Презентація "History of Chinese cuisine"

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Презентація з теми історія китайської кухні на англійській мові. Робота складається з історії виникнення, розвиток китайської кухні починаючи з давніх давен до сьогодення. Презентація містить теорію та малюнки.

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History of Chinese cuisine

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Chinese cuisine for more than three thousand years, as evidenced by the finds of archaeologists who discovered the bronze plates, kitchen boards, pots and knives related to 770-221 years. BC Fifteen hundred years ago, was drafted first Chinese cookbook, from antiquity to the Middle Kingdom was a lot of "restaurants" and teahouses. Cooking in China was considered an art to cooking has always taken very seriously. In the traditional requirements for chefs there are items that the food was not only delicious, but also useful, even therapeutic. Hence it is common in Chinese cooking herbs, which often have medicinal properties. In ancient Chinese cuisine paid much attention to the concepts of yin and yang. All products and dishes were divided into those that provide energy, and those that soothe. For example, the meat - is a pure Yang-product, the water carries the energy of yin. To maintain health and longevity, you need to build your diet so that yin and yang are in harmony.

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                    The Chinese love meals together. Holiday, business meeting, family dinner or just meeting with friends - an occasion to enjoy fine dining. Subject meal is reflected in a large number of fixed expressions and sayings. For example, "eat vinegar 'means to experience envy or jealousy, and" eat tofu another "means fool," the eyes eat ice cream "means - to examine a representative of the opposite sex. The Chinese eat slowly, slowly, enjoying the taste. Fast ingestion shows disrespect to the owner and to the most food. As a sign of respect and special care taken in the bowl lay a guest treats his sticks. In China, there is no concept of "bite" - is that food is heaven sent for people, so each meal - this event. On the table there should be a balance in the dishes, but with a predominance of soft and liquid media, which are considered the most useful and digestible. On the big holiday dinners served up to 40 dishes. Before dinner usually drink green tea, and then served cold dishes: fish, meat, liver or vegetables. Then, each guest gets a bowl of rice in the center of the table provides the general food and sauces. For the food is served warmed wine or mat. After the meal is served soup and green tea again. This order food is very good for digestion, the guests leave the table with ease, they are happy and satisfied. A very important element of the Chinese table - its appearance, the order of the dishes and their color combinations. Catering services are usually kept in a blue and white colors, bright colors or contrasting combinations are undesirable. Dishes are decorated with greens, vegetables, fruit, or some of their parts masterfully cut in the form of flowers of chrysanthemum, ears of wheat or whimsical animals. 

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                         Chinese food - it is primarily the art of the cook. The variety of dishes and their special flavor is achieved by means of various methods of processing and mixing products. There are a few basic principles that Chinese chefs hold eyelids. The first and most important - food ingredients must be crushed. They are broken, torn or cut. The tradition of grinding raw ingredients can not only save the maximum amount of nutrients, but also save fuel by reducing the cooking time. China has long been densely populated, the tree was valued very highly, and peasants had to save fuel. It is because of the need to save firewood appeared convex wok, in which food, chopped into small pieces, heated very quickly. Placing the wok a few bamboo baskets, you can cook for a couple of multiple dishes.

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         By the way, the custom of finely chopped ingredients to save toplivaobyasnyaet why China did not eat the forks, and chopsticks. But the products are cut finely and used rods and at the imperial court, when there was no need to save. In this case, this method of food supply due to the fact that is not good to force the emperor and his guests to make an effort, cutting meat or vegetables. Slices were just on the size of a bite. Properly cut and fried foods - it is a principle of Chinese cooking. The product is cut into equal small cubes and fried in butter over high flame just a couple of minutes. Previously in this oil-fried ginger and allspice, flavors which give the dish a special flavor. Often, fish, meat and other foods fried in batter, which keeps them juicy. Sometimes, though rarely, fish, cooked whole, while maintaining its shape and remove bone. Fish, cooked whole with head and tail, symbolizes the integrity of the peace or completeness of the case. Most Chinese dishes are multicomponent. Each dish uses a large number of parts, each of which is prepared separately, and only in the final of all mixed together. A huge number of seemingly disparate flavors and tastes of different foods organically blend in Chinese cuisine together. For example, such combinations as "pork-flavored fish", "beef with fruity" sweet-sour pickles. The purpose cooking art in the understanding of the Chinese - to hide the true flavor of the original product, so that the guest did not think of what the components of the dish. Decoration and appearance of the finished dish serves the same purpose.

