Презентація для уроку в 10 класі " Звичаї харчування"

Про матеріал

Тема уроку:Звичаї харчування у Великобританії

Мета уроку: закріпити вивчений лексичний матеріал за темою «Їжа»;

формувати комунікативну компетенцію по темі «Традиційні страви англійської кухні» шляхом використання інтерактивних технологій;

розвивати навички аудіювання, використовуючи автентичні тексти, навички детального читання та навички письма;

практикувати учнів у вживанні 2rd Conditionals шляхом використання тренувальних вправ;

сприяти розвитку уміння правильно висловлювати свої думки шляхом використання діалогів, розвивати мовленнєву реакцію;

виховувати культуру спілкування, толерантне ставлення до традицій інших народів.

Обладнання: мультимедійні презентації, мультимедійний проектор, комп'ютер, картки із завданнями для аудіювання та читання, демонстраційний матеріал.

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Greeting Привітання.

T: Good morning, dear children!

Ps: Good morning, dear teacher!

T: How are you getting on?

Ps: We are fine, thanks.

T: Well, and who is absent in our group?


2. Aim Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Today we'll have an unusual lesson. Look at the blackboard, please, and you'll see some proverbs. Let's read them:

Live not to eat, but eat to live.

Appetite comes with the eating.

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

Fish is water, a berry is grass, and bread is head for every of us.

T: So, what shall we talk about today?

Ps: We'll talk about food.

T: You're absolutely right; the topic of our today's lesson is “National British Cuisine”. Today we are going to talk about British national cuisine, we'll visit two cafes, and you will recollect vocabulary on theme “Food”, 3-rd Conditionals.

So we'll speak English, repeat and learn words, work with grammar, act dialogues, play and do a lot of interesting activities. I suppose you'll enjoy the lesson. Let's start.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

1. Check on hometask Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T. Each nationality and each country has its national dishes. Today we'll speak about British and Ukrainian national cuisine. Your hometask was to prepare presentation about national cuisines. Let's begin. Listen to carefully and be ready to answer the questions.

The pupils demonstrate their presentations.


Some people criticize English food. They say it's tasteless; it's chips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables.

If you ask foreigners to name some typical English dishes, they will probably say “Fish and chips” then stop. It is true, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants. English cooking is found at home. So it is difficult to find a good English restaurant.

In most cities in Britain you'll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants.

T: Very good!And now we'll check if you`ve understood this material. Answer some questions, please!

-What traditional British dishes can you name?

-What traditional Ukrainian dishes can you name?

-Do you like their national cuisine?

2. Vocabulary PracticeЗакріплення лексичного матеріалу.

T: Today we'll have a special task: we аre to organize two cafes: British and Ukrainian. But for this we must work hard, set everything in order and make the menu. To make a good menu, you have to know British and Ukrainian dishes.

T: Look at the screen. You can see different dishes. Name them, please.

The pupils name the dishes on the screen

4. Listening Comprehension/ Аудіювання.

T: Whilegroup is working on the menu, we are to learn what dishes the British visitors often order in the cafes. I think that all of you sometimes visit some restaurants or cafes, where you have a talk with the waiters while you order something to eat or drink.

You've got the cards with a task. Your task is to mark those dishes that the visitor has ordered from the menu. So let's listen to the dialogue “In the Restaurant.”

The pupils listen to the dialogue.


Jane:“Good afternoon. Do you have the menu in English?”

Waiter: “Yes, madam. Here you are.”

Jane:“Thank you.”

Waiter:“Are you ready to order?”

Jane:“Yes. I'd like the green salad to start. And then I'll have the pepper steak. With potatoes and mixed vegetables.”

Waiter:“How would you like your steak, madam? Rare, medium, or well – done?”

Jane:“Medium, please.”

Waiter:“Anything to drink?”

Jane:“Yes, a glass of white wine, sweet wine, please. And a glass of mineral water.”

Waiter:“Fizzy or still?”


Waiter:“Any dessert, madam?”

Jane:“Not now, thank you. Maybe later.”

Card for Listening

Listen to the dialogue and mark the dishes that Jane has ordered from the menu.


