Урок з теми "Місто". "My native city"

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Cучасний урок з теми "My native city" направлений на формування ключових компетентностей (пізнавальну, особистісну, соціальну, творчу), орієнтуючи на пошукову діяльність та застосування набутих знань в різноманітних життєвих ситуаціях. Ігрові форми навчання, активне використання наочності допомагає засвоїти великий об'єм навчального матеріалу , граючи і у високому темпі. На уроці використані матеріали про визначних людей міста, чиїми іменами названі вулиці. Для успішного засвоєння теми була задіяна на уроці вебкамера міста. Учні представили свої проекти.цікавих місць. Зібраний самостійно матеріал є цікавим і захоплюючим.

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Demonstrative lesson on the topic "Zaporizhia is my native city"  ( 5B specialized)  school №72 for the Regional Institute of improvement of teachers.


The  lesson was held by the English teacher Mudra Lyudmila Grigoryvna (higher category, teacher-methodologist).                                    

































                                        Plan of the lesson


Type of lesson: a lesson of generalization and systematization   acquired knowledge with the use of ICT.


  Goals of the lesson:


  to generalize the knowledge of the vocabulary on the topic.

  to activate grammar material (prepositions of the place and movement).

 • to form  skills of speaking in a series of speech exercises in the form of a game;

  to develop interdisciplinary relations with the subject of history at the English lesson;

to teach how to make up dialogues based on colloquial phrases;

to develop  reading skills;

to improve the practical skills of the English language on the topic "Zaporizhya is my native city" in the monological and dialogical forms;

  to develop communicative skills in pair and group work. ;

  to learn to work on a computer and create projects. to help pupils present their projects in Power Point.


• to develop the emotional-sphere  and creative abilities of students when studying the topic "Zaporizhia is my native city";

to develop the ability to interact in pairs and groups;

• to develop the ability of students to design their  knowledge independently;

• Upbringing:

• to educate such personal qualities of students as confidence in the answers, ability to speak to the audience with the project;

• stimulate students' interest in learning English;

• raise the feeling of patriotism and love for their hometown.


Material and technical equipment: computer, multimedia projector, teacher’s presentation in Power Point + interactive poster “Prepositions of place”, paper city building images, paper faces of emoticons, webcam on the Internet, flipchart with a paper path from the Trade Center "Ukraine" to Victory Street, students’ projects in Power point.


Forms of students activity organization: individual, pair, group, frontal.


Plan  of the lesson:


I. Organizational moment.

- Good morning! How is everything?


2. Motivation of students, setting  educational tasks.

Introductory speech of the teacher;

Our topic is “Zaporizhia  - my native city”. And today we’ll remind the words on the topic “A city”, prepositions of place and movement playing different games. We’ll come to the streets of our city to help visitors to find the place they need and we’ll travel around visiting interesting places of our native city.

Let’s start!


 3. Warming up.   Interactive game “Open microphone”

A teacher as a correspondent comes up with a microphone to each student who performs the role of the city's resident. and raises questions for them.

 Zaporizhia is my native city.

а) What do the words native city mean for you?

b) Which river does our city stand on? –

c) What is the longest street in Zaporizhia?

b) What’s your favourite  place in Zaporizhіa and why?


4.  Activation of the vocabulary.

Lexical Drill.

Game “Snowball”

а)T: Which words do you associate the word “city” with?

Гра “ “Each of you say one word in turn and we’ll have a real snowball from the words at the end of the game. The winner is the pupil who’ll say the last word. You're  lost and  you're  out  of  the  game  if the word is said twice.


5. Development of the grammatical side of speech.

 Prepositions of place.

1) T:If you want to describe the location of these buildings, then the prepositions of place can help you.

On the interactive poster prepositions of  place. Students make sentences. Sample: The cat is in the front of the box. The cat is ....

2) Role-playing game.

















 Teacher:  - I’m  a Chief Architect. Students are buildings (each pupil has a picture of the building). Teacher calls the building and the student stands the place he has heard.

The museum is between  the post – office and the Chemist’s  on Green street . The Chemist’s is on the right of the museum and the post – office is on the left. There is  a restaurant opposite the museum.  The sportsclub is behind the restaurant. The supermarket  is in front of the sportsclub. There is a school on the left of the sports club. The bookshop  is  in front of the school and next to the supermarket. The petshop is next to the supermarket on the right. 

) Answer the question in your picture. Answer the question:

  Sample: Where is there the museum? - There is a museum between the post office and the chemist's.

6. Improving the listening skills to extract basic information. Game "Guessing game".

  Listening Comprehension.

а) T: Listen some information about 5 famous citizens of Zaporizhia.  The streets of Zaporizhia are named after them. At your history lessons and at our English lessons we learnt about them and their heroic life.   Listen and number in order . Be attentive!

Table 1


Olexandr  Hovoruha



Leonid Zhabotinsky



Volodimir Mahar



Yakiv Novitsky



Dmitri Halushko



He was a Ukrainian actor and  a producer.

