Презентація "Food.My favourite dish"

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Презентація з теми "Food.My favourite dish." Рецепти англійською,завдання та словничок.The Omelette Recipe.Fruit Iceberg salad recipe.Можно використовувати з будь-яким підручником.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Food. My favourite dish

Номер слайду 2

Instructions. You take 13.cut. You put. You need. You cook. You mash. Put. Mix. Add. Slice. Chop. Boil Fry Ви берете 13.нарізати Ви кладете. Вам необхідніВи готуєте. Ви товчете. Покладіть. Змішайте. Додайте. Наріжте скибками. Дрібно наріжте. Сварить Смажити

Номер слайду 3

Today I want to tell you, how to make my favourite dish

Номер слайду 4

The Omelette Recipe. Sprinkle the omelette with cheese. Put 2 eggs and a cup of milk into a bowl. Fry it for 7 minutes. And mix. Put the mixture into a frying pan with oil. Add some salt and pepper.

Номер слайду 5

The Omelette Recipe. Put 2 eggs and a cup of milk into a bowl. Add some salt and pepper. And mix. Put the mixture into a frying pan with oil. Fry it for 7 minutes. Sprinkle the omelette with cheese.

Номер слайду 6

Take/ add /mix /cut /wash /put. Some apples/some yogurt/5 strawberries/2 bananas / Some ice cream. Fruit Iceberg salad recipe._____ some_____ . Take 2 bananas. _____ the fruit . _____ 5 strawberries. _____ with some _____. You don’t need any sugar. ____ some _____ on the top. Enjoy your fruit salad.

Номер слайду 7

Keys for Fruit Iceberg salad recipe: Take some apples . Take 2 bananas. Cut the fruit . Add 5 strawberries. Mix with some yogurt. You don’t need any sugar. Put some ice cream on the top. Enjoy your fruit salad.

9 квітня 2018
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