Презентація на тему "Russian Trinity"

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Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

"Russian trinity" in the history of social and political movement and culture of Ukraine.

Номер слайду 2

Cultural and educational processes in Western Ukraine at the end of the 18th to the end of the 40s of the 19th century entered history as the first wave of national revival in Western Ukrainian lands. The revival was led by the Greek Catholic clergy - the only educated social group of Ukrainians that was not denationalized. It was the bearer of the Ukrainian national idea in the western Ukrainian lands.

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The birth of the Russian Trinity. At the beginning of the 30s of the XIX century Lviv becomes the center of national life and national movement in Galicia. It was here that the semi-legal democratic-enlightenment and literary group "Russian Trinity" emerged. It got its name because its founders were three student friends of Lviv University and at the same time graduates of the Greek Catholic Theological Seminary: M. Shashkevych (1811-1843), I. Vagylevych (1811-1866) and Ya. Holovatskyi (1814-1888) who actively defended the native Ukrainian language. The main figure in this group was Markiyan Shashkevych.

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"Walking into the people"The members of the group began their activities by studying the life, traditions and history of their own people. With notebooks in hand, Ya. Holovatskyi and I. Vagylevych visited many towns and villages of Halychyna, Bukovyna, and Transcarpathia. The result of this kind of "going to the people" was not only numerous selections of materials from ethnology, folkloristics, history and linguistics, but also knowledge of the real contemporary situation of the Ukrainian people under foreign oppression.

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The first steps in publishing. The first test of strength for the members of the circle was a handwritten collection of their own poems and translations entitled "Son of Russia" (1833), in which calls for national unity and national awakening were already quite clearly heard. The next step of the "Russian Trinity" was the ready-to-print collection "Zorya" (1834), which contained folk songs, historical and journalistic materials. The main idea of the collection was the condemnation of foreign rule, the glorification of the people's liberation struggle, the praise of the Cossack leaders - B. Khmelnytskyi and S. Nalivaiko.

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"Reader" 1836 In 1836, M. Shashkevych prepared a textbook for younger schoolchildren - “Reader", written in lively, colloquial Ukrainian. In order to prove that even philosophical and religious ideas can be expressed in the Ukrainian language, in 1836 Shashkevich delivered the first Ukrainian speech in the seminary museum in front of the clergy and invited guests. Until then, such speeches were delivered only in Polish, German or Latin. All the seminarians liked it, and from that time some of them began to speak Ukrainian.

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«Rusalka Dnistrova»In 1837, the almanac “Rusalka Dnistrova" was published in Budapest, which started a new Ukrainian literature in western Ukraine. It came out with a total circulation of 1,000 copies. And although the ideas of liberation sounded in it with much less force than in “Zoria", only 200 copies of this collection got into the hands of readers, the rest were confiscated.

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It was a groundbreaking work both in form and content. It is written in a living vernacular, phonetic spelling, "civil" font. All this distinguished the collection from the contemporary literary stream, made it close and understandable to the broad masses of the people. The content of “Rusalka Dniestrova" is determined by three main ideas: recognition of the unity of the Ukrainian people, divided by the borders of different states, and a call for its renewal; positive attitude towards social movements and glorification of people's leaders - fighters for social and national liberation; promotion of the ideas of own statehood and political independence.

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The fate of the members of the "Russian Trinity"“Rusalka Dniestrova" became the result of ideological searches and a kind of peak of the activity of the "Russian Trinity". Soon this association disintegrates. Deprived of the opportunity to continue to engage in writing and scientific work, persecuted by secular and church authorities, Markiyan Shashkevich dies at the age of 32. In 1848, I. Vagylevych switched to pro-Polish positions, and he began to preach the idea of a Polish-Ukrainian union under the supremacy of Poland. Yakiv Holovatsky defended the ideas of the "Russian Troika" longer than others. During the bourgeois revolution of 1848-1849. in Austria, he became a professor of Ukrainian language and literature, and later rector of Lviv University.

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The public and cultural association "Russian Trinity" left a big mark on Ukrainian culture. The members of this organization defined and publicized the main core of the ideas of national revival, with their versatile activities they made the transition from the folklore and ethnographic stage of the national movement to the cultural one, and made the first attempts to direct solving national problems at the political level.

Номер слайду 11

The consequences of the existence of the "Russian Trinity" were that after the abolition of the lordship in 1848, the first Ukrainian cultural and political organization "Russian Council" was formed in Lviv. All members of this organization unanimously decided that their language would be the language in which Markiyan Shashkevych began to write in Galicia.

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
11 травня 2023
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