Урок англійської мови в 5 класі "Weather mix"

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Урок англійської мови в 5 класі "Weather mix" за підручником О.Карп'юк.

Тема: Weather mix

Мета: Вдосконалити навички монологічної, діалогічної мови учнів; вчити вести бесіду, використовуючи вивчену лексику; тренувати учнів в аудіюванні, читанні текстів по темі; систематизувати граматичний матеріал (утворення і вживання теперішнього неозначеного, теперішнього тривалого часів, їх контрастування). Розширювати знання учнів про клімат, погоду України. Сприяти формуванню комунікативної компетенції, культури мовної поведінки; розвитку пам'яті, уваги, логічного мислення; навичок самостійної роботи. Прищеплювати естетичний смак до природи: вчити учнів сприймати красу оточуючого середовища в різні пори року.

  • I.Організація класу. Привітання.

T: Let's sing the greeting song!

  • T: Hello, my dear children!
  • Hello, my dear children!
  • Hello, my dear children!
  • I am glad to see you!
  • Ch: Hello, my dear teacher!
  • Hello, my dear teacher!
  • Hello, my dear teacher!
  • We are glad to see you!
  • Together for guests:
  • Hello, dear teachers!
  • Hello, dear teachers!
  • Hello, dear teachers!
  • We are glad to see you!

ІІ. Підготовка до іншомовного спілкування

T: Children, let's begin our lesson and watch the short video “Weather and seasons”

  • Who can tell me what is the topic of our lesson today?
  • Today we'll speak about four seasons of the year, compare the weather in different parts of our country and complete the dialogues, work in pair, use the Present Simple, Present Continuous and Past Simple Tenses.

T: Look at the pictures and answer my questions.

  • 1)What is the weather like in this picture? What season is it? What is the temperature?
  • 2)What season is it? What month is in the picture? What can you see there?
  • 3)What colour is the sky? What are there in the sky?
  • 4)How do you think it's cold or warm in this picture?
  • 5)What city is it? What is the weather like in this picture?
  • 6)What do you say about this weather? What do people take with them?
  • 7)Is it cold? Is it frosty? Is it rainy? What is the weather like in this picture?
  • 8)What can we see in this picture?
  • 9)What is the weather like in this picture?
  • 10)What season is it? What is the weather like in this picture?

ІІІ. Основна частина уроку

  • 1.Фонетична зарядка

Звучить дзвінок телефона

  • T: “I'm sorry!”
  • T: Пробачте, ви не вчасно. Зараз відкритий урок. Я пізніше передзвоню.
  • Батько: Ні, це ви мене пробачте. Справа у тому, що мій син не хоче ходити до школи. Майже увесь час він грається в телефон. Докажіть мені будь ласка, що уроки в школі можуть бути цікавими, різноманітними і захоплюючими а телефони корисними. Я закрив вашу школу. Замок на кодовій основі. А ключ знаходиться у Вас. Ви вийдете, якщо відгадаєте код, виконуючи мої завдання . В Вашому кабінеті я сховав завдання в конвертах. У Вас є 45 хвилин.
  • T: Children! Now we have a quest. What's the main rule of the quest?
  • We must be a real team! Ok, stand up! Put your hands! One, two, three!
  • Now pupils look for the envelopes, please!
  • T: Come here! Read this task!
  • Task №1
  • We are afraid of strange sounds. Read the story with your teacher and repeat English sounds. Don't afraid! It's very funny!

In the morning Mr. Language woke up and opened the window [w]-[w]. The weather was fine and he exclaimed [a:]-[o:] He decided to clean his flat, beat the carpet [b]-[p], vacuum the floor [t]-[d], clean the mirror [h]-[h]. Then he had his breakfast [m]-[m] and drank some hot tea [f]-[v]. He went for a walk and he saw the bird with its nestlings in the yard. She called them [vi:]- [vi:]- [vi:]. The pig mum sat under the tree and called its piglets [wi]- [wi]- [wi]. Angry dog ran out and roared [r]- [r]. Mr. Language stamped his foot and shouted [br]. And the dog ran away. Suddenly the snake appeared and hissed [ ]-[ ]. The snake's tooth has broken and it hissed [ ]-[ ]. Mr. Language smiled and went home.

