Інструктивна картка. Підручник “English”,5-й рік навчання. Алла Несвіт. Unit 2. Clothes we wear. Lesson 24. What is in fashion today?!
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Lesson Outcomes:to learn new words;to tell what clothes you are wearing now and wear on different occasions;to learn going to and tell what people are going to do with clothes;to learn vocabulary and use it to characterize clothes you wear;to learn and practice this/that, these/those;to read the text and do activities to it for understanding.
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Warming-up. Make an association chain to the word fashiondress. Englishgirlschool
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Task 1. Imagine that your friend is wearing these things. Look at the pictures and tell about the clothes.
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Task 2. Do the activity (in writing).
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Let’s take a break!
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Task 3. Let’s practice!
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Task 4. Vocabula-ry. Let’s learn the words!What accesso-ries do you like wearing?
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Let’s take a break and dance!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A85m. Ggu18o
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Task 5. Reading. Do the activity. Task 6. Create your own fashion show (3-4 models).
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Send your homework to the teacher.1. Learn the vocabulary.2. Write what is in fashion now.