Презентація до інтегрованого уроку Я досліджую світ і англійської мови "Всесвітньовідомі українці"

Про матеріал
Чому ми цікавимось відомими українцями? Чим славляться українці? Наука та техніка Ігор Сікорський, Микола Амосов, Євген Патон, Марина Вязовська Бізнес та економіка Богдан Гаврилишин, Стів Возняк, Макс Левчин Мистецтво та культура Соломія Крушельницька, Квітка Цісик, Міла Йовович Спорт Іван Піддубний, Яна Клочкова, Анна Ушеніна
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

World Famous Celebrities with Ukrainian Roots. Oksana Subotovych,Суботович Оксана Анатоліївна,Учитель початкових класів,Харківської загальноосвітньої школи І – ІІІ класів № 143

Номер слайду 2

Agenda. Introduction. Why are we interested in famous Ukrainians?What are Ukrainians famous for?Science & Engineering. Igor Sikorsky, Mykola Amosov, Yevgen Paton, Marina Viazovska. Business & Economics. Bogdan Hawrylyshyn, Steve Wozniak, Max Levchin. Art & Culture. Solomiya Krushelnytska, Kvitka Cisyk, Mila Jovovich. Sports. Ivan Poddubny, Yana Klochkova, Anna Ushenina

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“Being around the masters of their work is somehow easier. They’re like atlantes, holding skies on their shoulders. Because of that, heights exist.”— Lina Kostenko

Номер слайду 5

Why are we interested in famous Ukrainians?When someone from your country wins a medal or a championship, this does not make you healthier. When someone from your country wins a Nobel prize, this does not make you smarter. When some of your compatriots becomes a Hollywood star, this does not make you richer. This is called “national pride”. We all want to be proud of ourselves. The simplest way to achieve this – is to be proud of belonging to the same group as that famous actor, sportsman or scientist. It is a nice feeling to belong to something great and famous.

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What are Ukrainians famous for?

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Science & Engineering

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Igor Sykorsky. Born on May 25, 1889in Kyiv. In an aviation pioneer in both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. Emigrated to the United States, New York in 1919 Formed the Sikorsky Manufacturing Company in Roosevelt, New York (now United Technologies Corporation). Known for the first successful mass-produced helicopter, the Sikorsky R-4 (1942).

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Mykola Amosov. Born on December 6, 1913 in the village Olkhovo, Russia. Is a heart surgeon, inventor, best-selling author, and exercise enthusiast. Known for his inventions of several surgical procedures for treating heart defects. Was invited to the Kiev Institute of Tuberculosis in 1952, to guide the clinic of thoracic surgery. Founded the Ukrainian school of biological, medical, and psychological cybernetics.

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Yevgen Paton. Born on March 5 1870 in Nice, France. Is a pioneer researcher of joining and welding technology. Designed the structure of the train station in Dresden, and was a lecturer at the Moscow Engineering College of Railway Roads. Created methods used in the design of rational bridge spans, investigated the conditions of their operation, and suggested ways for restoring damaged bridges.

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Marina Viazovska. Born in 1984 in Kyiv. Is a mathematician known for her work in sphere packing. Solved the sphere-packing problem in dimension 8 and in dimension 24. Previously, the problem had been solved only for three or fewer dimensions. Since January 2018 has held the Chair of Number Theory as a full professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland.

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Business & Economics

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Bohdan Hawrylyshyn. Born on October 26 1926 in Koropets village, Ternopil Oblast. Is a Canadian, Swiss and Ukrainian economist, thinker, benefactor and advisor to governments and large companies worldwide. Founded the European Management Forum in Davos (now World Economic Forum). Was a consultant of General Electric, IBM, Unilever, Philipsand advisor to several countries.

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Steve Wozniak. Born on August 11, 1950 in San Jose, California, U. S. His ancestors were Ukrainians from Przemysl. Is an American electronics engineer, programmer,  philanthropist and technology entrepreneur. Co-founded Apple Inc. in 1976. After his career at Apple, Wozniak founded CL 9 in 1985, which developed and brought the first programmable universal remote control to market.

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Max Levchin. Born on July 11, 1975 in Kyiv. Is a Ukrainian-born American software engineer and businessman. Moved to the United States and settled in Chicago in 1991. In 1998, soon after graduating from college, he co-founded (with Peter Thiel) the company that eventually became Pay. Pal. Co-founded the companies Slide.com, HVF and Affirm. He was an early investor in Yelp.

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Art & Culture

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Solomiya Krushelnytska. Born on September 23, 1872 Bielawińce, Galicia, Austria-Hungary (now Biliavyntsi,  Ukraine). Is a soprano, considered to be one of the brightest opera stars of the first half of the 20th century. She was able to perform no less than 63 parts in eight different languages. She took the stage in all the major opera houses in northern Africa, North America, South America and Europe. 

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Kvitka Cisyk. Born on April 4, 1953 Queens, New York, U. S. Is an American coloratura soprano of Ukrainian ethnicity. Her both parents come from Eastern Galicia. Achieved success in four musical genres: popular music, classical opera, Ukrainian folk music and commercial jingles for radio and TV advertisements. Recorded two albums of Ukrainian songs. Both were nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Folk Album.

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Milla Jovovich. Born on December 17, 1975 in Kyiv. Is an American actress, model, and musician. Emigrated with her parents to London when she was five, and then to Sacramento, California. In 2004, Forbes determined that she was the highest-paid model in the world. Became a highly successful model at the age of 11, she transitioned to the big screen, where she managed to parlay that success into other side careers.

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Ivan Poddubny. Born on 9 October 1871 in Krasenivka, Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. Is a professional wrestler, whose career lasted for about forty years and he lost only two times. Repeatedly won Greco-Roman wrestling "World Cups" among professionals, including the most authoritative of them – in Paris, Germany and US. Had the ring names The Champion of Champions, Ivan The Terrible.

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Yana Klochkova. Born on 7 August 1982 in Simferopol. A swimmer, who has won five Olympic medals in her career, with four of them being gold. Is the most awarded Olympian from Ukraine. Has a nickname “gold fish”. In 2004 became the first woman to win consecutive pairs of Olympic gold medals in the same events — the 200-metre and 400-metre individual medleys. 

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Anna Ushenina. Born on 30 August 1985 in Kharkiv. Is a Ukrainian chess grandmaster, who was Women's World Chess Champion from November 2012 to September 2013. Many of her chess skills have been self-taught. Is a very active league chess player, she regularly plays in the national leagues of France, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro and Slovenia.

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“Happy is the one who achieved the happy life. The happier one is the one who is able to make use of it.”— G. Skovoroda

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