Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 4 класу на тему: «Моє місто»

Про матеріал

Дата: ______________________4-ий клас

Тема: Моє місто.

Підтема:Традиційні англійські будинки.


освітня:розширити уявлення учнів про помешкання англійців;

практична:практикувати учнів у читані тексту з метою отримання повного розуміння всієї інформації, що в ньому міститься, навчати описувати вітальню, використовуючи конструкцію thereis\are;

розвиваюча: удосконалювати монологічні навички учнів, розвивати увагу, пам'ять, кмітливість та мовну здогадку.

виховна:прищеплювати інтерес до життя англійців.

Обладнання: підручник, тексти для читання “Englishhomes”, картки для самостійної роботи, презентація, аудіо запис до фізкультхвилинки “Walking, walking”.

Тип уроку: формування навичок читання та розуміння прочитаного.

Хід уроку

  • 1.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
  • 1.Привітання.

T – Good morning, children! Glad to see you in a good mood and with happy smiles on your faces. I'm sure all of you are fine today, am I right?

Ps - Yes, you are.

  • 2.Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

T – The topic of our lesson is “English homes”. Today you'll know what traditional English homes are like, read the text about it, answer the questions and do a lot of interesting tasks.By the end of the lesson you'll be able to describe your house.

  • 3.Уведення в іншомовне середовище.

T – Lets' do some phonetic drills. Listen to a rhyme and pay attention to the pronunciation.

Where do you live, dear Pat?

My home is a big flat.

Where do you live, Mrs. Hottage?

I live in a green cottage.

Where do you live, pretty mouse?

I live under the house.

Where do you live, little Pete?

I live in Rainbow Street.

T – Read the poem loudly and quickly.

T – Read the poem using the transcription.

[weə du ju: liv diəpæt

maihəʊmizə big flæt

weə du ju: liv ´misiz ´hɒtiʤ

ai liv in əgri:n ´kɒtiʤ

weə du ju: liv ´pritimaʊs

ai liv ´/\ndə ∂əhaʊs

weə du ju: liv litlpi:t

ai liv in ´reinbəʊstri:t]

T – Read the poem using the pictures. One by one.

Where do you live, dear http://cliparwolf.com/images/boy-clipart/boy-clipart-05.jpg?

My home is a big http://www.solncevopark.ru/forum/upload/foto/7/5/b/f_953730c4aa65b8556cdc2ce2e7b57.jpg .

Where do http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/pc5/78A/pc578A7xi.png live, Mrs. Hottage?

I live in a green http://images.clipartpanda.com/cottage-clipart-yTogKe4TE.jpeg.

Where do you live, pretty http://images.clipartpanda.com/mouse-clip-art-simple-mouse-dark-grey-md.png?

I live under the http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z310/1969Dave/Funny/Emotes/mouse-hole.gif .

Where do http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/pc5/78A/pc578A7xi.png live, little Pete?

I live in https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dc/db/7f/dcdb7f6599a184aac9aa8fcd1d7559a3.jpg Street.

T – Read the poem adding the missing words.

_______ do you live, dear http://cliparwolf.com/images/boy-clipart/boy-clipart-05.jpg?

My _______ is a big http://www.solncevopark.ru/forum/upload/foto/7/5/b/f_953730c4aa65b8556cdc2ce2e7b57.jpg.

Where _____ you live, Mrs. Hottage?

I live in a ______http://images.clipartpanda.com/cottage-clipart-yTogKe4TE.jpeg.

Where do ______ live, pretty http://images.clipartpanda.com/mouse-clip-art-simple-mouse-dark-grey-md.png?

I _____ under the http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z310/1969Dave/Funny/Emotes/mouse-hole.gif.

Where do you ______, little Pete?

I live in https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dc/db/7f/dcdb7f6599a184aac9aa8fcd1d7559a3.jpg ______.

T –So, let's speak about the place where you live.

Where do you live?

Is it a town or a city or a village?

Do you live in a house or in a flat?

What's it like?

How many rooms are there in your flat\house?

Is there a balcony in your flat\house?

  • 2.Основна частина уроку.
  • 1.Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T – At the last lesson we spoke about the rooms in the house and the pieces of furniture. Let's check it how you know their names.

T – Complete the sentences.

We watch TV in the … . (living-room)

We wash our hands in the … . (bathroom)

We sleep in the … . (bedroom)

We can cook in the … . (kitchen)

We play games or do our homework in the … . (children's room)

Listen to the riddles and try to guess what it is.

  • a)You sit on it when you do your homework. ( a chair)
  • b)It is on the wall. We put our books on it. (a bookshelf)
  • c)We put food in it to keep it fresh because it's very cold inside. (a fridge)
  • d)We can wash dirty plates here. (a dishwasher)
  • e)You can keep your clothes in it. (a wardrobe)
  • f)It is on the wall. We look at it when we need to know the time. ( a clock)
  • 2.Подання тексту до читання.

