Презентація з англійської мови " Алея кованих фігур у Рівному" для 5-9 класів

Про матеріал
Перебуваючи у відпусці, я відвідала місто Рівне, де побувала на Алеї кованих фігур. Була дуже вражена майстерністю місцевих ковалів, які подарували свої роботи місту. Захотілося поділитися враженнями. Можна використовувати на уроках англійської мови під час вивчення теми "Україна."
Зміст слайдів
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Latukko Polina Olexandrivna. Alley of forged figures in Rivne.

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Rivne blacksmiths, together with their colleagues from all over the world, created a fabulous alley of sculptures, a surreal image of real family values.

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Founding history: May 11, 2014 On Mother's Day in Youth Park, the opening of the sculpture "Darynka" began the creation of the Alley of Forged Sculptures.

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The amazing Darynka was made by the Rivne blacksmith Roman Veligursky. He worked on his creation for a year. The sculpture weighs 800 kilograms and its height is 3 meters. Her hair is braided with fifty jewelry made by smiths-participants of the Metal Heart Festival from different parts of Ukraine.

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The figure of the hero-firefighter "Firefighter with a rescued child"On May 7, 2015, a new figure "Firefighter with a rescued child" was solemnly opened at the Forged Sculpture Alley in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the creation of the regional center fire department. Blacksmith Artem Volsky made it for the community of the city.rrrrr

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The merry-go-round “Children`s naughtiness”Metal heart. The sculpture is made in the form of a big heart. Forty-one small hearts, made in various forging techniques, decorate this sculpture.

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On August 27, 2015, the Forged Sculpture Alley was expanded with a new work by Artem Volsky, entitled “Values ​​of Life”. It`s idea is: everything is in our hands; what we carry, what we have, what we hold, it germinates. At the heart of the sculpture is a giant hands from which sprouts a symbolic tree that has 7 core values: love, spirituality, peace, charity, time, prosperity and family. The work is 4 meters high and weighs almost 3 tons.

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In 2016, the sculpture "Fish Language" appeared on the alley.

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In 2017 - "Chimera Ballerina".

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In 2018, the alley was completed by 12 sculptures – signs of the zodiac.

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Thank you!

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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Сідова Надія Володимирівна
    Молодець Поліна Олександрівна. І відпочила, і попрацювала. Так тримати ;)))
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
25 серпня 2019
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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