  • 2.Удосконалення навичок читання
  • Task 2
  • Work in groups. Read, translate the poem and guess what season is it?
  • Гра “Відгадай який це сезон”
  • The sky is grey, the sun doesn't shine brightly.
  • The days are shorter and the nights are longer
  • The leaves in the trees are yellow, red and brown,
  • and fall to the ground. (Autumn)
  • The snow is falling. The wind is blowing;
  • The ground is white. All day and all night (Winter)
  • The sun is shining
  • The flowers are blooming
  • The sky is blue
  • The rains are few (Spring)
  • The sky is blue. The sun shines brightly.
  • The leaves in the trees are green.
  • The gardens are full of flowers (Summer.)
  • 3.Удосконалення навичок усного мовлення. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
  • Task № 3
  • I think we'll have unusual lesson, because we are going to speak about seasons and weather using new words. Show us your presentations.
  • Four seasons
  • There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every season has its fine days. As for me, I try to enjoy each season of the year. I like warm and beautiful days of early autumn. In winter the trees are covered with white snow and look beautiful. Besides, winter is a time of joy. Winter holidays are always connected with presents, good mood, parties and a lot of fun. When spring comes, the air is full of freshness and aroma of flowers. In summer I have the longest holidays of the year.
  • Winter
  • This is the season when children ski;
  • And Father Frost brings the bright
  • New Year tree
  • It is winter, it is cold, Father Frost is very old.
  • But he is always full of joy
  • and glad to give me a nice toy.
  • Spring
  • I like spring. It is a wonderful season. The days become longer and the nights become shorter. The ground is covered with fresh green grass and the first spring flowers. There are new leaves and blossoms in the trees.
    The birds begin to sing and build their nests. The air is fresh and the sun shines brightly.
    The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy.
    Many people like spring more than other seasons.
  • Spring
  • Spring – the season of delight
  • Apple blossoms – pink and white
  • Welcome spring with all your joys
  • For merry girls and merry boys

Summer is my favourite season

My favourite season is summer. The days are the longest and the nights are the shortest in summer. The sky is blue. The sun is bright and hot. Sometimes it is very hot. The gardens and meadows are full of flowers. The greatest pleasure on a hot day is to have a swim in the river or sea and then to lie on the hot sand. Many people leave towns and spend the hottest time in the country or seaside.

  • Summer
  • Woods are green, the sun is bright,
  • And the wind is warm and light
  • I can bathe and play, and run.
  • Summer holidays are fun.
  • I like autumn (Театралізована сценка)
  • September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is very changeable in this season. You can see yellow, red, brown leaves everywhere. It is time to gather the harvest. Sometimes autumn weather is bad. There are a lot of rainy days. So, the roads are dirty. Pupil begin schooling. The warm days of early autumn art called the “Golden Autumn”. Autumn is the season of fruit and vegetables.
  • Autumn
  • This is the season when fruit is sweet
  • This is the season when schools friends meet
  • This is the season when mornings are dark
  • And birds do not sing in the wood and the park.
  • 4.Пояснення нового матеріалу, введення та вживанні нових ЛО.

T: Ok, children! Very well! Now we should learn new words. Repeat after me.

The North – північ

The South - південь

The East- схід

The West- захід

To blow

To shine



T: How do you think, what is it? They are the parts of the world. These words should write with big letter. Якщо нам потрібно сказати на півночі, на сході, півдні та заході, треба додати прийменник IN. For example, in the North, in the South. Who remembers Present Continuous Tense? We should use subject+ am/is/are+ 1Ving. Let's try to translate my sentences.

Зараз сонце світить на півдні. The sun is shining in the South.

Зараз іде дощ на сході. It is raining in the East.

Зараз іде сніг на півночі. It is snowing in the North.

Зараз дує вітер на заході. The wind is blowing in West.

  • 5.Активізація вивченого лексичного матеріалу. Work in pairs. Робота в парах.


Children, do you know the map of Ukraine? Answer the teacher's questions and make up the task. Tell about weather forecast in Ukraine.

На парті карта України. Працюємо за вказівками вчителя.

T:Look at the map of Ukraine and show me:

Where is Donetsk on the map? (In the East)

What part of Ukraine is Odessa in? (In the South)

What part of Ukraine is Lviv in? (In the West)

What part of Ukraine is Chernigov in? (In the North)

T:You can see the cards on your desks. Listen my sentences take the card and glue it on the map of Ukraine. Be attentive, please.

The bright rainbow is in the West.

The sun is brightly in the South.

The wind is blowing in the East.

The grey sky is in the North.

The gardens are full of flowers in the South.

It is raining in the East.

The weather is cold and frosty in the North.

There are many green forests in the West.

The weather forecast

Good morning, Vicky! What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

Oh! The weather will be wonderful tomorrow.

And now more detail about every part of the country.

