Презентація "Seasons and Weather"

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Презентація до теми "Seasons and Weather" містить унаочнення до уроку та завдання для учнів 5 класу з теми "Пори року". Вивчення даної теми виховує в учнів любов та дбайливе ставлення до природи, навчає сприймати красу кожної пори року, бачити та розуміти зміни у природі.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

Spring is green,Summer is bright,Autumn is yellow,Winter is white

Номер слайду 3

bloomfloodsoilthunderstormto meltberrynestto blossomto blowmild

Номер слайду 4

Read the sentences and say if they are true or false:1. It can be sunny and rainy in spring.2. Many birds fly south in autumn.3. People often sit in the shade in winter.4. There is more rain in autumn than in summer.5. There isn’t any snow in the mountains in winter.6. The soil rest in spring.7. Summer is a season of thunderstorms.

Номер слайду 5

Listening. Ex. 2, p. 180 Look at the pictures and listen to the text. Then guess the season.

Номер слайду 6

Spring. Spring, spring is coming soon,Grass is green and flowers bloom,Birds returning from the south,Bees are buzzing all about.ppt_x

Номер слайду 7

Winter. Snow, snow all around. On the trees and on the ground. Who can stay at home now?Quickly, quickly go out!ppt_x

Номер слайду 8

Autumn. Autumn breezechanging leaves,colours red and gold. Autumn sounds. All around. Beauty to behold.ppt_x

Номер слайду 9

Summer. It’s summer time,Sun is strong,It’s summer time,Days are long. It’s summer time,Out of school,It’s summer time,Swim in pool. ppt_x

Номер слайду 10

Hometask: Ex.1, p.180 (answer the questions in written form);Ex.4, p.184(read the dialogue and complete it with the words from the box – orally).

Номер слайду 11

Do the seasons quiz. Read and guess what the weather is like?Use the words from the box.hot and sunny; windy and stormy; frosty and snowy; wet and rainy; cool and cloudyppt_x

Номер слайду 12

1. I’m wearing my waterproof boots and a jacket. I can’t go out without my umbrella.2. I’m wearing flip-flops, shorts and a top. The days are very hot and dry.3. I can’t go out of the house. Leaves and papers are flying all around.4. We are planning a picnic, but I don’t think we can go. Look at the sky – it is completely grey.5. The children are very happy. They can make a snowman and play snowballs.

Номер слайду 13

Номер слайду 14


21 липня 2018
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