Past Simpleyesterdaylast weekin 20192 years ago. He. She. Iwasat schoolon holidayin Londonhappyat workat the cinema
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Past Simpleyesterdaylast weekin 20192 years ago. You. We. Theywereat schoolon holidayin Londonhappyat workat the cinema
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Past Simplewas – were We _________ at home yesterday. She _________ at her friend’s birthday party. My mum and dad _______ in the house. I ______ in the zoo yesterday. My friend _____ sad yesterday. This book _____ interesting. The weather _____ good. Your sisters _____ in Paris last month. Simon _____the best student in our class.werewaswerewaswaswaswaswerewas
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Past Simplewaswerenotnotwasn’tweren’t. She. Theyat homeat school
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Past Simple?waswereat homeat schoolshewe
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Complete with was or were. John ________ at home last week. They ________ at the cinema yesterday. Your parents ________ at the station at nine o´clock. Mary ________ in the street this morning. My aunt ________ in hospital yesterday morning. I ________ at school this morning. Jill and Kevin ________ at the zoo las Sunday. We ________ in a Chinese restaurant last night.waswerewerewaswaswaswerewere
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yesterdaywewas \ wereyesterdayhewas \ were
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yesterday. Iwas \ wereyesterdaytheywas \ were
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last monthmy cousinswas \ werelast weekyour sisterwas \ were
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Past Simpleregular verbsto workto helpto cleanto studyworkedhelpedcleanedstudied. Yesterday she worked in the garden. Yesterday I helped my mum. Yesterday we cleaned the house. Yesterday they studied English.
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Past Simpleirregular verbsto drinkto giveto getto meetdrankgavegotmet. Yesterday we drank a cup of hot chocolate. Yesterday I gave him my book.. Yesterday she got a good test mark. Yesterday they met their old friend.