T – Today we are going to read about English homes. Look at the screen. What furniture is there? Let's see.

The first word is “mirror”. We look at it when we need to see our face and body. The second word is “cupboard”. We usually keep cups, plates and other dishes there. Which room can we see a mirror\cupboard?



You see many stairs. Let's go to the second floor. 1stair, 2 stairs, 3, 4, … we go up, upstairs. Let's come back to the ground floor. We go down, downstairs. Let's imagine you have a big house with two floors. What rooms would you like to have upstairs\downstairs?

  • а) усна бесіда

T – Look at the picture. What room is on the picture? (a living-room)

What's it like? (It's modern, nice and clean)

What furniture is there in the living-room? Use the structure “There is\are … in the living-room” for your answers.

б) етап читання тексту.

T – So, let's read the text to know what traditional English homes are like. But first let's practice some difficult words for you.

traditional [trə´di∫nəl] традиційний

own [əʊn] власний

floor [flɔ: (r)] підлога

T – Make up the word-combinations.

an ownfloors

twoEnglish house

a traditionalroom

T – Read the text aloud and translate it. … will start.

English Homes

Some English families live in flats, but lots of people have got their own1 houses. There are two floors in a traditional English house.

Two or three bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs. The living-room, the dining-room, the kitchen and a hall are downstairs.

The living-room is usually a favourite in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor. It makes the room comfortable. The British people usually have a fireplace in the living-room. They sometimes call this room a sitting-room because they often spend evenings in armchairs near the fireplace. They read books; watch TV, listen to music or sit around and talk.

People in Britain like their homes and often say, “There is no place like home” or “East or West, home is best.”

в) етап перевірки розуміння прочитаного тексту.

True (T) and False(F)

1. English families have got their own gardens.

2. There are two floors in a traditional English house.

3. The sitting room is usually a favourite in the house.

1.jpg4. Two or four bedrooms are upstairs.

5. There is often a carpet on the floor in the living-room.

6. People often say “East or West, home is best.”

Answer the questions

1. Do all people in Britain live in their own houses?

7.jpg2. How many floors are there in a traditional English house?

3. Which rooms are usually upstairs?

4. Which rooms is a favourite in a traditional English house?

5. How do Englishmen sometimes call a living-room?

6. What do the British think of their homes?

Горизонтальный свиток: Choose and circle the right variant of the answer 1. Some English families live in flats/ houses. 2. There are two/three floors in the house. 3. The bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs/downstairs. 4. The living-room/dining-room is usually a favourite in the house. 5. The British people usually have a fireplace/picture in the living-room. 6. People in Britain/Ukraine like their homes.

  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 3.Фізкультхвилинка.

T – Are you tired?

Ps – Yes, we are.

T – It's time to relax. Let's sing a song “Walking, walking” and do some exercises.

  • 4.Робота з роздатковим матеріалом.

Complete the sentences

1. Some English families live …. .

2. Many people have got their … houses.

3. The living-room, the dining-room, the … and a hall are upstairs .

4. The … is usually a favourite in the house.

5. There is a fireplace … .

6. They often spend eveningsin … near the fireplace.

Translate into English

1. Багато людей мають свої власні будинки.

2. В традиційному англійському будинку є два поверхи.

3. У гостях добре, а дома найкраще.

4.Вітальня зазвичай улюблена кімната в будинку.

5. Камін робить кімнату зручною.

6. Деякіанглійські родини живуть в квартирах.

Fill in the missing words

sitting-room, flats, favourite, house, floors, comfortable

8.jpgSome English families live in 1) ___________but lots of people have got their own 2)_________. There are two 3) __________in a traditional English house. The living-room is usually a 4) ____________ in the house. There is always a sofa some armchairs in it. It makes the room 5) ______________. They sometimes call this room a 6) _________ because they often spend evenings in it.

Arrange the sentences in the logical order

  • oA) People like their homes.
  • oB) They often spend evenings in the sitting-room.
  • oC) Many people have got their own houses.
  • oD) Two or three bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs.
  • oE) There are two floors in a traditional English house.
  • oF) The British people usually have a fireplace in the living-room.
  • 3.Заключна частина уроку.
  • 1.Домашнє завдання.

T – Your home task for the next time is to describe your house\flat in written form.

And now, I'll give you worksheets with the exercise. Be attentive, please. Let's do some sentences all together.

I live in a … .

There is one … .

There are … rooms.

In my living-room there is a … and there are … .

In my bathroom there … .

In my bedroom there … .

I like my … because it's … in it.

  • 2.Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання учнів.

T – I hope the lesson was interesting and informative for you. You were very active during the lesson. But some children were better than others. So, your marks are … .

T – What did we do at the lesson?

Ps – We read the text\known about traditional English homes\answered the questions.