 From 1936 till 1965  he was the director of  Zaporizhzhya Regional Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre named after Dovzhenko in our city. now it is  named after him:

Volodimir  Magar. 

He was the historian and folklorist. He collected many historical songs from  Zaporizka Sich, carried out diggings on Khortitsa. He was the organizer  of  Zaporizhia Museum of Local History  in 1921:

Yakіv Novitsky.

He was a  steelworker of the  factory “Dniprospetsteel”.  In 1956 He became  the Honoured metallurgist of Ukraine:

Dmitri Halushko.

He was born and studied in Zaporizhia. He went to fight in Donbass as an artilleryman when he was 20 years old, in 2014. He fought in ATO but was killed in Debaltsevo:

Olexandr  Hovoruha.

- European champion, the double Olympic champion, the world champion in weightlifting.  He was given the title of "the strongest man in the world." :

Leonid Zhabotinsky.

Students provide information that is remembered about everyone.


5. Physical minute while simultaneously showing the video of the city.


Action poem. ”Traffic  poem.”

Be very, very careful

 When you cross the street

 Use your eyes and your ears,

 And then use your feet.

 The trams and cars in our town

 Run up and down, up and down

 When all the cars have stopped

 It’s time for you to go

 Walk between the lines,

 That’s the safest way I know.

Cross the street only on zebras. It is better to wait 5 minutes on the  crossing than in a hospital.


6. Formation of dialogic speech on the topic "Asking the way" on presentation and online camera city.

Repeat communicative phrases (greeting, dating, , prepositions of movement. phrases how to get to a different place. ...  Thanks, Goodbye)


Make up a dialogue. Role playing game "how to find the way to…?" between inhabitants of the city and the English-speaking tourists.

T: Thanks to online-Web cameras you are in the streets of Zaporizhia.

Situation 1A foreigner walks up to you and asks the direction to Macdonald’s. Your task is to show the way. 

  - Tell me, please? How can I get to MacDonald’s?

  -        Walk across Soborny Avenue at the lights

  -        Turn left at the Perfume shop. Cross the road  and go straight ahead to the pole.  MacDonald’s is on the right , so turn right . You can see it in front of you.              

   Situation 2:  You are on the bus stop in the Festival square in front of the hotel “Intourist”. A foreigner comes up to you and asks about the way to the monument  Warriors of the ATO

7. Team work in order to create speech skills.

  Guessing game with the use of flipchart with a paper path from the Trade Centre "Ukraine" to Victory Street.

 T:  There was a Festival of English and American songs in December at our school. Two of our pupils Аmina and Julia won the first prise – Grand –pri of the festival.  The Real American man Jack awarded them at our holiday. How did he get to our school? He could come by three ways.

1  way -  from the bus  stop Peremoga street.

2 way - the tram stop  Leonid Zhabotinsky.

3 way - from the bus stop Shopping centre "Ukraine."

Pupils of the group are divided into three teams. Each team chooses a route that in its opinion, was in reality.

1- st team:  Our team thinks that Jack came to school from the bus stop “Shopping Centre Ukraine”.

From the bus stop Shopping Centre Ukraine he went straight on to the underground. He walked through the underground and went along Lermontova street. He  walked past Grill bar “Melrose”, a car park, a bank .

He walked across Leonid Zhabotinsky street at the traffic lights.

Then he went straight on. He walked past the fountain, which is opposite the gymnasium 28 on the right.

After that he walked past the Cultural House “Orbita”, walked across Patriotichna street at the lights and went straight on.

He walked past the café “’Santa Monica” and at the optics he turned  left.  He could see the school 72 in front of him.


2- nd team: You are wrong. Our team thinks that Jack came to school from the bus stop Shopping Centre Ukraine.

From the bus stop Shopping Centre Ukraine he went straight on to the underground.

He walked through the underground and went along Lermontova street.

He  walked past Grill bar “Melrose”, a car park, a bank .

He walked across Leonid Zhabotinsky street at the traffic lights.

Then he went straight on. He walked past the fountain, which is opposite the gymnasium 28 on the right.

After that he walked past the Cultural House “Orbita”, walked across Patriotichna street at the lights and went straight on.

He walked past the café “’Melrose” and at the optics he turned  left.  He could see the school 72 in front of him.


3- d team: We don’t agree. Our team thinks that Jack came to school from the bus stop Shopping Centre Ukraine.

From the bus stop Shopping Centre Ukraine he went straight on to the underground.

He walked through the underground and went along Lermontov street.

He walked past Grill bar “Melrose”, a car park, a bank .

He walked across Leonid Zhabotinsky street at the traffic lights.

Then he went straight on. He walked past the fountain, which is opposite the gymnasium 28 on the right.

After that he walked past the Cultural House “Orbita”, walked across Patriotichna street at the lights and went straight on.

He walked past the café “’Santa Monica” and at the optics he turned left.  He could see the school 72 in front of him.


