Презентація, книга М.Нерсисян "In Relation to somebody"

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Презентація до підручника М. Нерсисян 10 клас на тему "In Relation to somebody".
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

People and Community. IN RELATION TO SOMEBODY

Номер слайду 2

Warming-up. Let’s talk about family.

Номер слайду 3

Номер слайду 4

Today we will: Learn new words related to relationship Complete the sentences. Read the text Do True\False activity Search the synonyms from the text Work in groups and pairs

Номер слайду 5

Vocabulary work. Lexical meaning of new words. Ex 1, p. 56. Look at the list of possible aspects in people’s relationships. Divide them into the following categories. Pair work. Ex 2, p. 56. Complete the sentences using some of the words from the table above. In some cases the words can be used as a different part of speech.

Номер слайду 6

Reading. Ex. 3, p. 56 How can you tell if the relationships are healthy or unhealthy? Read the text about healthy and unhealthy patterns of relationships and tell if your ideas are similar to the author’s. Post-reading activities: Ex 5, p. 57. Match the words below to their synonyms in colour from the text. There is one you don’t need to use. Write in the sentences are True or False.

Номер слайду 7

Check yourself True True False True True False True True False True True False Each correct answer is 1 point. Maximum 12 points

Номер слайду 8

Memory challenge: I can use … I can speak about… I know how…To my mind healthy relationships are…

Номер слайду 9

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