~Tomato salad

~Green salad

~Mixed salad

~Smoked salmon withmustard sauce

~Vegetable soup

Main courses

~Roast chicken

~Pepper steak

~Grilled lamb chops

~Beef stew

~Spaghetti with tomato sauce

~Meat ravioli

~Cheese omelette

Side dishes



~Mixed vegetables


~Ice- cream

~Apple pie

~Chocolate mousse


~Cheese and Biscuits



~French white (sweet)

~Italian white (dry)

~Spanish red (sweet)

~Portuguese red (dry)


~Mineral water – fizzy or still

~Soft drinks

T: Are you ready?

There are some strawberries on your desks. You are to stick them in front of those dishes you have heard in the dialogue.

T: Very good. You have done this task. Now our café is ready to work. But we don't know if you are ready. Let's check.

5.Grammar Practice Закріплення граматичного матеріалу.

T: As I have said at the beginning of the lesson we have got some grammar exercises.And now let's do these exercises.

Your task is to complete the sentences with the 2- rd Conditionals.

-If I had had much money, ……….(I would have opened my own café)

-If I had opened my own café,………...(I would have had many visitors)

-If I had had many visitors, ……………(I would have earned much money)

Ex.3, p. 60

T: Well done! Now we can see that you are ready to work in our cafe. We are looking forward to our first visitors.

6. Acting the dialoguesРозвиток діалогічного мовлення.

Waiter:“Good morning. Can I help you?”

Jim:“Yes. A table for three, please.”

Waiter:“Of course, come this way, please.”

Waiter: “Are you ready to order?”

Jim:“Yes, I'd like vegetable soup and cheese omelette, please. What about you,Kate?”

Kate:“Can I have the fried plaice with chips, please?”

Waiter: “I am terribly sorry madam, but we don't have any plaice today.”

Kate:“Do you have any fish then?”

Waiter:” Yes, we have trout and salmon.”

Kate:“Ok, so, I'll have the trout.”

Waiter:”Any vegetables?”

Kate:”Yes, chips and some mixed vegetables.”

Waiter:”All right. Anything else?”

Jim:”I'll have a glass of red wine.”

Kate:”And a glass of mineral water for me, please.”

Jim:”And what about you , Natalia? What would you like?”

Natalia: “ I'd like some ice – cream.”

Waiter: “Which ice – cream would you like? We have chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice – cream. Or a mix, of course.”

Natalia: “I'll have chocolate and vanilla ice – cream.”

Waiter:“ Is that all, madam?”

Kate:“Yes, thank you.”

III. Заключна частина уроку

1.HometaskДомашнє завдання.


****Your hometask for the next lesson is to write a letter to your pen – friend about the café you have been to. Describe the interior and the food you ate there.

What was the service like? Would you recommend your friend to visit this cafe?

***ex.6, p.60

** ex.5, p.60

* learn the rules (p.59)

2.Summing up the lesson Підведення підсумків.

T: You have been working hard today. You'll get the badges with your marks on them.

The lesson is over. Good bye! You are free.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The British meals customs

Номер слайду 2

Live not to eat, but eat to live. Appetite comes with the eating. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. Fish is water, a berry is grass, and bread is head for every of us.

Номер слайду 3

we’ll speak English, repeat and learn words, work with grammar, act dialogues, play and do a lot of interesting activities.

Номер слайду 4

Check on hometask

Номер слайду 5

What traditional British dishes can you name? What traditional Ukrainian dishes can you name? Do you like their national cuisine?

Номер слайду 6

You can see different dishes. Name them, please.

Номер слайду 7

ready to order the green salad the pepper steak potatoes mixed vegetables rare, medium, well – done to drink a glass of white wine sweet wine a glass of mineral water dessert

Номер слайду 8

Card for Listening Starters Main courses Side dishes Desserts Drinks

Номер слайду 9

Your task is to complete the sentences with the 2- rd Conditionals. If I had had much money, ………. (I would have opened my own cafй) If I had opened my own cafй,…… (I would have had many visitors) If I had had many visitors, ……… (I would have earned much money)

Номер слайду 10

Hometask ****Your hometask for the next lesson is to write a letter to your pen – friend about the cafй you have been to. Describe the interior and the food you ate there. What was the service like? Would you recommend your friend to visit this cafe? ***ex.6, p.60 ** ex.5, p.60 * learn the rules (p.59)

Номер слайду 11

You have been working hard today. You’ll get the badges with your marks on them. The lesson is over. Good bye! You are free.

Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Storozhuk Nataliia Vadymivna
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
22 листопада 2018
Оцінка розробки
4.3 (1 відгук)
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