Презентація до позакласного заняття з англійської на тему "Веселі свята"

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Презентація до плану-конспекту позакласного заняття з англійської мови на тему "Веселі свята".
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

Do you celebrate any holidays?Yes, we do. We celebrate ____.1)Christmas-Різдво2)New Year’s Day-Новий рік3)Easter-Пасха4)St. Valentine’s Day-День Св. Валентина5)Halloween-Хелоувінrrrrr

Номер слайду 4

What is your favourite holiday?My favourite holiday is ______.1)Christmas-Різдво2)New Year’s Day-Новий рік3)Easter-Пасха4)St. Valentine’s Day-День Св. Валентина5)Halloween-Хелоувінrrrrr

Номер слайду 5

How do you celebrate your favourite holiday?I usually ______.1)Prepare tasty food-готувати смачну їжу2) Decorate the house-прикрашати будинок3)Invite guests-запрошуватигостів4)Buy presents-купувати подарунки5)Dress up fancy-одягатися святково6)Decorate the Christmas tree-прикрашати ялинку

Номер слайду 6

Who do you usually spend your holidays with?I usually spend my holidays with_____.1)My friends – моїми друзями2)My parents-моїми батьками3)My sister (brother)-моєю сeстрою (братом)4)My grandparents- моїм дідусем та бабусею

Номер слайду 7

New Year’s Day St. Valentine’s Day Halloween Christmas Women’s Day Fool’s Day. March,8(eighth)December,25(twenty-fifth) October,31(thirty-first)April,1(first)January,1(first)February,14(fourteenth)(назва свята) is celebrated on the (число) of (місяць).

Номер слайду 8

Father’s Day. Guy Fawkes’ Night. Halloween. St. Valentine’s Day. Independence Day. Easter. Thanksgiving Day. Columbus Day. Bank Holiday. Christmas. Labour Day. Ukraine. America. Britain (назва свята) is celebrated in (країна).

Номер слайду 9

Father’s Day is celebrated in Ukraine on the third week of June. Guy Fawke’s Night is celebrated in Britain on the fifth of November. It is also called as the Night of bonfires or fireworks. Because this day people have the tradition to celebrate this holiday by making bonfires and setting off fireworks.

Номер слайду 10

Halloween is more popular as an American holiday. But it is also celebrated in Britain and for the last few years it has become very popular in Ukraine, too. St. Valentine’s Day is well-known as an American holiday. However, it becomes more famous in Europe and as well as in Ukraine.

Номер слайду 11

Independence Day is more well-known as an American holiday. Nevertheless, after Russian’s invasion into Ukraine, it becomes more important in our country as well. Easter is celebrated in all Christian countries in spring.

Номер слайду 12

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in America on the twenty-third of November. It is a holiday when people say thank you to God for the harvest, for the health and so on. People celebrate it by gathering together with all family, relatives and friends at one table.

Номер слайду 13

Сolumbus Day is an American holiday which is celebrated on the twelfth of October. This holiday appeared in honour of the anniversary of discovering America by Columbus. Bank Holiday is a British tradition when for Christmas and New Year all the banks, shops, plants and factories close and stop their work for almost ten days.

Номер слайду 14

Сhristmas is another holiday which is celebrated in all Christian countries in December or January. Labour Day is the Ukrainian holiday. It is also celebrated in all post-soviet countries on the first of May to honour each person’s useful labour.

Номер слайду 15

Гулай Дарія
6 грудня 2023
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