The South of Ukraine the temperature will rise to 10-15 degrees. There will be no wind, but toward evening it will rain and cold. So find your warmest clothes!

What weather will be in the North of our country?

In the Northern part of the country the temperature will reach 11-13 degrees but it'll rain cats and dogs so don't forget your umbrella.

Maybe is the weather in the west warmer than in the east?

In the Western part of Ukraine the temperature will fall to 7-9 degrees. In the East the weather will be bright, but in the evening the temperature will fall to 8-9 degrees.

What weather will be in Donskoye?

It will be bright with a temperature near 15 degrees so I advise you to take your sunglasses. I wish you to stay in a good mood and always remember that there's no bad weather, there are usual autumn days!

T: Now we have a rest and sing te song about the weather.

The song

Изменения в природе

Происходят год от года,

Непогода нынче в моде,

Непогода, непогода.

Словно из водопровода

Льёт на нас с небес вода.

Полгода плохая погода,

Полгода совсем никуда.

Полгода плохая погода,

Полгода совсем никуда.

Никуда, никуда нельзя укрыться нам,

Но откладывать жизнь никак нельзя.

Никуда, никуда, но знай, что где-то там

Кто-то ищет тебя среди дождя.

Грома грозные раскаты

От заката до восхода,

За грехи людские плата

Непогода, непогода.

Не ангина, не простуда,

Посерьезнее беда.

  • 6.Удосконалення навичок аудіювання
  • Task 5
  • Watch the funny video “What's the weather like” Look and listen very attentively. Then do the English test.
  • 1)What is the bird's name?
  • a)Emily
  • b)Allison
  • c)Maggie
  • 2)What is the weather like at the beginning of the video?
  • a)Stormy
  • b)Hot and sunny
  • c)Windy
  • 3)What transport does he have?
  • a)A car
  • b)A bike
  • c)A bus
  • 4)What did he use when it was raining?
  • a)Canoe
  • b)Taxi
  • c)Helicopter
  • 5)What does he like?
  • a)Skating
  • b)Swimming
  • c)Skiing
  • 6)What does he fly in?
  • a)Paraglider
  • b)Sledge
  • c)Tractor
  • 7)What is the weather like at the finishing of the video?
  • a)Cloudy
  • b)Foggy
  • c)Snowy
  • 8)What's this video about?
  • a)Weather
  • b)School
  • c)Animals

Key: 1) c; 2) b; 3) b; 4) a; 5) c; 6) a; 7) b; 8) a

  • 7.Розвиток навичок письма. Граматичні завдання.
  • Task №6

Write me a letter, please. What is the weather like today? What season is it now? Do you like this weather?

Звучить дзвінок телефона

Молодцi дiти! I вчитель молодець! Впоралися з всiми моими завданнями. Честно кажучи я не закривав вашу школу. Бо знаеєте, санстанцiя мене покарала б. Але я тепер впевнен в нашiй освiтi! Тож, зараз і я спробую! Thank you very much for your interesting lesson!)

IV. Заключна частина уроку. Summery.

T. Let's write down your home task. At the next lesson you'll write the short composition

“My favourite season”.

I think this lesson is useful for you. Thank you for your good work today. You are the best pupils. You are talented and creative. You are smart and clever. Your marks are…

That's all for today. Good-bye!Тема: Weather mix

Мета: Вдосконалити навички монологічної, діалогічної мови учнів; вчити вести бесіду, використовуючи вивчену лексику; тренувати учнів в аудіюванні, читанні текстів по темі; систематизувати граматичний матеріал (утворення і вживання теперішнього неозначеного, теперішнього тривалого часів, їх контрастування). Розширювати знання учнів про клімат, погоду України. Сприяти формуванню комунікативної компетенції, культури мовної поведінки; розвитку пам'яті, уваги, логічного мислення; навичок самостійної роботи. Прищеплювати естетичний смак до природи: вчити учнів сприймати красу оточуючого середовища в різні пори року.

  • I.Організація класу. Привітання.

T: Let's sing the greeting song!

  • T: Hello, my dear children!
  • Hello, my dear children!
  • Hello, my dear children!
  • I am glad to see you!
  • Ch: Hello, my dear teacher!
  • Hello, my dear teacher!
  • Hello, my dear teacher!
  • We are glad to see you!
  • Together for guests:
  • Hello, dear teachers!
  • Hello, dear teachers!
  • Hello, dear teachers!
  • We are glad to see you!

