Презентація на тему: "Хеллоуін"

Про матеріал
Матеріал розроблений до заходу з англійської мови до свята Хелловіну. Презентація має в собі цікаві завдання, лексичний матеріал, текст та ігри. Презентація складається з 10-11 слайдів. Відзначається 31 жовтня кожного року; Назва Хелловін розшифровується з англійської, як переддень усіх святих або вечір усіх св ятих. Вважається, що це єдиний день року, коли духи померлих можуть повернутися на землю.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

HAPPY HALLOWEENHAPPY HALLOWEENe7d195523061f1c04045225a878dfc257dff7dff43336007 BE456 E13 F5 D6 A39 C111 E01 A1 D0 DED560 D1697852701 D9983 FFE6 F8418 ABA1165 B5 E5 FB7294405997 E82332 F17 E545 E12 D35 CAC327149399 EA8 F829 EDF10358 DC5 E64966 A10207 BBA3853 A386 D1 DB15 C878879610 EFD99 F461201 FDE96 ABBCC6 DFC119 D3520 B9 CCCA4 E4 C4 F0 D44 EC7 CED

Номер слайду 2

Vocabulary. MOONSPIDERGRAVESOULe7d195523061f1c04045225a878dfc257dff7dff43336007 BE456 E13 F5 D6 A39 C111 E01 A1 D0 DED560 D1697852701 D9983 FFE6 F8418 ABA1165 B5 E5 FB7294405997 E82332 F17 E545 E12 D35 CAC327149399 EA8 F829 EDF10358 DC5 E64966 A10207 BBA3853 A386 D1 DB15 C878879610 EFD99 F461201 FDE96 ABBCC6 DFC119 D3520 B9 CCCA4 E4 C4 F0 D44 EC7 CEDMAGIC POTIONPUMKINBROOMSTICKCANDLECAULDRON

Номер слайду 3

Демон. Перевертень. Дракон. Привид. Павук. Кажан. Відьма. Джин. Русалка. Мумія. Огр. Лякало. Ельф. Скелет. Вампір. Vocabulary. Jinn. Mermaid. Scarecrow. Werewolfwitch. Spider. Mummy. Skeleton. Ghost. Vampire. Ogre. Demon. Elf. Bat. Dragon

Номер слайду 4

TEXTPeople celebrate Halloween every year on the 31st October. One of the theories on Halloween’s origin states that the holiday’s closely connected to Celtic festival, which was celebrated to mark summer’s end. People believed that on that day ghosts came back and therefore people themselves dressed like ghosts and behaved noisily in order to frighten supernatural powers. Nowadays Halloween takes place on the Eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallow’s Day – which definitely explains the name “Halloween”: “hallow” means holy and “een” – eve. Halloween activities include trickor-treating (or the related guising), attending Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, telling scary stories and watching horror films. Trick-or-treating is a customary celebration for children on Halloween. Children wear costumes and go around the houses, asking for treats such as candy or sometimes money with the question "Trick or treat?" The word "trick" implies a "threat" to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given. A jack-o’-lantern is a carved pumpkin or turnip associated with the holiday of Halloween. It is believed that the custom of making jack-o’-lanterns at Halloween began in Ireland in the 19th century. It is said that carved pumpkins were used to ward off evil spirits. They were also set on windowsills with the aim of keeping harmful spirits out of home.

Номер слайду 5

Answer the following questions:1. What is one of the popular theories on Halloween origin?2. Why did people dress like ghosts?3. How can we decipher the name of the festival “Halloween”?4. What is trick-or-treating?5. Why do people make jack-o’lanterns?State whether the following sentences are true or false:1. It is said that Halloween is closely connected to ancient Saxon festival.2. One of the Halloween traditions is apple bobbing.3. Children usually go in costumes from house to house asking “Trick or threat”.4. People traditionally carve pumpkins and beetroots to make jack-o’-‘lanterns.5. Carved pumpkins are said to ward off evil spirits

Номер слайду 6

Номер слайду 7

Across1. A woman who is believed to have magical powers5. Something which is caused by forces that cannot be explained by science6. A large, round vegetable with hard, yellow or orange flesh9. A large, round container for cooking in, usually supported over a fire, and used especially in the past10. A large fire that is made outside to burn unwanted things. Down2. The night of 31st October when children dress in special clothes3. The frame of bones supporting a human or animal body4. A small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night7. A light made from a hollow pumpkin is called jack-o'-.....8. Trick or .......

Номер слайду 8

Questions2. What colours are associated with Halloween?8. Who can drink blood?4. Who can walk through walls? 6. What is inside of a pumpkin?1. On what day is Halloween celebrated?7. Name two Halloween animals5. What are the symbols of Halloween?1. On what day is Halloween celebrated?

Номер слайду 9

C…t, w…tch, skel…, c…ndy, gh…st, mo..ste…, O…tober, m…sk, pa…ty, nig…t, spi…er, h..use, bla…k, gobli…Complete the words

Номер слайду 10

Номер слайду 11

THANK YOUe7d195523061f1c04045225a878dfc257dff7dff43336007 BE456 E13 F5 D6 A39 C111 E01 A1 D0 DED560 D1697852701 D9983 FFE6 F8418 ABA1165 B5 E5 FB7294405997 E82332 F17 E545 E12 D35 CAC327149399 EA8 F829 EDF10358 DC5 E64966 A10207 BBA3853 A386 D1 DB15 C878879610 EFD99 F461201 FDE96 ABBCC6 DFC119 D3520 B9 CCCA4 E4 C4 F0 D44 EC7 CED

27 жовтня 2023
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