8. Project work. Roleplay “Travelling around the city. ”


 Т:  I am a head of the travel agency. You’re tour guides and our guests are tourists, who come to see the sights of our city. Let us go on a signseeing tour of our city The route is developed according to your favourite places in Zaporizhia. Take your seats in our tour bus, please.

Are you ready?

Our route is:  Island of Hortitsa – Hydroelectric Power Station “Dniproges”.- Сity Сlock lovers - Cascade of fountains “Rainbow” – the park “Oak Grove”.


P1: Welcome to the Hortitsa isle!

It’s the National Historical and Cultural Reserve, that is one of the "Seven Wonders of Ukraine.

 From ancient times, it was the natural protection from enemies.

Majestic massive cliffs are more than 2 billion years old.

There are stone statues of  Scythian times of Bronze Age.

Historical and cultural complex Zaporyzka Sich  is a reconstruction of an old Cossack fortress of the 16th-18th centuries.

The  founder of  Zaporizhia Sich was  Dmitry Vishnevetskii who was the first hetman of Zaporozhia Cossacks .

This Is a real copy of the Cossack village built in the style of Zaporizhya Cossacks traditions .

You can see the houses where ancestors lived and look at the ceremonies.

It’s interesting to visit the Cossack ataman’s home outside and inside.

There is a beautiful church made of wood.

Tourists and visitors can visit   Horse theatre"Zaporizhia Cossacks" . It’s exciting.   

You can walk along the Taras’s path . In summer, 1843 the best known Ukrainian poet -Taras Shevchenko walked there.

Don’t forget to see Zaporizhia oak tree. It is 750 years old.  And it is the monument of nature and history.

P2:Welcome to Dnipro hydroelectric power station (Dniproges)!

It has a great history. The dam was built under Academician Alexander V. Winter and  opened in 1932.

It was  the first hydroelectric power station in the Soviet Union and the largest in Europe.

During the tour you can visit the  Dniproges museum. 

You can see the station layout and the turbines in the machine hall.

You will know about the history of  energy development in Ukraine.

There is a monument to the Unknown soldier who saved  Dniproges  during the Second World War.

Thanks to Dneproges  Zaporizhia  becomes  a huge industrial city.

It has developed machine building, metallurgy, chemical and construction industries.

The dam on the river Dnipro  is also a bridge connecting the left and right banks of the city.

Dniproges gives electricity to all the citizens of Zaporizhia and makes the city beautiful at night.


P3:Welcome to the Сity Сlock lovers,  located on the boulevard Shevchenko.  (slide 1)

 The Clock has its history. It was set by Mayor Alexander Polyak  in2003. (slides 2-3)

Later  the Сity Сlock lovers became music and played  the song "When spring comes." (slide 4)

Couples  began to take pictures near the Сity Сlock lovers after each wedding ceremony. (slide 5)

Now it becomes a tradition.

Under the Clock lovers guys invite girls to a meeting . (slide 6)

 Behind  the Clock lovers there is a beautiful  fountain "Two Hearts" . (slide 7)

New objects appear near the clock lovers every year.

Connected hearts is a symbol of  unity the people who love each other. (slide 8)

There is a bench of reconciliation too. (slide 9)

Zaporizhia young people like to spend their evenings near the City Сlock lovers. (slide 10)

P4. Welcome to Cascade of fountains “ Rainbow”. (slide 1)

2. Cascade of fountains “ Rainbow”  is the most visited place in the city of Zaporizhia.

It’s the citizen’s  favourite place to relax with family and friends.(slide 2)

3. A lot of people  come to see a gorgeous fountain that lights up at night .(slide 3)

4.  Various attractions and entertainment are held for children. (slides 4,5)


5. It is set the big screen in summer.

Citizens can watch films and cartoons in the evenings. (slide 6)

6. Various holidays are celebrated along with concerts and festivals.  (slide 7)

7. Famous singers and actors come to the Cascade for the holidays. (slides 8,9,10)

8. There you can get dance lessons from well-known dancers.   (slide 11)

9. Children's dancing and singing contests are popular in the Cascade . (slides 12.13)

10.  As for me, I do vocals and often sing in children's contests. (slide 14)


P51.Welcome to the park “Oak Grove” It is the best park for rest and fun.(slide 1)

2.The plants pollute the city Zaporizhia very much. (slide 2)

3. Only in the park “Oak Grove” you can breathe  fresh air. (slide 3)

4. There are a lot of oak trees and flowers there. (slides 3-4)

5. There is a beautiful fountain “Fish” in the park. (slide 5)

6.There is also a house for swans, geese and ducks. You can feed them. (slide 6)

7.You can ride a horse in the park too. (slide 7)

8. There are a lot of attractions on the playground  “Babyland”. (slides 8-9)

9. It is exciting to ride on a big wheel or walk on a ropeway. (slide 10)

10.Citizens like to go on picnics  with their families and friends to the park “Oak Grove”. (slide 11)


8. Submission of homework: Write a letter to your pen friend from Britain

about your favourite place in Zaporizhia.

9. Summary and estimating for the lesson.

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