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Almost every Chinese cuisine uses spices: red, black, white pepper, ginger, garlic, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaf, nutmeg, onion, herbs - basil, parsley, celery, cilantro, mint, dill, and all sorts bow. Very popular in China, soy sauce, seasoned rice which, as well as sesame oil, vinegar and rice wine maotay. One more "seasoning" that Chinese cooks like to use - MSG - an additive often found in packaged foods. It is absolutely harmless and acts primarily on the taste buds of the language. Expanding, they perceive more flavor. It is important to note that the bad taste of sodium glutamate also enhanced. With this substance neutralize odors such as fish. Since ancient times in China, cultivated rice, wheat and soybeans. Rice - the main daily meal in China. With the rice they eat everything, or rather, all eaten with rice. This grain is rich in starch, ie carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber, which makes it very useful. In rice contains vitamins B, vitamin E and PP, as well as the minerals copper, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, manganese, selenium and zinc. In 100 g of raw barley contains 4.1 grams of protein. A mixture of rice and other cereals, honey and water ate the ancient Olympians before the competition. Rice is easily digested and can be stored for a long time.

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                               Rice as a crop appeared about 10 thousand years ago due to the fact that the melting glaciers left the swampy land near the present India, Thailand and China. On clay soils it is best to grow rice. The excavations in the village of Hemudu, Zhejiang province in eastern China, said that the rice in China began to cultivate the seven thousand years ago. The first written record dates from rice 771 BC (Book of Changes). Today the rice - it is the food of three-fourths of all inhabitants of the planet. In Asia, rice - a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In China there are about a thousand varieties of rice. Basically it is a so-called "short figure," while the rest of Asian countries and India - dlinozerny or "long rice". In the modern kitchen is used as a rice side dish, rice-flour noodles make mifen, sweet bread and some desserts, as well as vinegar, vodka and yellow rice wine.                                Rice as a crop appeared about 10 thousand years ago due to the fact that the melting glaciers left the swampy land near the present India, Thailand and China. On clay soils it is best to grow rice. The excavations in the village of Hemudu, Zhejiang province in eastern China, said that the rice in China began to cultivate the seven thousand years ago. The first written record dates from rice 771 BC (Book of Changes). Today the rice - it is the food of three-fourths of all inhabitants of the planet. In Asia, rice - a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In China there are about a thousand varieties of rice. Basically it is a so-called "short figure," while the rest of Asian countries and India - dlinozerny or "long rice". In the modern kitchen is used as a rice side dish, rice-flour noodles make mifen, sweet bread and some desserts, as well as vinegar, vodka and yellow rice wine.                                Rice as a crop appeared about 10 thousand years ago due to the fact that the melting glaciers left the swampy land near the present India, Thailand and China. On clay soils it is best to grow rice. The excavations in the village of Hemudu, Zhejiang province in eastern China, said that the rice in China began to cultivate the seven thousand years ago. The first written record dates from rice 771 BC (Book of Changes). Today the rice - it is the food of three-fourths of all inhabitants of the planet. In Asia, rice - a symbol of fertility and prosperity. In China there are about a thousand varieties of rice. Basically it is a so-called "short figure," while the rest of Asian countries and India - dlinozerny or "long rice". In the modern kitchen is used as a rice side dish, rice-flour noodles make mifen, sweet bread and some desserts, as well as vinegar, vodka and yellow rice wine. 

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                             From the Chinese prefer pork meat. This choice is not due to taste the meat, but rather utilitarian and moral reasons. Pigs easy to grow and bring up what was left after lunch, pigs are not used for work, so they do not mind to use for meat. Almost every Chinese family in the last century kept pigs. Even the character for "house" consists of parts of the "pig" and "roof". In the western regions of China, which is strongly influenced by Islam, prefer beef. Poultry meat is popular in all parts of the Middle Kingdom. Contrary to popular belief, only a small part of the Chinese people are vegetarians. Those who follow the Buddhist teachings to reduce the suffering of all living things, simulate the taste and texture of the meat with soy protein and gluten derived from wheat. There are even Technologies of imitation seafood with vegetable substances. Chinese vegetarians, contrary to stereotypes, do not eat a lot of tofu, and receive nutrients from mushrooms, corn, beans and various vegetables. An important role in Chinese cuisine is the tea. Tea is good for digestion, because it helps digest fatty foods, it quenches thirst, and perfectly complements the vitamin intake. Tea contains up to 500 different vitamins and minerals. However, speaking of tea in China, first of all we are talking about green tea and various of its species. Chinese black tea is also drunk, but call it red. Red or, on the European classification, black teas in China are rarely drink, as nutrients in such teas is less. In general, red Chinese tea is prepared for export. What is the Chinese black tea - Puer - has a very dark brew and is preparing for a difficult technology.  

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                                     The huge popularity of Chinese cuisine has created a large number of small and large Chinese restaurants around the world. Naturally, this popularity, and have chosen rogues. The characteristic features of improper preparation of traditional Chinese dishes in some supposedly "Chinese" restaurant - too fat or too fresh food. Otherwise, the Chinese dishes are very tasty and useful. However, for the European stomach some of the dishes may be too sharp, so before the trip to China requires a period of adaptation. The Chinese restaurant will not be superfluous to specify the composition of unfamiliar foods. Do not immediately, and there are many unfamiliar dishes, even if you like their taste. Mindful of the Chinese tradition, eat slowly, enjoying the chefs skill and unique flavor combinations.

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Thank you for your attention

28 березня 2018
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