T – So, our lesson is over. It's time to say “Good-bye”. Have a nice day.

Перегляд файлу

Дата: _______________                                                                           4-ий клас

Тема: Моє місто.

Підтема:Традиційні англійські будинки.


освітня:розширити уявлення учнів про помешкання англійців;

практична:практикувати учнів у читані тексту з метою отримання повного розуміння всієї інформації, що в ньому міститься, навчати описувати вітальню, використовуючи конструкцію thereis\are;

розвиваюча: удосконалювати монологічні навички учнів, розвивати увагу, пам'ять, кмітливість та мовну здогадку.

виховна:прищеплювати інтерес до життя англійців.

Обладнання: підручник, тексти для читання “Englishhomes”, картки для самостійної роботи, презентація, аудіо запис до фізкультхвилинки “Walking, walking”.

Тип уроку: формування навичок читання та розуміння прочитаного.


Хід уроку

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
  1. Привітання.

T – Good morning, children! Glad to see you in a good mood and with happy smiles on your faces. I’m sure all of you are fine today, am I right?

Ps - Yes, you are.

  1. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

T – The topic of our lesson is “English homes”. Today you’ll know what traditional English homes are like, read the text about it, answer the questions and do a lot of interesting tasks.By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to describe your house.

  1. Уведення в іншомовне середовище.

T – Lets’ do some phonetic drills. Listen to a rhyme and pay attention to the pronunciation.

                                                   Where do you live, dear Pat?

My home is a big flat.

                                                    Where do you live, Mrs. Hottage?

I live in a green cottage.

Where do you live, pretty mouse?

I live under the house.

Where do you live, little Pete?

I live in Rainbow Street.

T – Read the poem loudly and quickly.

T – Read the poem using the transcription.

                                                     [weə du ju: liv diəpæt

maihəʊmizə big flæt

weə du ju: liv ´misiz ´hɒtiʤ

ai liv in əgri:n ´kɒtiʤ

weə du ju: liv ´pritimaʊs

ai liv ´/\ndəəhaʊs

weə du ju: liv litlpi:t

ai liv in ´reinbəʊstri:t]

T – Read the poem using the pictures. One by one.

                                                      Where do you live, dear http://cliparwolf.com/images/boy-clipart/boy-clipart-05.jpg?

                                                      My home is a big http://www.solncevopark.ru/forum/upload/foto/7/5/b/f_953730c4aa65b8556cdc2ce2e7b57.jpg .

Where do http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/pc5/78A/pc578A7xi.png live, Mrs. Hottage?

                                                      I live in a green http://images.clipartpanda.com/cottage-clipart-yTogKe4TE.jpeg.

                                                      Where do you live, pretty http://images.clipartpanda.com/mouse-clip-art-simple-mouse-dark-grey-md.png?

                                                      I live under the http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z310/1969Dave/Funny/Emotes/mouse-hole.gif .

                                                      Where do http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/pc5/78A/pc578A7xi.png live, little Pete?

 I live in https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dc/db/7f/dcdb7f6599a184aac9aa8fcd1d7559a3.jpg Street.

T – Read the poem adding the missing words.

                                                       _______ do you live, dear http://cliparwolf.com/images/boy-clipart/boy-clipart-05.jpg?

                                                       My _______ is a big http://www.solncevopark.ru/forum/upload/foto/7/5/b/f_953730c4aa65b8556cdc2ce2e7b57.jpg.

                                                      Where _____ you live, Mrs. Hottage?

                                                       I live in a ______  http://images.clipartpanda.com/cottage-clipart-yTogKe4TE.jpeg.

                                                       Where do ______ live, pretty http://images.clipartpanda.com/mouse-clip-art-simple-mouse-dark-grey-md.png?

                                                       I _____ under the http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z310/1969Dave/Funny/Emotes/mouse-hole.gif.

                                                       Where do you ______, little Pete?

                                                       I live in https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dc/db/7f/dcdb7f6599a184aac9aa8fcd1d7559a3.jpg ______.

T –So, let’s speak about the place where you live.

       Where do you live?

       Is it a town or a city or a village?

       Do you live in a house or in a flat?

       What’s it like?

       How many rooms are there in your flat\house?

       Is there a balcony in your flat\house?

  1. Основна частина уроку.
  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T – At the last lesson we spoke about the rooms in the house and the pieces of furniture. Let’s check it how you know their names.

T – Complete the sentences.

We watch TV in the … . (living-room)

We wash our hands in the … . (bathroom)

We sleep in the … . (bedroom)

We can cook in the … . (kitchen)

We play games or do our homework in the … . (children’s room)

 Listen to the riddles and try to guess what it is.

