. Lightly beat egg in a bowl.

6. 5) _______ some seasoning in another bowl.

7. Dip the rolled chicken in egg, then roll in the seasoning to cover completely.

8. 6) _______for 30 minutes until the chicken is tender and golden.

9. To serve, carefully remove toothpicks from chicken rolls. Make 4 servings.

Key: 1) pre-heat, 2) mix, 3) spread, 4) roll, 5) place, 6) cook

IV. Summing up

T: Our lesson is coming to the end. I think it was cognitive and exciting at the same time. I hope you enjoyed it as I did.I'd like to thank everyone for active participation.

V. Home assignment

T: I'm sure you know the recipes of your favourite dishes. Who wants to share their recipes?

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

“National cuisine”

Номер слайду 2

to activate students’ vocabulary; to develop students’ reading skills based on a given text; to practice speaking; to deepen students’ knowledge of national cuisines; to practice using the 2nd Conditional

Номер слайду 3

1. Do you like cooking?

Номер слайду 4

What is cooking for you: an art or a dull every day duty?

Номер слайду 5

Who usually cooks in your family?

Номер слайду 6

What national Ukrainian dishes do you know?

Номер слайду 7

What is your favourite food?

Номер слайду 8

Would you like to open any exotic restaurant in your town?

Номер слайду 9

Would you like to be a chef?

Номер слайду 10

What are the popular dishes in your family?

Номер слайду 11

How often do you eat out? What’s your favourite cafй?

Номер слайду 12

Let’s revise words connected with food. Listen to me and try to find the odd word out. water, coke, bread , wine, juice; 2. boil, bake, fry, bowl, grill; 3. salty, pepper, spicy, sweet, bitter; 4. slice, cut, chop, stew, peel; 5. dish, meal, bowl, plate, cup; 6. potato, carrot, plum, cabbage, beet. Bread Bowl Pepper Stew Meal Plum

Номер слайду 13

to make these proverbs complete 1. Every cook praises... a) over the spilt milk. 2. Dry bread at home is better... b) into the fire. 3. Too many cooks... c) the kettle black. 4. Out of the frying pan... d) his own broth. 5. Don't put all your eggs... e) lessen your meals. 6. The proof of the pudding is... f) than roast meat abroad. 7. His bread... g) in the fire. 8. There is no use crying... h) is buttered on both sides. 9. Half a loaf is... i) into one basket. 10. The pot is calling... j) better than none. 11. The fat is... k) spoil the broth (soup). 12. To lengthen your life, l) in eating.

Номер слайду 14

1-d, 2-f, 3-k, 4-b, 5-i, 6-1, 7-h, 8-a, 9-j, 10-c, 11-g, 12-e.

Номер слайду 15

You must read the text and do two tasks: match the paragraphs with their headings and choose the correct answer. Ode to borsch

Номер слайду 16

2-e 6-c 1-d 3-f 4-b 5-a Match the paragraphs with their headings. A) How to finish borsch B) Varieties of borsch C) A good feature of borsch D) The necessity of soup for Ukrainians E) The diversity of soups F) The national soup of Ukraine

Номер слайду 17

choose the best answer a, b or c. In Ukraine, a meal would be imperfect without a) a soup course b) a borsch course c) a "kasha" course

Номер слайду 18

2. When the supplies are low, an ingenious homemaker.... a) is able to cook a delicious soup from any products he can find at home b) is not able to cook a delicious soup from available products c) has to buy at the market all the necessary ingredients to cook a delicious soup

Номер слайду 19

3. The true old country style borsch is.... a) a mildly sweet vegetable soup with carrot predominating b) a mildly sweet vegetable soup with beets predominating c) a mildly tart vegetable soup with beets predominating

Номер слайду 20

4. One distinctly different spring borsch is made of.... a) nettle leaves b) sorrel leaves c) burdock leaves

Номер слайду 21

5. To finish borsch in a traditional way, most old country cooks mash together a bit of....... to a smooth paste. a) salted pork with some raw sorrel b) salted beef with some raw garlic c) salted pork with some raw onions

Номер слайду 22

6. Borsch can be made a day in advance and reheated.... a) without any loss of quality b) with loss of quality c) with trebling of quality

Номер слайду 23

Second conditional

Номер слайду 24

Condition Consequence If + past simple Would + infinitive

Номер слайду 25

● impossible present situations: If I had more time, I wouldn’t eat fast food. (I haven’t got a lot of time)

Номер слайду 26

● imagined , unlikely or impossible events in the future: If I won a lot of money, I’d buy a fantastic computer. (I don’t think I’ll win a lot of money)

Номер слайду 27

We use the past simple in the if clause. In the main clause, we use would or a modal verb and the infinitive.

Номер слайду 28

Use the cues below to write Second Conditional sentences. Example If I didn’t have a computer, I wouldn’t use the Internet. 1. if / not have computer / not use the Internet 2. if / win lottery / buy a new computer. 3. if / play computer games / not be a good student 4. go to Tibet / if / have money 5. if / be a computer expert / earn a lot of money 6. make new friends / if / use the Internet.

Номер слайду 29

Read the recipe. Fill in the gaps using the verbs.

Номер слайду 30

Chicken Kyiv This tasty dish is named after Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine. These stuffed chicken breasts are usually fried, but it is easier to cook them in the oven.

Номер слайду 31

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of butter or margarine, softened 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice 0.25 teaspoon of dried dill 0.25 teaspoon of salt 1 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves pounded thin 1 egg 1/3 cup of seasoning

Номер слайду 32

Номер слайду 33

1) ___oven to 220 C. In small bowl 2) ____butter, lemon juice, dill and salt until well blended. 3) ____some butter mixture over each chicken cutlet. From the short end, 4) ____up, at the same time turning the long edges of the chicken toward the center and secure with a toothpick. Lightly beat egg in a bowl. 5) ____ some seasoning in another bowl. Dip the rolled chicken in egg, then roll in the seasoning to cover completely. 6) ____for 30 minutes until the chicken is tender and golden. To serve, carefully remove toothpicks from chicken rolls. Make 4 servings. Steps: cook, roll, mix, pre-heat, put, spread 1) pre-heat, 2) mix, 3) spread, 4) roll, 5) place, 6) cook

Номер слайду 34

Write the recipes of your favourite dishes.

Номер слайду 35

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