Презентація до теми "Вивчаємо Австралію"

Про матеріал

Поглибити знання учнів про Австралію. Розвивати навички колективної роботи, активізувати навички усного ситуативного мовлення. Збагатити знання учнів новими фактами з історії та культури країни.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

The Commonwealth of AUSTRALIA The Commonwealth of Australia is a federal state within the Commonwealth. Its territories are the continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania and a number of smaller islands. It has an area of about 8 million square kilometres.

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Номер слайду 5

History of Australia The east coast of Australia was discovered by Captain Cook in 1770.

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The continent of Australia is mostly a great plain with mountains in the east and south-east.

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Much of the land is a useless desert. Great deserts cover nearly 2 000 000 square kilometres.

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THE STRANGE WORLD OF AUSTRALIAN ANIMALS Australia has been called “the land of differences” and “the continent of contrasts”. There are many ways in which it is different from other countries. The first thing is the fantastic world of native animals.

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the kangaroo the koala the dingo or wild dog Some of them are not found in any other country of the world. They are: There are many wild animals in Australia.

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Animals of Australia

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21 липня 2018
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