Презентація на тему: 'Australia'.

Про матеріал

Ця презентація допоможе опрацювати учням матеріал про Австралію, надасть основні факти про цю країну, опише основних тварин, які населяють її. У роботі описані стисло факти, які учням будуть цікавими та повчальними.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Australia Let’s go down under !

Номер слайду 2

The Australian flag The Union Jack: Australia is a former British colony James Cook, a British explorer, discovered Australia in 1770 Convicts were transported to Australia in 1788 and were used as labourers

Номер слайду 3

7 STATES Capital city: CANBERRA Situation: in the southern hemisphere, in the Indian Ocean Main cities: Sydney Melbourne Adelaide Perth Darwin Brisbane Alice Springs Alice Springs CURRENCY: The Australian Dollar

Номер слайду 4

Landscapes of Australia Sydney Harbour and the Opera House Hills The Australian Bush Skyscrapers in Brisbane Beaches and palm trees The desert (or outback)

Номер слайду 5

AYERS ROCK or ULURU is situated in the centre of Australia, in the outback. It’s a national monument and a mythical, sacred place for the aborigenes. THE ABORIGINES They are the first inhabitants of Australia. They have lived there for more than 40,000 years ! Today unfortunately they represent only 1% of the population.

Номер слайду 6

A dingo A kangaroo A koala A wombat Particularities of Australia Road trains: can be up to 50m long and have got 46 wheels ! They carry freight all through the country Australia is a surfers’ paradise !! Children who live in remote areas can get lessons on the radio or on the Internet!

Номер слайду 7

Koala is a tree herbivorous animal native to Australia, mostly found in coastal areas Queensland and Victoria. Koalas are symbol of Australia country but due to habitat destruction and hunting, the animal is a vulnerable species.

Номер слайду 8

Kangaroos are unofficially Australia’s national animal and describe as the largest species from his family. The Kangaroos are endemic to Australia and one of the species of red kangaroo are known as largest surviving marsupial of the world.

Номер слайду 9

Echidna are spiny anteaters and one of the egg-laying mammals and one of the rarest animals in the world. The Echidna has sharp spine like a big porcupine and one of the surviving members of the monotreme species.

Номер слайду 10

Platypus is another egg-laying mammal endemic to semiaquatic area of Australia. The Platypus are combination of duck, beaver and otter,also one of the known venomous mammals in the world.

Номер слайду 11

Wombats are native to Australia, mostly found in mountainous areas of south Australia. Wombats species are protected in Australia and Epping Forest National Park is one of the best place in the country to spot species of Wombat.

Номер слайду 12

Номер слайду 13

Dingo is Australia’s wild dog but a separate species from dog found in deserts and grasslands of Australia. Dingo wild dogs are the largest terrestrial predator in the country but listed as vulnerable to extinction.

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, академічний рівень) 11 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
18 липня 2018
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