Презентацію розроблено відповідно програми НУШ до підручника SMART JUNIOR 3 (Unit 3 Story Time p.38-39), включає інтерактивні вправи, роботу в групах, матеріали створені за допомогою додатків ШІ.
Pre-reading task. What can you see in the picture?
Номер слайду 25
12 Samantha, Vanessa, and Kevin are at Kevin’s grandmother’s house. Wow, look at all these things!What’s in these boxes?Don’t open them!This box is open, look. A map with a tunnel, it’s in the park, let’s go!It’s 8:15 now, it’s late. Let’s go tomorrow.
Номер слайду 26
43 The next day, the children go to the park. The tunnel is very dark. Look, there is a sign. Let’s cross the street here. The tunnel starts at that tree. I don’t like it here. Let’s go back. Come on, Vanessa, we’re almost there. Now turn right.
Номер слайду 27
65 When they open the door, the children see… Grandma’s garden!Oh, mice! I don’t like mice!Grandma?Do you know about the tunnel? How big is it?It’s 50 meters. Let me tell you about the tunnel. Welcome back, children. It’s a big tunnel, right?