ІІ. Підготовка до іншомовного спілкування

T: Children, let's begin our lesson and watch the short video “Weather and seasons”

  • Who can tell me what is the topic of our lesson today?
  • Today we'll speak about four seasons of the year, compare the weather in different parts of our country and complete the dialogues, work in pair, use the Present Simple, Present Continuous and Past Simple Tenses.

T: Look at the pictures and answer my questions.

  • 1)What is the weather like in this picture? What season is it? What is the temperature?
  • 2)What season is it? What month is in the picture? What can you see there?
  • 3)What colour is the sky? What are there in the sky?
  • 4)How do you think it's cold or warm in this picture?
  • 5)What city is it? What is the weather like in this picture?
  • 6)What do you say about this weather? What do people take with them?
  • 7)Is it cold? Is it frosty? Is it rainy? What is the weather like in this picture?
  • 8)What can we see in this picture?
  • 9)What is the weather like in this picture?
  • 10)What season is it? What is the weather like in this picture?

ІІІ. Основна частина уроку

  • 1.Фонетична зарядка

Звучить дзвінок телефона

  • T: “I'm sorry!”
  • T: Пробачте, ви не вчасно. Зараз відкритий урок. Я пізніше передзвоню.
  • Батько: Ні, це ви мене пробачте. Справа у тому, що мій син не хоче ходити до школи. Майже увесь час він грається в телефон. Докажіть мені будь ласка, що уроки в школі можуть бути цікавими, різноманітними і захоплюючими а телефони корисними. Я закрив вашу школу. Замок на кодовій основі. А ключ знаходиться у Вас. Ви вийдете, якщо відгадаєте код, виконуючи мої завдання . В Вашому кабінеті я сховав завдання в конвертах. У Вас є 45 хвилин.
  • T: Children! Now we have a quest. What's the main rule of the quest?
  • We must be a real team! Ok, stand up! Put your hands! One, two, three!
  • Now pupils look for the envelopes, please!
  • T: Come here! Read this task!
  • Task №1
  • We are afraid of strange sounds. Read the story with your teacher and repeat English sounds. Don't afraid! It's very funny!

In the morning Mr. Language woke up and opened the window [w]-[w]. The weather was fine and he exclaimed [a:]-[o:] He decided to clean his flat, beat the carpet [b]-[p], vacuum the floor [t]-[d], clean the mirror [h]-[h]. Then he had his breakfast [m]-[m] and drank some hot tea [f]-[v]. He went for a walk and he saw the bird with its nestlings in the yard. She called them [vi:]- [vi:]- [vi:]. The pig mum sat under the tree and called its piglets [wi]- [wi]- [wi]. Angry dog ran out and roared [r]- [r]. Mr. Language stamped his foot and shouted [br]. And the dog ran away. Suddenly the snake appeared and hissed [ ]-[ ]. The snake's tooth has broken and it hissed [ ]-[ ]. Mr. Language smiled and went home.

  • 2.Удосконалення навичок читання
  • Task 2
  • Work in groups. Read, translate the poem and guess what season is it?
  • Гра “Відгадай який це сезон”
  • The sky is grey, the sun doesn't shine brightly.
  • The days are shorter and the nights are longer
  • The leaves in the trees are yellow, red and brown,
  • and fall to the ground. (Autumn)
  • The snow is falling. The wind is blowing;
  • The ground is white. All day and all night (Winter)
  • The sun is shining
  • The flowers are blooming
  • The sky is blue
  • The rains are few (Spring)
  • The sky is blue. The sun shines brightly.
  • The leaves in the trees are green.
  • The gardens are full of flowers (Summer.)
  • 3.Удосконалення навичок усного мовлення. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
  • Task № 3
  • I think we'll have unusual lesson, because we are going to speak about seasons and weather using new words. Show us your presentations.
  • Four seasons
  • There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every season has its fine days. As for me, I try to enjoy each season of the year. I like warm and beautiful days of early autumn. In winter the trees are covered with white snow and look beautiful. Besides, winter is a time of joy. Winter holidays are always connected with presents, good mood, parties and a lot of fun. When spring comes, the air is full of freshness and aroma of flowers. In summer I have the longest holidays of the year.
  • Winter
  • This is the season when children ski;
  • And Father Frost brings the bright
  • New Year tree
  • It is winter, it is cold, Father Frost is very old.
  • But he is always full of joy
  • and glad to give me a nice toy.
  • Spring
  • I like spring. It is a wonderful season. The days become longer and the nights become shorter. The ground is covered with fresh green grass and the first spring flowers. There are new leaves and blossoms in the trees.
    The birds begin to sing and build their nests. The air is fresh and the sun shines brightly.
    The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy.
    Many people like spring more than other seasons.
  • Spring
  • Spring – the season of delight
  • Apple blossoms – pink and white
  • Welcome spring with all your joys
  • For merry girls and merry boys

Summer is my favourite season

My favourite season is summer. The days are the longest and the nights are the shortest in summer. The sky is blue. The sun is bright and hot. Sometimes it is very hot. The gardens and meadows are full of flowers. The greatest pleasure on a hot day is to have a swim in the river or sea and then to lie on the hot sand. Many people leave towns and spend the hottest time in the country or seaside.

