Презентация TRAVELLING GAME для 5 класса

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Презентация игры по теме "Where are you from? What is your native language?"


- to develop children's speaking and listening skills;

- to encourage children to know, respect and love their native land, culture and traditions;

- to be tolerant and respect culture, customs and traditions of other countries.

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Martyukhina Alla Anatolievna, English teacher, School 10.


                                Travelling game:

“Where are you from?  What’s your native language?”  (Form 5)


Objectives:  - to develop children’s  speaking, listening skills;

                      - to develop imagination of children 

               - to encourage children to know, respect and love their native land, culture and

                      traditions, to be tolerant and respect culture, customs and traditions of other    



Equipment:  - a tape recorder, a big map of Ukraine and a world map, state flags of different



I. Riddles   


1.Every country has its own symbols. A flag is one of them. All flags are of different colours. Some of them have pictures.  The flag of Ukraine has two horizontal stripes, blue and yellow.


2.The flag of this country  is white with a red circle on it.

What country is this flag of ? ( Japan)


3.Look at this flag . It is white and red. There is a maple leaf on it.

Do you know the name of this country? (Canada)


4. This flag has three crosses. People call it the “Union Jack”. What country is this flag of ? (Great Britain)


5. There are many stars and stripes on the flag of this country.

Do you know the name of this country? (the USA)


6. Every country has its language. We speak  Ukrainian. In Russia people speak  Russian. In Japan they speak  Japanese.


What language do people speak in France? (French)

What language do they speak in the USA? (English)


But in Canada people have two languages – English and French.


7.There is an international  language  that people all over the world can  understand.  What  is it? ( English).                                       


Now listen and learn the chants.




America and Africa                           Oh, English, English, English

Speak English very well.                   For all your friends and you.

Both  Europe  and  Asia                   Oh, English, English, English

Have also much to tell.                      In Britain and  Peru.

Bulgaria  and  China,                       It’s English, English, English

Chile  and Japan                                In Kyiv and  Madrid.

Have many, many languages,            It’s English, English, English

But they can  understand                   Today for every kid.  




England, America, Italy, Spain,                      Meg is from Italy.

Germany, Poland, France, Ukraine.                Dan is from Spain.

Africa, Russia, Turkey, Japan.                        Bill is from Canada.

Canada, Greece  say it again.                      I am from Ukraine. 



And now I’d like to speak about capitals of different countries.

Kyiv is the capital of …..

London is the capital of ….



Washington ……





Now listen and learn the chant.


Madrid, London, Paris, Rome,                       They live in Madrid. 

Krakow, Riga, Moscow, Nome,                     They live in Spain. 

Lutsk, Odesa, Lviv, Ternopil,                         We live in Kyiv.

Kyiv, Kharkiv, Melitopil.                               We live in Ukraine.




III. My native country


We live in Ukraine. It is a country in Europe. It is smaller than France but it is larger than Germany.

The Ukrainian people live in small towns and big cities. A lot of people live in villages.


The capital of  Ukraine is Kyiv. It is big and very old. Kyiv is on the Dnipro, the main Ukrainian river. Khreshchatyk is the main street in Kyiv. When you go  straight  along Khreshchatyk you can get into Majdan Nezalezhnosti – the main square in Kyiv.


.There are many legends and interesting stories about Kyiv. One of them tells about three brothers, Kyi, Shchek, Khoryv, and their sister Lybid’. They are the city’s  founders.

(Monument to the founders of Kyiv).


There are many places of interest in Kyiv. They are:

the Golden Gate

the St.Sophia Cathedral

Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

the monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky

the monument to Princess Olha

and many others. (Task: find out the pictures of these places of interest)



IV. Great Britain and its capital


Let’s  speak  about  London- the capital of  Great Britain.

London is one of the most interesting places in the world. There is a big river in Londonthe Thames. There are a lot of bridges over the river. Tower Bridge is the most famous.


There are many places of interest in London:

the Tower of London

Big Ben

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Trafalgar Square 

Piccadilly Circus 

Buckingham Palace 

Task: find out the pictures of these places of interest










Martjukhina Alla
До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 5 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
10 вересня 2018
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