Презентація до уроку англійської мови у 7 класі за темою "Cinema"

Про матеріал
Презентація "Cinema. Part 1" містить матеріали, що сприятимуть активізації лексичного тренування за темою, що вивчається. Крім цього в презентації представлено перелік прикметників, за допомогою якого можна поширити семантичний запас учнів для опису улюбленого фільму, а також висвітлені лінгвокраїнознавчі особливості відвідування кінотеатрів.. Дані матеріали можна використати на етапі активізації та закріплення лексичного матеріалу.
Зміст слайдів
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When we speak about cinema we mean: Films Actors Producers Awards

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People who make films are: A film actor/actress A cameraman A scriptwriter A designer A director A star

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Film genres: Science fiction Feature Historical (continue this list)

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Adjectives to describe a film: Dizzying Absorbing Provoking Intellectually invigorating Awe-inspiring Big (small)-budget Light-hearted Memorable Immensely talented Worthwhile Touching Star-studded

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At the cinema In England the cinema is usually called “the pictures”. In America the word “the movies” is often used. So, you can say you often go to the cinema, pictures or movies. People who go to the cinema are cinema-goers.

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Cinema-going is a favourite pastime in Britain. People go to the cinema once or twice a week. Cinema-going is more popular in industrial towns in the North of England and Scotland than in the South. However, especially if it is cold and wet outside, many people like to stay at home to watch TV.

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Cinemas usually have names like: The Coliseum The Saturn The Odeon The Forum

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Inside a cinema has: Stalls A balcony A row of seats A screen A foyer A box-office

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You can sit: At the front At the back At the side In the center/ middle

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You can go to: An evening performance A matinee The nine o’clock performance The two o’clock performance

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Cinemas in England are usually large and more comfortable than the theatres. Often there is a restaurant, so that it is possible to spend an afternoon and evening there (if you have enough money, of course). Behind the cinema screen there is a stage, so that the building can be used for concerts and other performances.

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THANKS FOR ATTENTION Created by Povstiana Liubov

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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 березня 2019
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