  • Summer
  • Woods are green, the sun is bright,
  • And the wind is warm and light
  • I can bathe and play, and run.
  • Summer holidays are fun.
  • I like autumn (Театралізована сценка)
  • September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is very changeable in this season. You can see yellow, red, brown leaves everywhere. It is time to gather the harvest. Sometimes autumn weather is bad. There are a lot of rainy days. So, the roads are dirty. Pupil begin schooling. The warm days of early autumn art called the “Golden Autumn”. Autumn is the season of fruit and vegetables.
  • Autumn
  • This is the season when fruit is sweet
  • This is the season when schools friends meet
  • This is the season when mornings are dark
  • And birds do not sing in the wood and the park.
  • 4.Пояснення нового матеріалу, введення та вживанні нових ЛО.

T: Ok, children! Very well! Now we should learn new words. Repeat after me.

The North – північ

The South - південь

The East- схід

The West- захід

To blow

To shine



T: How do you think, what is it? They are the parts of the world. These words should write with big letter. Якщо нам потрібно сказати на півночі, на сході, півдні та заході, треба додати прийменник IN. For example, in the North, in the South. Who remembers Present Continuous Tense? We should use subject+ am/is/are+ 1Ving. Let's try to translate my sentences.

Зараз сонце світить на півдні. The sun is shining in the South.

Зараз іде дощ на сході. It is raining in the East.

Зараз іде сніг на півночі. It is snowing in the North.

Зараз дує вітер на заході. The wind is blowing in West.

  • 5.Активізація вивченого лексичного матеріалу. Work in pairs. Робота в парах.


Children, do you know the map of Ukraine? Answer the teacher's questions and make up the task. Tell about weather forecast in Ukraine.

На парті карта України. Працюємо за вказівками вчителя.

T:Look at the map of Ukraine and show me:

Where is Donetsk on the map? (In the East)

What part of Ukraine is Odessa in? (In the South)

What part of Ukraine is Lviv in? (In the West)

What part of Ukraine is Chernigov in? (In the North)

T:You can see the cards on your desks. Listen my sentences take the card and glue it on the map of Ukraine. Be attentive, please.

The bright rainbow is in the West.

The sun is brightly in the South.

The wind is blowing in the East.

The grey sky is in the North.

The gardens are full of flowers in the South.

It is raining in the East.

The weather is cold and frosty in the North.

There are many green forests in the West.

The weather forecast

Good morning, Vicky! What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

Oh! The weather will be wonderful tomorrow.

And now more detail about every part of the country.

The South of Ukraine the temperature will rise to 10-15 degrees. There will be no wind, but toward evening it will rain and cold. So find your warmest clothes!

What weather will be in the North of our country?

In the Northern part of the country the temperature will reach 11-13 degrees but it'll rain cats and dogs so don't forget your umbrella.

Maybe is the weather in the west warmer than in the east?

In the Western part of Ukraine the temperature will fall to 7-9 degrees. In the East the weather will be bright, but in the evening the temperature will fall to 8-9 degrees.

What weather will be in Donskoye?

It will be bright with a temperature near 15 degrees so I advise you to take your sunglasses. I wish you to stay in a good mood and always remember that there's no bad weather, there are usual autumn days!

T: Now we have a rest and sing te song about the weather.

The song

Изменения в природе

Происходят год от года,

Непогода нынче в моде,

Непогода, непогода.

Словно из водопровода

Льёт на нас с небес вода.

Полгода плохая погода,

Полгода совсем никуда.

Полгода плохая погода,

Полгода совсем никуда.

Никуда, никуда нельзя укрыться нам,

Но откладывать жизнь никак нельзя.

Никуда, никуда, но знай, что где-то там

Кто-то ищет тебя среди дождя.

Грома грозные раскаты

От заката до восхода,

За грехи людские плата

Непогода, непогода.

Не ангина, не простуда,

Посерьезнее беда.

