Презентація "Music. Matter of Taste"

Про матеріал
Дана презентація буде корисною для повторення та узагальнення знань учнів з теми "Music to my ears".
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Matter of Taste

Номер слайду 2

Objectives :• to develop oral fluency through discussion;• to develop listening comprehension skills;• to enlarge vocabulary on the topic;• to develop skills in expressing ideas logically;• to develop aesthetic taste;• to develop attention linguistic guessing.

Номер слайду 3

Warming up1 A large group of people who play classical music together …..2 A person who sings opera is an ....3 A person who writes music is a ….4 The person who stands in front of the orchestra is ……5 A person who plays the cello is a….6 A person who plays the piano is a …7 A person who plays violin is a …8 Cecilia Bartolli …….in Cosi Fun Tutte

Номер слайду 4

What words do you associate with the topic “Music”

Номер слайду 5

What is music for you?It is a reflection of our lives. It is the mirror of our lives and life problems. Music is the world of wonderful sounds. Music is the main part of people’s life. Music is beautiful in sounds. Music is my mood. Music relaxes me. Music enriches me. Music makes me think of happy days. Music is not just entertainment. It is medicine for both the brain and the body. All kinds of music from Mozart to jazz from Latin to rock can effect our learning and our health. Many people use music to help them feel relaxed after a busy day at work. Reduce the stress of being ill. Reduce pain. Music helps me to study better and make me more intelligent.

Номер слайду 6

Answer some questions

Номер слайду 7

1. What is music for you?2. Do you like to listen to music?3. When do you usually listen to music?4. Why is music called 'a universal language’?5. How does music communicate to different people?6. What do our emotions depend on?7. What kinds of sounds did the ancient people listen to?8. What is your favourite kind of music?9. Who is your favourite Ukrainian singer? Why?10. Do you listen to music on the radio, on TV or on CDs?11. Can you play any musical instruments?

Номер слайду 8

1. I prefer songs to instrumental ___ music. 2. I love driving a car and singing along ____ to the songs on the radio.3. I am a hopeless singer, so I usually just whistle ____ or hum along. 4. I don’t really enjoy recorded music ____ on the radio or on CDs. I prefer live music. ____ 5. I am not really interested in the lyrics ___ — it’s the tune ___ that’s important for me.6. Dance music is my favourite — it has got a great beat.____ 7. Sometimes I hear a song and then I can’t get it out of my head. It’s very catchy. _____a. the wordsb. the tune or song that is easy to rememberc. make a musical noise with your lips togetherd. music composed for instruments, not voicese. music played in front of the audiencef. music played in a studio and put on a CD or tapeg. melodyh. sing as you listeni. musical pulse or rhythm. Read the sentences about music. Match the words in bold with the definitions.(d)(h)(c) (f)(e)(a)(g)(i)(b)style.text. Decoration. Underlinestyle.text. Decoration. Underlinestyle.text. Decoration. Underlinestyle.text. Decoration. Underlinestyle.text. Decoration. Underlinestyle.text. Decoration. Underlinestyle.text. Decoration. Underlinestyle.text. Decoration. Underlinestyle.text. Decoration. Underline

Номер слайду 9

Read the names of music styles. Match the styles of music to their definitions. Rockmusic that is considered to be important and serious and that has a value that continues for a long timeb) a type of music that has a strong lively beat and parts to play alone and the players often improvisec) a style of music with a strong loud beat played on guitars and drums, which first became popular in the 1950sd) a type of music with a strong beat, played very loudly on electric guitarse) a kind of popular dance music with a regular steady beat and spoken words. Pop. Rock-n-Roll Classical music. Jazz. Rap. Dance. Folk music Hip-hoprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Номер слайду 10

Read the names of music styles. Match the styles of music to their definitions. Rockf) modern music that is popular, especially with young people, and usually has simple tunes with a strong beatg) a type of traditional music in which people sing and play instruments without any electronic equipmenth) a name for some types of modern music such as house, techno, etc., that are made using electronic equipment have a very fast strong beati) a type of music that developed among African-American musicians using Rap and samples (short pieces of recorded music or sound) which are repeated and combined with musical instruments. Pop. Rock-n-Roll Classical music. Jazz. Rap. Dance. Folk music Hip-hoprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Номер слайду 11

Read the text and answer the questions. People can’t live without music. They can listen to it everywhere even in the forest when they walk and hear birds’ singing. Music can be classical and modern. Classical music is performed by symphonic orchestras, it is serious and requires good understanding. Some people, especially teenagers, think that classical music is boring and dull. But they are not right!Most people prefer modem music. There are different kinds of modern music: pop, rock, disco, rap, techno and others. Young people like pop, disco and rap. Older people prefer jazz, rock and pop. Answer the questions:1. People can live without music, can’t they?2. Where can they listen to the music?3. What is classical music?4. What is modern music?5. What music do you prefer?6. What are different kinds of modern music?7. What music do the teenagers / older people prefer?

Номер слайду 12

MUSIC CAN BEInteresting exciting modernromantic moving hotsentimental wonderful coolfantastic favourite loudboring annoying relaxing foolish emotional soft amazing beautiful sweet brilliant perfect dull

Номер слайду 13

My favourite Group or Singer I`m crazy about… I`m fond of… I like…I enjoy…I`m keen on…

Номер слайду 14


Номер слайду 15

My rap____________ is my name____________ is my game____________ is my land. And ________ is my favourite band.

Номер слайду 16

Summarizing At the lesson I`ve known (learnt) about …It was interesting for me to know that…I`m satisfied with the lesson because…

Номер слайду 17

Write an essay about your preferences in music.

Номер слайду 18

До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 8 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
3 грудня 2022
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