Презентація до теми "Подорож"

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Презентація до теми "Подорож" у 6- ому класі за підручником О.Карп'юк для загально-освітньої школи
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Planning a trip

Номер слайду 2

Read the poem We go by car And we go by train. We go by boat, And we go by plane. We go by land And sea and air, We go, go, From here to there.

Номер слайду 3

What means of transport can your travel by land ? What means of transport can you travel by sea ? What means of transport can you travel by air ?

Номер слайду 4

Have you ever travelled by plane? - Yes, I have. / -No, I haven’t.

Номер слайду 5

Have you ever travelled by ship? - Yes, I have. / -No, I haven’t.

Номер слайду 6

Have you ever travelled by car? - Yes, I have. / -No, I haven’t.

Номер слайду 7

Have you ever travelled by train? - Yes, I have. / -No, I haven’t.

Номер слайду 8

Have you ever travelled by bus? - Yes, I have. / -No, I haven’t.

Номер слайду 9

Have you ever travelled by trolleybus? -Yes, I have. / - No, I haven’t.

Номер слайду 10

Have you ever travelled by bicycle? -Yes, I have. / - No, I haven’t.

Номер слайду 11

Have you ever travelled by taxi? -Yes, I have. / - No, I haven’t.

Номер слайду 12

Have you ever travelled by tram? -Yes, I have. / - No, I haven’t.

Номер слайду 13

Have you ever travelled on foot? -Yes, I have. / - No, I haven’t.

Номер слайду 14

Do you like travelling? Why do people travel? When did you travel last? Where did you travel? Who did you travel with?

Номер слайду 15

New vocabulary An advantage-перевага Travelling by car has its advantages. You can stop wherever you want.

Номер слайду 16

A disadvantage-недолік Travelling by plane has a disadvantage. The tickets are too expensive.

Номер слайду 17

An airport You can see too many people in the airport.

Номер слайду 18

A railway station She went by bus to the railway station.

Номер слайду 19

A vacation - відпустка People plan their vacations beforehand.

Номер слайду 20

A view - краєвид It’s a beautiful view of mountains.

Номер слайду 21

To arrange-упорядковувати She is arranging her things.

Номер слайду 22

To discover-відкривати They discovered new lands.

Номер слайду 23

To go on a trip-подорожувати They are going on a trip.

Номер слайду 24

Match the pairs 1)advantage а)краєвид 2)disadvantage в)вокзал 3)airport с)перевага 4)railway station d)упорядковувати 5)vacation е)подорожувати 6)view f)відпустка 7)arrange g)відкривати 8)discover h)недолік 9)go on a trip і)аеропорт

Номер слайду 25

Do you agree that the best way to study geography is to travel? Why do people travel when they are on holidays? Who can help with transport and planning your vacation? What means of transport can you travel by?

Номер слайду 26

What do people think about when they choose the way of travelling? What should you do before you go on a trip? What photos can you take while travelling? Why do people take photos?

Номер слайду 27

Make up the word-combinations 1) Happy a) buildings 2) To plan b) of travelling 3)Travel c) moments 4)Ancient d) the vacation 5) Sights e) agency 6) Ways f) of a city

Номер слайду 28

too / enough too little, too many good enough, cold enough

Номер слайду 29

Complete the dialogue with “too / enough” and the adjectives: many, boring, good, hot, bad, much, early. - I don’t go to the seaside. It’s too hot there in summer, and there are……..people. I prefer go to the country. Isn’t it……..to spend your holidays in the country? I don’t think so. I have……..work on my grandpa’s farm. What do you do there, Mark? - I get up……to see the sunrise. I help my granny to feed the animals. Do you have time to play with your friends, Mark? Yes, I do. If the weather is………, we go to the river and swim there. If the weather is………, we play table tennis or basketball in the school gym.

Номер слайду 30

Make up the questions and answer. you/ travel/ do/ to/ pleasure/ like/ How/ for? travelled/ you/ Have/ plane/ ever/ by? last/ did/ travel/ you/ Where? ship/ travelled/ you/ by/ Have/ ever?

Номер слайду 31

Find the words Planetrainmapairportrailwaystationvacation godiscovertravellingcartsuitcasepointarrive buscarshipfootbusinessenoughtootrip

Номер слайду 32

Homework Ex. 1, p.82, read the letter and translate. Learn the words p.82

10 листопада 2021
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