  • 6.Удосконалення навичок аудіювання
  • Task 5
  • Watch the funny video “What's the weather like” Look and listen very attentively. Then do the English test.
  • 1)What is the bird's name?
  • a)Emily
  • b)Allison
  • c)Maggie
  • 2)What is the weather like at the beginning of the video?
  • a)Stormy
  • b)Hot and sunny
  • c)Windy
  • 3)What transport does he have?
  • a)A car
  • b)A bike
  • c)A bus
  • 4)What did he use when it was raining?
  • a)Canoe
  • b)Taxi
  • c)Helicopter
  • 5)What does he like?
  • a)Skating
  • b)Swimming
  • c)Skiing
  • 6)What does he fly in?
  • a)Paraglider
  • b)Sledge
  • c)Tractor
  • 7)What is the weather like at the finishing of the video?
  • a)Cloudy
  • b)Foggy
  • c)Snowy
  • 8)What's this video about?
  • a)Weather
  • b)School
  • c)Animals

Key: 1) c; 2) b; 3) b; 4) a; 5) c; 6) a; 7) b; 8) a

  • 7.Розвиток навичок письма. Граматичні завдання.
  • Task №6

Write me a letter, please. What is the weather like today? What season is it now? Do you like this weather?

Звучить дзвінок телефона

Молодцi дiти! I вчитель молодець! Впоралися з всiми моими завданнями. Честно кажучи я не закривав вашу школу. Бо знаеєте, санстанцiя мене покарала б. Але я тепер впевнен в нашiй освiтi! Тож, зараз і я спробую! Thank you very much for your interesting lesson!)

IV. Заключна частина уроку. Summery.

T. Let's write down your home task. At the next lesson you'll write the short composition

“My favourite season”.

I think this lesson is useful for you. Thank you for your good work today. You are the best pupils. You are talented and creative. You are smart and clever. Your marks are…

That's all for today. Good-bye!

Перегляд файлу

                                                            Урок в 5 класі

Тема: Weather mix

Мета: Вдосконалити навички монологічної, діалогічної мови учнів; вчити вести бесіду, використовуючи вивчену лексику; тренувати учнів в аудіюванні, читанні текстів по темі; систематизувати граматичний матеріал (утворення і вживання теперішнього неозначеного, теперішнього тривалого часів, їх контрастування). Розширювати знання учнів про клімат, погоду України. Сприяти формуванню комунікативної компетенції, культури мовної поведінки; розвитку пам’яті, уваги, логічного мислення; навичок самостійної роботи. Прищеплювати естетичний смак до природи: вчити учнів сприймати красу оточуючого середовища в різні пори року.

  1. Організація класу. Привітання.


          T: Let’s sing the greeting song!


T: Hello, my dear children!

     Hello, my dear children!

     Hello, my dear children!

     I am glad to see you!


Ch: Hello, my dear teacher! 

     Hello, my dear teacher!

     Hello, my dear teacher!

     We are glad to see you!


Together for guests:

     Hello, dear teachers!

     Hello, dear teachers!

     Hello, dear teachers!

     We are glad to see you!

   ІІ. Підготовка до іншомовного спілкування

         T: Children, let’s begin our lesson and watch the short video “Weather and seasons”

     Who can tell me what is the topic of our lesson today?

     Today we’ll speak about four seasons of the year, compare the weather in different      parts of our country and complete the dialogues, work in pair, use the Present Simple, Present Continuous and Past Simple Tenses.

       T: Look at the pictures and answer my questions.

  1. What is the weather like in this picture? What season is it? What is the temperature?
  2. What season is it? What month is in the picture? What can you see there?
  3. What colour is the sky? What are there in the sky?
  4. How do you think it’s cold or warm in this picture?
  5. What city is it? What is the weather like in this picture?
  6. What do you say about this weather? What do people take with them?
  7. Is it cold? Is it frosty? Is it rainy? What is the weather like in this picture?
  8. What can we see in this picture?
  9. What is the weather like in this picture?
  10.                       What season is it? What is the weather like in this picture?


  ІІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1. Фонетична зарядка

        Звучить дзвінок телефона

T: “Im sorry!”

T: Пробачте, ви не вчасно. Зараз відкритий урок. Я пізніше передзвоню.

Батько: Ні, це ви мене пробачте. Справа у тому, що мій син не хоче ходити до школи. Майже увесь час він грається в телефон. Докажіть мені будь ласка, що уроки в школі можуть бути цікавими, різноманітними  і захоплюючими  а телефони корисними. Я закрив вашу школу. Замок на кодовій основі. А ключ знаходиться у Вас. Ви вийдете, якщо відгадаєте код, виконуючи мої завдання . В Вашому кабінеті я сховав завдання в конвертах. У Вас є 45 хвилин.


