Презентація до уроку "The environmental protection"

Про матеріал
Objectives: -to control language skills and abilities of the pupils; -to control the level of adaptation in studied topic "The environmental protection"; -to develop phonetic skills; - to cultivate the ability to apply the learned grammatical material "Conditionals"; -to control the language skills and abilities of the pupils; -to raise an interest in learning English.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Wednesday, the first of December. Class-work. THE ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION

Номер слайду 2

Objectives:-to control language skills and abilities of the pupils; -to control the level of adaptation in studied topic "The environmental protection";-to develop phonetic skills; - to cultivate the ability to apply the learned grammatical material "Conditionals";-to control the language skills and abilities of the pupils; -to raise an interest in learning English.

Номер слайду 3

Ex. 1. Describe which disaster is the worst. Flood. Avalanche. Earthquake. Fire. Drought. Typhoon

Номер слайду 4

Eх. 2. Complete the sentences.1. The water in the rivers rose higher and higher and there was the danger of ... .2. Hurricanes are very strong winds that come from the ... .3. Hurricane Andrew killed 15 people in ... .4. It was in the west of Africa. The winds were … for six days.5.   People and animals died because there wasn't enough ….

Номер слайду 5

Conditionals. Conditional – I Якщо - if If - Present Simple, ... will + Infinitive. If it rains tomorrow, they will stay at home. Conditional – IIЯкби – if. If - Past Simple, ... would+ Infinitive. If it rained today, they would stay at home.. Conditional – IIIЯкби – if. If - Past Perfect, ... would have+ Verb +ed/ Past Participle (III)If it had rained yesterday, they would have stayed at home.

Номер слайду 6

Ex. 3. Make sentences using Conditionals.1. If the cities … (have) more trees or green areas, people …(have) more oxygen.2. If the authorities … (improve) public transport, people … (not/buy) so many cars.3. If people … (use) bicycles, children … (be able) to play safely.4. If people … (recycle) things, it … (not/be) so much rubbish everywhere.5. If the authorities … (create) more parks, the cities … (be) less polluted.

Номер слайду 7

Ex. 4. Translate into Ukrainian. Якби ми посадили дерева кілька років тому, ми б мали свої фрукти. Вони б дихали чистим повітрям, якби не було фабрик і заводів у їхньому місті. Якби ми встигли на автобус, ми б вже були у селі. Якби заводи використовували воду повторно, то не було б такого дефіциту води у світі. Я був би щасливіший, якби батьки купили мені мотоцикл. Він би не хворів, якби не палив. Річки були б чистішими, якби заводи не забруднювали їх. Якби люди не забруднювали території, де вони проживають, наша планета була б набагато чистішою. Якби люди не вирубали так багато дерев, не було б так багато природних катаклізмів на Землі. Учні отримали б відмінні оцінки, якби зробили домашнє завдання вчора.

Номер слайду 8

Read and translate the text. In recent years the number of environmental problems has increased greatly. One of the most dangerous problems for our planet is global warming which means that most climates all over the world are changing and getting warmer. It happens because we burn too much petrol resources, such as oil and coal, and the Earth heats up. This process can cause melting of the polar ice and the sea level rising in the future. If the climate changes there will be floods, heavy storms or severe droughts in different areas of the world. Cutting down on exhaust fumes from vehicles could help solve this serious problem. Our planet is overpopulated, that’s why we are using up our natural resources – they are not endless. So the scientists have started looking for some alternate forms of energy such as water, wind, sunlight and even tides. These resources are clean, natural and unlimited. I’m glad that modern automobile industries make hybrids which use electric or solar energy instead of petrol. It would definitely help protect our environment from pollution. There are different kinds of environmental pollution: air pollution, water pollution, land pollution. Sadly, not all human beings realize or admit that we are the ones who cause these problems and we should be the first to stop them and protect our environment. Because of the industrial revolution the air is polluted with awful chemicals; seas and oceans are poisoned with oil spills. Many rare species of flora and fauna are threatened with extinction. We should be proud to live on our wonderful planet and understand that the consequences of pollution might be terrible and affect us and our children later. We should start recycling things made of glass, paper, plastic and aluminum. We should stop smoking and plant as many trees as we can because they can give us more oxygen. We need to drive less and use public transport in order to reduce fuel burning. We are responsible for the situation.

Номер слайду 9

Ex.5. Translate into English.1. Найбільш небезпечною для нашої планети є проблема глобального потепління.2. Зниження вихлопних газів транспортних засобів може допомогти вирішити цю серйозну проблему.3. Вчені почали шукати альтернативні форми енергії: воду, вітер, сонячне світло, тощо.4. Моря і океани отруєні нафтовими виливами.5. Багато рідкісних видів флори та фауни знаходяться під загрозою зникнення.6. Ми повинні почати переробку речей зі скла, паперу, пластику та алюмінію.7. Дерева та рослини можуть дати нам більше кисню.8. Нам потрібно менше їздити на авто і користуватися громадським транспортом.

Номер слайду 10

Homework Using the example, write a letter to the radio program about the problem of recycling. Dear Sir, I always listen to your radio program. I have just heard different people discussing the topic of recycling. I would like to describe my opinion about this problem. Firstly, recycling benefits the planet very much. The authorities must put recycling bins and we have to recycle things. Our factories could use them to make new things. If we did it, we would not have so much rubbish everywhere. Secondly, our schools should teach children about recycling. The children should know that rubbish looks and smells horrible in the streets, so they must not drop it anywhere. They also must not throw plastic bottles into the sea because fish will die. On the other hand, the children should remember that some kinds of things cannot be recycled. For example, plastic lids, broken glasses, wipes and sponges can not be recycled because there is not enough of the recyclable material for them. All in all, recycling should be compulsory. It is very important task for our authorities. People should understand how recycling is necessary nowadays. If everybody took care of nature, our planet would be cleaner day by day. Yours faithfully,Vadym Kovalenko

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
1 грудня 2021
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