Презентація "Zaporizhia is my native city" є супроводжуючою на протязі всього уроку. Вміщує в собі інтерактивні вправи, ігри, аудіювання з опорою на наочність, граматичні таблиці та комунікативні кліше для розвитку мовлення в ситуаціях.
Topic “Zaporizhia is my native city”Тhe island of Hortitsa
Номер слайду 2
Warming up. A communicative game “Open microphone”
Номер слайду 3
Lexical game. Snowball
Номер слайду 4
Prepositions of place
Номер слайду 5
Lexical – grammar game. Role play “Architect – designer”
Номер слайду 6
Номер слайду 7
Номер слайду 8
Номер слайду 9
Номер слайду 10
Номер слайду 11
Номер слайду 12
Greeting• Hello! Hi!Good morning/Morning! 24.00 - 12. 00 Good afternoon/Afternoon! 12.00 – 18.00 Good evening/Evening! 18.00 - 24.00 Good day!
Номер слайду 13
Action-poem. ”Traffic poem.”Be very, very careful When you cross the street Use your eyes and your ears, And then use your feet. The trams and cars in our town Run up and down, up and down When all the cars have stopped It’s time for you to go Walk between the lines, That’s the safest way I know.
Номер слайду 14
Greeting{7 DF18680-E054-41 AD-8 BC1-D1 AEF772440 D} Greet people Respond How are you? How’s it going? How are you doing ? How are you getting up? How’s everything? • Great. • Good • I’m fine (thanks) . • I’m OK • Not bad • So-so • Nothing much. / Not so much. • I’m getting better • I’m getting worse • Pretty fair And you?
Номер слайду 15
Acquaintance{00 A15 C55-8517-42 AA-B614-E9 B94910 E393} Introduce each other Respond I am/My name is… . I am from… . Who are you?/ What’s your name?Where are you from?• Good to meet you!• It's nice to meet you!• I'm pleased to meet you!• It's a pleasure to meet! you.
Номер слайду 16
Asking the direction{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to…?Can you tell me where the … is?Could you tell me how to get to …? Do you know where the …is? Sure Yes, sure Yes, of course Yes, certainly
Номер слайду 17
Giving the direction. Prepositions of movement Go up Go down Walk along Go at the traffic Walk across Go over/under lights lights
Номер слайду 18
Giving the direction. Prepositions of movement Go through Walk past Go straight on Turn left Turn right Come out of Go into
Номер слайду 19
Expressions of thanks. That’s very kind of you! Thank you/Thanks. Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Thanks a lot•You are welcome! •Not at all! •It was nothing! •That’s all right!
Номер слайду 20
Goodbye. Good-bye! Farewell!Bye! So long!Bye-bye! Good luck! Have a nice day/evening! Take care! All the best! See you then/tomorrow/later