T: Children! Now we have a quest.   What’s the main rule of the quest?

We must be a real team! Ok, stand up! Put your hands! One, two, three!

Now pupils look for the envelopes, please!

T: Come here! Read this task!

Task №1

We are afraid of strange sounds. Read the story with your teacher and repeat English sounds. Don’t afraid! It’s very funny!

     In the morning Mr. Language woke up and opened the window [w]-[w].  The weather was fine and he exclaimed [a:]-[o:] He decided to clean his flat, beat the carpet [b]-[p], vacuum the floor [t]-[d], clean the mirror [h]-[h]. Then he had his breakfast [m]-[m] and drank some hot tea [f]-[v]. He went for a walk and he saw the bird with its nestlings in the yard. She called them [vi:]- [vi:]- [vi:]. The pig mum sat under the tree and called its piglets [wi]- [wi]- [wi]. Angry dog ran out and roared [r]- [r]. Mr. Language stamped his foot and shouted [br]. And the dog ran away. Suddenly the snake appeared and hissed [ ]-[ ]. The snake’s tooth has broken and it hissed [ ]-[ ].  Mr. Language smiled and went home.

  1. Удосконалення навичок читання

Task 2

Work in groups. Read, translate the poem and guess what season is it?

      Гра “Відгадай який це сезон”


The sky is grey, the sun doesn’t shine brightly.

The days are shorter and the nights are longer

The leaves in the trees are yellow, red and brown,

and fall to the ground. (Autumn)


The snow is falling. The wind is blowing;

The ground is white. All day and all night (Winter)


The sun is shining

The flowers are blooming

The sky is blue

The rains are few (Spring)


The sky is blue. The sun shines brightly.

The leaves in the trees are green.

The gardens are full of flowers (Summer.)


  1. Удосконалення навичок усного мовлення. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Task № 3

 I think we’ll have unusual lesson, because we are going to speak about seasons and weather using new words. Show us your presentations.

Four seasons

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every season has its fine days. As for me, I try to enjoy each season of the year. I like warm and beautiful days of early autumn. In winter the trees are covered with white snow and look beautiful. Besides, winter is a time of joy. Winter holidays are always connected with presents, good mood, parties and a lot of fun. When spring comes, the air is full of freshness and aroma of flowers. In summer I have the longest holidays of the year.


This is the season when children ski;

And Father Frost brings the bright

New Year tree

It is winter, it is cold, Father Frost is very old.

But he is always full of joy

and glad to give me a nice toy.


I like spring. It is a wonderful season. The days become longer and the nights become shorter. The ground is covered with fresh green grass and the first spring flowers. There are new leaves and blossoms in the trees.
The birds begin to sing and build their nests. The air is fresh and the sun shines brightly.
The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy.
Many people like spring more than other seasons.


Spring – the season of delight

Apple blossoms – pink and white

Welcome spring with all your joys

For merry girls and merry boys




    Summer is my favourite season

     My favourite season is summer. The days are the longest and the nights are the shortest in summer. The sky is blue. The sun is bright and hot. Sometimes it is very hot. The gardens and meadows are full of flowers. The greatest pleasure on a hot day is to have a swim in the river or sea and then to lie on the hot sand. Many people leave towns and spend the hottest time in the country or seaside.


Woods are green, the sun is bright,

And the wind is warm and light

I can bathe and play, and run.

Summer holidays are fun.

I like autumn (Театралізована сценка)

 September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is very changeable in this season. You can see yellow, red, brown leaves everywhere. It is time to gather the harvest. Sometimes autumn weather is bad. There are a lot of rainy days. So, the roads are dirty. Pupil begin schooling. The warm days of early autumn art called the “Golden Autumn”. Autumn is the season of fruit and vegetables.


This is the season when fruit is sweet

This is the season when schools friends meet

This is the season when mornings are dark

And birds do not sing in the wood and the park.

  1. Пояснення нового матеріалу, введення та вживанні нових ЛО.

T: Ok, children! Very well! Now we should learn new words. Repeat after me.

The North – північ                                    

The South - південь 

The East- схід

The West- захід

To blow

To shine






T: How do you think, what is it? They are the parts of the world. These words should write with big letter. Якщо нам потрібно сказати на півночі, на сході, півдні та заході, треба додати прийменник IN. For example, in the North, in the South. Who remembers Present Continuous Tense? We should use subject+ am/is/are+ 1Ving. Let’s try to translate my sentences.

