Презентація "Sport" 10 клас О. Карпюк (ст.198-200)

Про матеріал
Презентація на тему "Sport", 10 клас за підручником О. Карпюк (ст.198-200). Презентація містить матеріали до уроку, виконання впр.1-5 на ст.198-200, аудіофайли, тексти, зображення, посилання.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

A sound mind is in a sound body.

Номер слайду 4

The topic of our today's lesson is "Sport". By the end of the lesson you should be able: to recognize and understand new words and word combinations in the text; to participate in conversational exchanges about the topic of today's lesson.

Номер слайду 5

Ex.1, p.198 Match to make sentences. Football is …Surfing is …Skiing is …Motor-racing is …Boxing is …a a water sport you do in the seab a contact sport where you touch another person. c an extreme sport that is fast and dangerous.d a winter sport that you need show for.e a team sport you play with ten others.

Номер слайду 6

Ex.2, p.198 Talk with your partner on the following items.1. Do you play any games? Which is your favourite game? Who taught you to play it?2. Are you a football fan? Who is your favourite football player? What team do you support? Do young boys dream of becoming football players? Why?3. Fishing is a pleasant kind of sport, isn’t it? What qualities does it require?

Номер слайду 7

why do we go in for sport?

Номер слайду 8

Reading. Ex.3, pp.198-200 Read the young people’s opinions on pp. 199-200 andcomplete them with the suitable final sentences (A-D) below. A I know it’s only a dream at the moment. But maybe it’ll come true. B This and reading the sports pages in the paper are my kinds of sports. C How can you stay fit when your body is under pressure all the time?D For example, last year some of us went on a big holiday trip to Italy, which was great fun. Anyway, sport keeps you fit and healthy, doesn’t it?

Номер слайду 9

Vocabulary Boxa cricket [ˈkrɪkɪt] - крикетan injury [ˈɪndʒəri] - травмаjogging [ˈdʒɒɡɪŋ] - біг підтюпцем riding [ˈraɪdɪŋ] – верхова їздаsailing [ˈseɪlɪŋ] – вітрильний спортa sport event [spɔːt ɪˈvent] – спортивна подіяto kick [ˈkɪk] – ударити ногоюto be in the open – бути на відкритому (повітрі)a load of rubbish – багато сміттяto stay fit – залишатися у гарній формі

Номер слайду 10

Well, I consider myself an armchair sportsman. I enjoy sportsmost when I’m at home watching the Grandstand on TV. It’scricket that I like in particular. I could watch it for hours on end. I even stopped fixing my motorbike last week to watch Englandplaying against Jamaika. And I love my motorbike! You see,it’s not that I’m not interested in sports. I’m just too lazy to drag myself to the football ground to kick the ball around. I’d rather meet my mates in the pub and discuss the weekend’s football results with them.(1) ............................................................ B This and reading the sports pages in the paper are my kinds of sports. Bill Stuart, 22

Номер слайду 11

Oh, I love it. I’m very active in sports. I’ve always been likethat. I remember spending my days running through the woodsand climbing up trees when I was a little boy. Now I go joggingevery week, and besides that, I play tennis every now andthen. My favourite sport, however, is football. My life would beboring without it. I think, I love it, because it’s a team game andyou need all kinds of skills. You must be fit, you must keep aneye on what your team-mates do, and you need a quick brain. I’m a member of our local football team. You see, that’s theother thing I like about sports: you make new friends, it givesyou a feeling of being part of something. We even do a lot ofthings together besides football.(2) ................................................. Mark Taylor, 20 D For example, last year some of us went on a big holiday trip to Italy, which was great fun. Anyway, sport keeps you fit and healthy, doesn’t it?

Номер слайду 12

Well, sport is fun, isn’t it? I couldn’t imagine a life without sport,could I? Only Maths, English and History — how dull would that be! I love riding, playing volleyball and sailing. It’s wonderful tobe in the open and to enjoy the fresh air and the sun. But it’stennis that I’m really interested in. My sports teacher told me that. I had a skill for playing tennis and that I should practise it morethoroughly. That’s why I stopped sailing and riding, and tennistakes up all my free time now. It would be great if I made it bigas a tennis professional. Just think of the money you could earn. It would be fantastic to travel round the world, to meet people inbusiness and to be interviewed by TV reporters.(3) ............................................................................ Liz Wilson, 17 A I know it’s only a dream at the moment. But maybe it’ll come true.

Номер слайду 13

Thank goodness people never try and talk sport to me! I hate sports. What is an endless boring tennis match compared to a good film — nothing, it’s just a waste of time! I think English people’s attitude to sport is so childish. Hundreds of thousands of them listen to cricket commentaries on their radios for five days. It’s so stupid. They think that the big stars in the business lead a wonderful life. What a load of rubbish! In my opinion, these people are poor devils living out of a suitcase. How can they have any social life when they are always away from home? I don’t believe that these professionals are really interested in their sports. They want to make a lot of money, that’s all. Besides, nobody ever mentions the dangers of sports. Just think of the injuries...(4) ................................................................................ C How can you stay fit when your body is under pressure all the time?Suzie Rubinstein, 21

Номер слайду 14

TRUE or false. Ex.3, pp.198-2001 Mark’s favourite sport is football.2 Mark is an armchair sportsman.3 Billy is very interested in sports.4 Billy likes meeting his friends in pubs.5 Liz used to do lots of sports.6 Liz dreams to become a tennis professional.7 Suzie always listens to cricket commentaries on her radio.8 Suzie loves sports very much.

Номер слайду 15

Номер слайду 16

Ending of the lesson. Summarizing. What did you do at the lesson?

Номер слайду 17

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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