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Номер слайду 1

Valentine's Day in different countries of the world

Номер слайду 2

St Valentine’s Day comes on February 14. It is not a legal or national holiday. Banks and offices are not closed, but it is a happy little festival for young people. St Valentine is the patron of sweethearts. February 14 is the anniversary of his death.

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The story of Valentine’s Day begins in the third century with an oppressive Roman emperor Claudius II and a humble Christian priest Valentine. Claudius declared it unlawful for young men to marry. He seen the king wanted them to be solders in faraway lands. He thought that if the young men were married would worry about their families back home and so wouldn’t make very good warriors. Valentine disobeyed the king and secretly married many young couples. When Claudius found out about it he sent Valentine to prison. According to legend, during his imprisonment, Saint Valentine healed the daughter of his jailer, Julia. Before his execution The bishop passed her a note signed «From your Valentine» as a farewell. This story has became into the defining tradition of Valentine’s Day.

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Today, St. Valentine’s Day is popular holiday in different countries. It is widely celebrated among people of all ages by exchange of “valentines”. A “valentine” may mean a special greeting-card or a little present. The day is the time to send little gifts to those you love. Flowers and candies are favourite presents which sweethearts send to each other. Valentine candies are packed in red heart-shaped boxes and sold for this one day.

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Valentines are special greeting cards. They are often coloured red, have red trimmings and pictures of hearts. Some “valentines” are very fancy, they are trimmed with paper lace and little bows of paper ribbon. They have verses of love poetry printed on them.

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It is a good day for parties. The hosts trim the hall with red and white paper hearts. Refreshments are often coloured red. Sandwiches and cakes are often cut in the shape of hearts. Sometimes, a King and Queen of Hearts are chosen during this evening

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In different countries, these celebrations are different, because they incorporate the local customs and traditions. France. The country of love and romance is France, because who is more romantic and free in their feelings than the French. Although Valentine's Day in France became popular only in the eighties, here it is most imbued with love and romance. On this day, all cafes are full, there is not a single free table, couples, both young and old, are sitting at absolutely all of them, while they hold hands and coo gently to each other. In France, February 14 can be called the date of engagement, because many men propose to their chosen one on this day. Of course, a wedding ring is the most desired gift on this day, but the main ones are of course flowers (red roses), candies and heart-shaped cards. All valentines must have greetings. Also, all couples are sure to give each other cupid angels, which are considered a symbol of love and warmth.

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Germany. In Germany, the pig is a symbol of luck and passion, so it is a frequent guest on Valentine cards. Pigs are often accompanied by other symbols of good luck, for example, a four-leaf clover. Germans buy each other giant gingerbread in the shape of hearts. Usually a ribbon is tied to them so that the man can hang the sweetness on the shoulders of his beloved. Germans usually call their loved ones "Schatz", which means "treasure".

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Philippines. In the Philippines, mass weddings are held on this day, involving hundreds of couples, including those who cannot afford wedding expenses. These events are often sponsored by the government.

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Japan. In Japan, Valentine's Day is inextricably linked with chocolate and the "giri choko" tradition. Japanese women give chocolate to their male friends and bosses. It is not uncommon for one woman to buy 20 boxes of chocolate on the eve of this day. On this day and the day before, more than half of all candies sold in Japan annually are sold. And a month later on «White Day», March 14, men will give their loved ones jewelry, underwear, and guess what... chocolate!

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Italy. In Italy, this day was called the Day of Spring and Love. All celebrations were held in the fresh air - the lovers walked all day. A few days before the holiday, Italian stores are decorated with a huge number of all kinds of candies. Actually, to give sweet candies to lovers - it is believed that the more candies are given, the stronger their love will be. On this day, couples in love usually arrange romantic dinners in restaurants or pizzerias. In addition to candies, it is customary to give roses, perfume, chocolate and diamonds. Another very popular gift in Italy is «Baci Perugina»- small hazelnuts covered in chocolate. In each candy there is a note with an expression on the theme of love.

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Saudi Arabia. Valentine's Day is prohibited in Saudi Arabia because any display of love is prohibited and punishable by law. There is even a black market for red roses in the country.

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China. On the 7th day of the 7th month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the Chinese celebrate «Quixi» Festival, or the Night of Sevens. The holiday tradition originates from the romantic legend about the shepherd Nulang and the weaver Zhinu. Their love was not blessed, and the lovers were banished to opposite banks of the Silver River (a symbol of the Milky Way). Once a year, a flock of magpies forms a bridge across the river, allowing the lovers to spend one day together. Usually this holiday falls on July-August.

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Austria. In Austria, on this day, many married couples, and even just lovers, from different parts of Austria go to the small but very friendly town of Krumbach, which is comfortably located in Bavaria not far from Munich. Many couples in love want to go there, and this is not a coincidence, because in this town there is a church founded in honor of his saint. A long time ago, a tradition arose among Austrian men on this day to give their women wonderful bouquets of flowers. According to this tradition, a man should choose flowers for his woman very carefully and thoughtfully, in order to buy exactly those flowers, the aroma of which she likes the most. Men and children in Austria do not receive gifts on this day, all attention is directed only to women. The Austrians made Valentine's Day something like the second International Women's Day, when men gift their loved ones with chocolates, flowers and jewelry.

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Brazil. In Brazil, Valentine's Day (Dia dos Namorados) is celebrated on June 12, and the next day Saint Anthony, who is the saint patron of marriages, is honored. Therefore, in February, single women perform certain rituals in the hope of finding a good husband by summer.

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Wales. In Wales, January 25 is celebrated as Saint Dwynwen's Day, the Welsh patroness of all lovers. On this day, men present handmade wooden spoons to women.

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Valentine’s Day is on … . a) 14 February b) 14 January c) 14 March 2. On this day people … . a) send booksb) get married c) send cards to each other 3. The day got its name from … . a) a girl’s name b) a priest name c) the name of a Roman Emperor 4. Saint Valentine went to prison because … . he secretly married people b) he secretly got married c) he didn’t go into the army 5. Cupid is a young boy with … . a) a bow and an arrow b) a trumpet and a horn c) a dog and a cat. A VALENTINE QUIZ 6. Men present handmade wooden spoons to women. In Wales. In Italyc. In Ukraine

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7. … the pig is a symbol of luck and passion.a) In Brazilb) In Italy c) In Germany 8. What is the symbol of love? Cupid b) Apollo c) Arius 9. What is the flower of love in France? a) snowdrop b) rose c) tulip 10. What is Valentine’s Day color in Italy? a) pink b) red c) yellow 11. Valentine's Day is prohibited …. in Saudi Arabia. In Italy. In Germany

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