Зараз сонце світить на півдні.         The sun is shining in the South.

Зараз іде дощ на сході.                    It is raining in the East.

Зараз іде сніг на півночі.                 It is snowing in the North.

Зараз дує вітер на заході.                The wind is blowing in West.



  1. Активізація вивченого лексичного матеріалу. Work in pairs. Робота в парах.



Children, do you know the map of Ukraine? Answer the teacher’s questions and make up the task. Tell about weather forecast in Ukraine.


На парті карта України. Працюємо за вказівками вчителя.


T:  Look at the map of Ukraine and show me:

       Where is Donetsk on the map? (In the East)

     What part of Ukraine is Odessa in? (In the South)

     What part of Ukraine is Lviv in? (In the West)

     What part of Ukraine is Chernigov in? (In the North)

T:  You can see the cards on your desks. Listen my sentences take the card and glue it on the map    of Ukraine. Be attentive, please.


The bright rainbow is in the West.

The sun is brightly in the South.

The wind is blowing in the East.

The grey sky is in the North.

The gardens are full of flowers in the South.

It is raining in the East.

The weather is cold and frosty in the North.

There are many green forests in the West.

The weather forecast

Good morning, Vicky! What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

Oh! The weather will be wonderful tomorrow.

And now more detail about every part of the country.

The South of Ukraine the temperature will rise to 10-15 degrees. There will be no wind, but toward evening it will rain and cold. So find your warmest clothes!

What weather will be in the North of our country?

In the Northern part of the country the temperature will reach 11-13 degrees but it'll rain cats and dogs so don't forget your umbrella.

Maybe is the weather in the west warmer than in the east?

In the Western part of Ukraine the temperature will fall to 7-9 degrees. In the East the weather will be bright, but in the evening the temperature will fall to 8-9 degrees.

What weather will be in Donskoye?

It will be bright with a temperature near 15 degrees so I advise you to take your sunglasses.  I wish you to stay in a good mood and always remember that there's no bad weather, there are usual autumn days!

T: Now we have a rest and sing te song about the weather.


The song

Изменения в природе

Происходят год от года,

Непогода нынче в моде,

Непогода, непогода.

Словно из водопровода

Льёт на нас с небес вода.


Полгода плохая погода,

Полгода совсем никуда.

Полгода плохая погода,

Полгода совсем никуда.


Никуда, никуда нельзя укрыться нам,

Но откладывать жизнь никак нельзя.

Никуда, никуда, но знай, что где-то там

Кто-то ищет тебя среди дождя.


Грома грозные раскаты

От заката до восхода,

За грехи людские плата

Непогода, непогода.

Не ангина, не простуда,

Посерьезнее беда.


  1. Удосконалення навичок аудіювання

   Task 5

Watch the funny video “What’s the weather like” Look and listen very attentively. Then do the English test.

  1. What is the bird’s name?
  1. Emily
  2. Allison
  3. Maggie
  1. What is the weather like at the beginning of the video?
  1. Stormy
  2. Hot and sunny
  3. Windy
  1. What transport does he have?
  1. A car
  2. A bike
  3. A bus
  1. What did he use when it was raining?
  1. Canoe
  2. Taxi
  3. Helicopter
  1. What does he like?
  1. Skating
  2. Swimming
  3. Skiing
  1. What does he fly in?
  1. Paraglider
  2. Sledge
  3. Tractor
  1. What is the weather like at the finishing of the video?
  1. Cloudy
  2. Foggy
  3. Snowy
  1. What’s this video about?
  1. Weather
  2. School
  3. Animals

Key: 1) c; 2) b; 3) b; 4) a; 5) c; 6) a; 7) b; 8) a

  1. Розвиток навичок письма. Граматичні завдання.

Task №6

   Write me a letter, please. What is the weather like today? What season is it now? Do you like this weather?

Звучить дзвінок телефона


  Молодцi дiти! I вчитель молодець! Впоралися з всiми моими завданнями. Честно кажучи   я не закривав вашу школу. Бо знаеєте, санстанцiя мене покарала б. Але я тепер впевнен в  нашiй освiтi! Тож, зараз і я спробую! Thank you very much for your interesting lesson!)


 IV. Заключна частина уроку. Summery.

  T. Let’s write down your home task. At the next lesson you’ll write the short composition

    “My favourite season”.

I think this lesson is useful for you. Thank you for your good work today. You are the best pupils. You are talented and creative. You are smart and clever. Your marks are…

That’s all for today. Good-bye!



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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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