Презентація "Modern family"

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Номер слайду 1

Modern family. Moshkovskaja Ludmyla

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Family is an essential part of every person’s life and of our society. Family is a little world with its own values and priorities. Close families share dreams, ideas, hopes and even possessions.

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Family is the basis society unit which place in important role in the process of a person’s socialization, ap-ubrining character formation. Anyway the nature of the family keeps changing: there are a number of types of family that exist in modern society.

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An extended family structure consists of two or more adults who are related each other, either by blood or marriage and living in the same home.

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In 2015, the Pew Research Center reported that only 46 percent of American families included two parents still in their first marriage — that’s 27 percent lower than the families of 1960.

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Family Functions: Reproductivereproduction of offspring is the main function of the family;Educational. Primary soziacization of children, their upbringing. Household household management, caring for children and elderly family members;Economic material support for minors and disabled family members;

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In modern families, trends such as: Cohabitation before marriage as a rehearsal of further life together. Allowing same-sex marriage in some countries. The dominance of nuclear, small or medium-sized families. The prevalence of democratic (partner families), a decrease in the number of patriarchal families. Higher average age at marriage and childbearing.

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In today’s generation there are many forms of family Patriarchal. Nuclear. Democratic. Matriarchal. Extended

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In today’s generation there are many forms of family Polygamous. Monogamous

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In today’s generation there are many forms of family Childless. Without children. Small family. One child Middle family. Two children. Large familyat least three children

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In today’s generation there are many forms of family Full - both parents Incompleteare involved in raising a childonly one parent is involved in raising a child

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parenting is based on the unconditional authority of the parents. In today’s generation there are many forms of family Authoritarian. Liberal. Democraticthe child independently chooses what personality he wants to becomeboth his own desires and the preferences of the parents play a role in the child’s selfdetermination

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In entirety of all forms of family composition, a family plays an important role with a function that will contribute to the society’s equilibrium. Looking further into a smaller scale pattern of society, having a family is a significant component of every individual’s life. Family ties may bring in positivity, strength, and happiness but it can also bring difficult challenges.

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Until the 20th century, the economic factor was one of the decisive factors in creating a family, since people lived in subsistence farming and it was easier to survive in a group. Now, in the era of post-industrial society, when both men and women work, it is often cheaper to live alone, on the contrary. In addition, if earlier the appearance of children was not a negotiable condition for the family, today people do not always identify marriage and procreation.

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Considering the modern family as a partnership, love, co-existence, we can note that the number of parameters by which people decide to create a family has increased. A person, on the one hand, seeks to achieve personal goals, but at the same time he cannot avoid those that society imposes on him, especially if social goals are directly related to saving life.

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The latter are now being implemented, inter alia, through the development and complication of information technology, taking away a lot of time, attention and intellectual resources of people. In addition to the rivalry between the “personal” and “public,” intrapersonal conflicts often arise when the need to have a loved one as a partner, to create a couple stumbles upon other needs - the need for self-development and self-realization, achievement of professional results and others. In addition, few young people are taught to form relationships and build a family, and when the time comes to create a family, they often recreate the parent model. If she was good, she is duplicated taking into account her features and the qualities of a partner. If the parental family was not happy, then creating a family for a person is not a priority, and he turns his attention to other, more important, in his opinion, areas of life. Experiences from childhood can alienate a relationship much more than any rational motive.

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At the modern time the number of divorces is growing. One reason is that couples either can’t or one of the pair doesn’t choose to have kids. Divorce gives rise to single-parent families? Blended families, where one of the parents helps children from previous relationships, and families whom live in civil marriage.

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26 жовтня 2021
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