  1. You sit on it when you do your homework. ( a chair)
  2. It is on the wall. We put our books on it. (a bookshelf)
  3. We put food in it to keep it fresh because it’s very cold inside. (a fridge)
  4. We can wash dirty plates here. (a dishwasher)
  5. You can keep your clothes in it. (a wardrobe)
  6. It is on the wall. We look at it when we need to know the time. ( a clock)
  1. Подання тексту до читання.

T – Today we are going to read about English homes. Look at the screen. What furniture is there? Let’s see.

The first word is “mirror”. We look at it when we need to see our face and body. The second word is “cupboard”. We usually keep cups, plates and other dishes there. Which room can we see a mirror\cupboard?



You see many stairs. Let’s go to the second floor. 1stair, 2 stairs, 3, 4, … we go up, upstairs. Let’s come back to the ground floor. We go down, downstairs.  Let’s imagine you have a big house with two floors. What rooms would you like to have upstairs\downstairs?

а) усна бесіда

T – Look at the picture. What room is on the picture? (a living-room)

      What’s it like? (It’s modern, nice and clean)

      What furniture is there in the living-room? Use the structure “There is\are … in the living-room” for your answers.

              б) етап читання тексту.

T – So, let’s read the text to know what traditional English homes are like. But first let’s practice some difficult words for you.

traditional [trə´di∫nəl] традиційний

own [əʊn] власний

floor [flɔ: (r)] підлога



T – Make up the word-combinations.

an own                                  floors

two                                        English house

a traditional                           room

T – Read the text aloud and translate it. … will start.

English Homes

Some English families live in flats, but lots of people have got their own1 houses. There are two floors in a traditional English house.

Two or three bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs. The living-room, the dining-room, the kitchen and a hall are downstairs.

The living-room is usually a favourite in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor. It makes the room comfortable. The British people usually have a fireplace in the living-room. They sometimes call this room a sitting-room because they often spend evenings in armchairs near the fireplace. They read books; watch TV, listen to music or sit around and talk.

People in Britain like their homes and often say, “There is no place like home” or “East or West, home is best.”


в) етап перевірки розуміння прочитаного тексту.

True (T) and False(F)

1. English families have got their own gardens.

2. There are two floors in a traditional English house.

3. The sitting room is usually a favourite in the house.

1.jpg4. Two or four bedrooms are upstairs.

5. There is often a carpet on the floor in the living-room.

6. People often say “East or West, home is best.”


Answer the questions

1. Do all people in Britain live in their own houses?

7.jpg2. How many floors are there in a traditional English house?

3. Which rooms are usually upstairs?

4. Which rooms is a favourite in a traditional English house?

5. How do Englishmen sometimes call a living-room?

6. What do the British think of their homes?
























  1. Фізкультхвилинка.

T – Are you tired?

Ps – Yes, we are.

T – It’s time to relax. Let’s sing a song “Walking, walking” and do some exercises.

  1. Робота з роздатковим матеріалом.


Complete the sentences

1. Some English families live …. .

2. Many people have got their … houses.

3. The living-room, the dining-room, the … and a hall are upstairs .

4. The … is usually a favourite in the house.

5. There is a fireplace … .

6. They often spend evenings  in … near the fireplace.

Translate into English

1. Багато людей мають свої власні будинки.

2. В традиційному англійському будинку є два поверхи.

3. У гостях добре, а дома найкраще.

4.Вітальня зазвичай улюблена кімната в будинку.

5. Камін робить кімнату зручною.

6. Деякі  англійські родини живуть в квартирах.




Fill in the missing words

sitting-room, flats, favourite, house, floors, comfortable


8.jpgSome English families live in 1) ___________  but lots of people have got their own 2)_________. There are two 3) __________  in a traditional English house. The living-room is usually a 4) ____________ in the house. There is always a sofa some armchairs in it. It makes the room 5) ______________. They sometimes call this room a 6) _________ because they often spend evenings in it.





Arrange the sentences in the logical order

  •                 A) People like their homes.
  •                 B) They often spend evenings in the sitting-room.
  •                 C) Many people have got their own houses.
  •                 D) Two or three bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs.
  •                 E) There are two floors in a traditional English house.
  •                 F) The British people usually have a fireplace in the living-room.


  1. Заключна частина уроку.
  1. Домашнє завдання.

T – Your home task for the next time is to describe your house\flat in written form.

And now, I’ll give you worksheets with the exercise. Be attentive, please. Let’s do some sentences all together.


I live in a … .

There is one … .

There are … rooms.

In my living-room there is a … and there are … .

In my bathroom there … .

In my bedroom there … .

I like my … because it’s … in it.


  1. Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання учнів.

T – I hope the lesson was interesting and informative for you. You were very active during the lesson. But some children were better than others. So, your marks are … .

T – What did we do at the lesson?

Ps – We read the text\known about traditional English homes\answered the questions.

T – So, our lesson is over. It’s time to say “Good-bye”. Have a nice day.



10 квітня 2018
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