Презентація. Natural Disasters.

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Презентація. Natural Disasters. Може бути використанмй, як додатковий матеріал до уроку.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Natural disasters

Номер слайду 2

A natural disaster is a destructive natural or natural-anthropogenic phenomenon, or a process of a significant scale, as a result of which a life or health threat can or has arisen, destruction or destruction of material values ​​and components of the environment occurs.

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Earthquake. An earthquake is tremors and vibrations of the Earth’s surface resulting from the sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust and creating seismic waves. On the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves in the form of vibrations, shaking, and also displacement of the soil.

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Eruption. Volcanic eruption is the process of a volcano ejecting incandescent debris, ash, an outpouring of magma, which, having poured out onto the surface, becomes lava. A volcanic eruption can have a time period of several hours to many years.

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Sel. Sel - a stream with a very high concentration of mineral particles, stones and rock fragments (up to 50-60% of the volume of the stream), suddenly occurring in the basins of small mountain rivers and dry dens, and caused, as a rule, by heavy rainfall or violent snowmelt.

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landslide. A landslide is a creep and separation of rock masses down a slope under the influence of gravity. Landslides occur on the slopes of valleys or river banks, in the mountains, on the shores of the seas, the most ambitious at the bottom of the seas. Landslides most often occur on slopes composed of alternating water-resistant and aquiferous rocks.

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Collapse. Collapse - separation and falling of rock masses down from the mountain slopes under the influence of gravity. Collapses occur on the slopes of river banks and valleys, in the mountains, on the shores of the seas. The cause of the collapse is the imbalance between the shear force of gravity and the holding forces.

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Avalanche. Avalanche - a mass of snow falling or slipping from the slopes of the mountains. The amount of snow in an avalanche can reach several million cubic meters.

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Flooding. Flooding - flooding of the area as a result of rising water levels in rivers, lakes, seas due to rains, heavy snowmelt, wind surge of water on the coast and other causes that damage people's health and even lead to their death, as well as causing material damage .

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Tsunamis. Tsunamis are long waves generated by a powerful impact on the entire thickness of the water in the ocean or other body of water. The reason for most tsunamis is underwater earthquakes, during which there is a sharp displacement (raising or lowering) of the seabed.

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Limn logical disaster. A limn logical catastrophe is a physical phenomenon in which gas (usually CO2) erupts to the surface from the depths of a pond and poses a threat of strangulation of wild animals, livestock and people. A limn logical catastrophe is characterized by the chemical composition, mass and origin of gases, the duration of the release and the trigger mechanism of the catastrophe. Such gas emissions can cause tsunamis in a pond due to the displacement of water by rising gas.

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Fire. Fire is an uncontrolled burning process that causes material damage, harm to life and health of people, the interests of society and the state.

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tornado. A tornado is an atmospheric whirlwind that arises in a cumulonimbus (thunder) cloud and spreads downward, often to the very surface of the earth, in the form of a cloudy sleeve or trunk tens and hundreds of meters in diameter. The development of a tornado from a cloud distinguishes it from some outwardly similar and also distinctive in nature phenomena, for example, tornado-vortices and dusty (sand) vortices.

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Cyclone. A cyclone is an atmospheric vortex of a huge (from hundreds to several thousand kilometers) diameter with reduced air pressure in the center.

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Metel. Metel (snowstorm, blizzard) - wind transfer of snow raised from the surface of the earth. At official meteorological stations, blowing snow, a snowstorm and a general snowstorm are noted. Some authors attribute to the blizzard wind transfer of snow falling from the clouds, and not yet touched the earth's surface.

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Hail. Hail - a type of rainfall. A hail is ice particles of spherical or irregular shape (hailstones) ranging in size from a millimeter to several centimeters.

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drought. Drought is a long (from several weeks to two to three months) period of stable weather with high (for a given area) air temperatures and low rainfall (rain), resulting in reduced soil moisture reserves and inhibition and death of cultivated plants.

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Thanks for attention.

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 листопада 2021
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