Презентація. Київ. Столиця України

Про матеріал
Київ - столиця України, одне з найбільших і найстаріших міст Європи. Розташований у середній течії Дніпра, у північній Наддніпрянщині. Політичний, соціально-економічний, транспортний та освітньо-науковий центр країни. Окрема адміністративно-територіальна одиниця в складі України й адміністративний центр Київської області.
Зміст слайдів
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Ukraine KYIV

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Ukraine is our Motherland. It is one of the largest countries in Europe. We live in Ukraine

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Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.It stands on the river Dnipro. More than 3 million people live in Kyiv.

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Kyiv is one of the oldest European cities. There is a legend that three brothers Kyi, Shchek,Khoriv and their sister Lybid founded the city.

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According to the chronicles Kyiv's was built in the period from the sixth to eighth centuries.

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Kyiv bears the name of prince Kyi, who lived on the old Kyiv Hill in the sixth century.

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Under the rule of Yaroslav the Wise Kyivan Rus with Kyiv as its capital reached the height of its power.

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Nowadays Kyiv is a large political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre.

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Kyiv is a garden city; only a seventh part of its territory is occupied by buildings.

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Kyiv has a well-developed industry.

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Its factories and plants produce sea and river transport vessels, air liners, computers, motorcycles, consumer goods.

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More than 10000 students study at Kyiv Shevchenko National University. There are over 20 higher educational establishments in Kyiv.

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Kyiv is growing and is being built, it also becomes younger and more beautiful.

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Kyiv is the seat of the President of Ukraine

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And Verhovna Rada.

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Khreshchatik is the central street in Kyiv . .

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The main Square is Maidan Nezalezhnosti

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A symbol of Ukraine

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There are many historical places of interest in Kyiv. St. Sophia’s Cathedral.

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St. Mykhailo Cathedral.

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St. Andrew’s Church.

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St.Volodymyr’s Cathedral.

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The Golden Gate.

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The Golden Gate before the reconstruction.

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Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

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Andriivskiy Uzviz.

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There are many Monuments in Kyiv too. The monument to Prince Volodymyr.

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The monument to Princess Olga.

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The monument to Bohdan Khmelnytskiy.

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The monument to Taras Shevchenko.

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Kyiv is the city of students. The university.

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Kyiv is the cultural centre. The Opera House.

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Puppet Theater Building.

До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
9 січня 2020
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