Презентація з англійської мови "All about British Life and Culture"

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Номер слайду 1

All about British Life and Culture

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British customs and traditions are famous all over the world. Our British Life and Culture blog will tell you some of the fascinating facts and information about this beautiful country When people think of Britain they often think of people drinking tea, eating fish and chips and wearing bowler hats, but there is more to Britain than just those things.

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Awkward greetings

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There are no strict rules for greeting somebody in the UK, the only essential element is that it’s awkward. In the UK, greetings can range from a formal handshake to a hug to a nod of the head or perhaps just a simple “Hello”. Try to minimise the awkwardness by at least having some greeting expressions up your sleeve.

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Listen to dialogue

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Vocabulary. It’s so good to finally meet you in person. It’s great to put a face to a name. How are you finding it?Has Emir set you up with an email address?Is there anything else you need?Let me know if I can help at all. What are you doing later?I haven’t got any plans.

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The most popular hobby of the British is gardening.

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Many people who have no gardens of their own have patches of land.

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The British take part in numerous flower shows and vegetables shows with very good prizes.

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Do you know how people in Britain spend their weekends?On Friday night people like to go to a bar for the happy hour, or the theatre. Nowadays it is not «in» to go to all-night parties, they get up early on Saturday morning.

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Saturday morning is the time for cleaning the house, washing the car, doing the laundry. Women usually do housework, sew and gardening.

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Saturday evening is the favourite time for going out: parties, dances or theatre, maybe pictures. Some people like to go to watch a band.

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Church bells are a typical feature of an English Sunday morning.

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On Sunday morning most people stay in bed till 9 o’clock. Then they have a cup of tea or coffee. They look through the newspapers.

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After breakfast most people go for a walk or to the local pub. Usually men go to the pubs alone and their wives and children prepare for brunch.

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At one or 1.30 people have brunch. It is a good time for all the family, when grandparents, parents and children go out to some restaurant and spend an hour or two over brunch.

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Sunday evenings are rather quiet. Most people prefer to stay at home and watch television or just get ready for Monday.

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Vocabulary. Котедж. Камін. Просто неба. Барбекю. Пікнік. Міський парк. Вільний час. Вихідний день. Обідній сон. Пізній сніданок. Покупки. Cottage. Fireplace. Open-air. Barbecue. Picnic. City park. Leasure-time. Day out. Beauty sleep. Brunch. Shop-ping

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Wedding traditions

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Let’s talk about good old British wedding traditions. Giving away the bride, the tossing of the bouquet, and ‘something old, new, borrowed and blue’. What do these superstitions really mean? Where do they come from?

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The white dress. Historically, brides used to wear the best clothes they had, and they could be any colour – even black. It wasn’t until Queen Victoria married Prince Albert in an ivory-white gown in 1840 that white became a fashionable wedding dress colour. Old Queen Vic was quite the trendsetter!

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Giving away the bride. For many fathers and daughters this tradition is a poignant, beautiful moment during the wedding ceremony. But you might be a little shocked when you hear its true meaning. It dates back to the Middle Ages, when daughters were considered their father’s property and quite literally sold to the groom.

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“Old, new, borrowed, blue”The famous wedding recipe derives from the Old English rhyme, "Something Olde, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, A Sixpence in your Shoe"—which names the four good-luck objects (plus a sixpence) a bride should include somewhere in her wedding outfit or carry with her on her wedding day. 

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According to Reader's Digest, the rhyme came about in the Victorian era from Lancashire, a county in England. Most of the ingredients in the rhyme are meant to ward off the Evil Eye, which, according to Reader's Digest, was "a curse passed through a malicious glare that could make a bride infertile."

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The bouquet toss. The tradition of the bouquet toss as we know it today started in England in the 1800s, but the origin of this tradition is even older.   As legend has it, some single women would even go as far as to try and take home keepsakes of the bride’s wedding dress as she was walking by. To escape, the bride would often toss the bouquet and run.    

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According to Reader's Digest, the rhyme came about in the Victorian era from Lancashire, a county in England. Most of the ingredients in the rhyme are meant to ward off the Evil Eye, which, according to Reader's Digest, was "a curse passed through a malicious glare that could make a bride infertile."

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Vocabulary. The woman who gets married The man who gets married. made between the bride and groom in public A wedding ring or wedding band is placed on the finger of the bride and the groom People who have just married Newlyweds go away after their wedding on their honeymoon!Bride Groom Vows Promises Wedding band/ring. Newlyweds Honeymoon

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The warmer weather signals the start of the picnic season! Sooner or later you’re going to be invited to one, so what happens at British picnics?An average British picnic involves going with friends to a sunny outdoor space, such as a park or beach, to eat, drink and socialise.

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Picnic food tends to be cold stuff like Scotch eggs, sausage pies, salads, sandwiches, crisps and the summer time favourite – the quiche!Drinking is a big part of any British picnic and summer drinks like Pimm’s and lemonade – which can be bought pre-mixed – are popular.

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It’s also traditional to toss a frisbee around or play a team game like football or rounders.

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Vocabulary. Poshdisposable plates and cups. Scotch eggsquiche. Pimm’s. Frisbee rounders шикарний. Одноразові тарілки і чашкиa plastic disk designed for skimming through the air as an outdoor game.a ball game

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Brits drink tea for breakfast, more tea during work breaks, tea before bed, tea when the neighbours visit, tea during a meeting, tea to help decide how to solve a crisis …

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And let’s not forget the great British art of “dunking”: this means dipping sugary biscuits into tea before eating them. In fact, one source of national debate is which brand of biscuit is best for dunking purposes .

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How to Make the Perfect Cup of English Tea:1. Boil the water. 2. Warm the teapot. 3. Add the teabags and water to the pot. 4. Use a tea cosy, if you have one. 5. Steep the tea at least 5 minutes. 6. Pour the tea and add milk and/or sugar if desired

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New Year’s Eve celebrations

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  New Year’s Eve celebrations start in the evening on 31 December in the UK. Eve, people hold hands and sing a traditional song called "Auld Lang Syne" They count the seconds down to the new year and when the clock strikes midnight, they hug and kiss and wish each other a Happy New Year!

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On the stroke of midnight, people open the back door (to let the old year out) and ask the first dark haired man to be seen to come through the front door carrying salt,coal and bread. This means that the following year everyone in the house will have enough to eat (bread), enough money (salt) and be warm enough (coal).

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In Scotland they always seem to celebrate New Year better than anywhere else. The celebration of New Year's Eve is called "Hogmanay". The word Hogmanay comes from a kind of oat cake that was traditionally given to children on New Year's Eve.  • In Edinburgh the celebrations always include a massive party from Prince's Street to the Royal Mile and Edinburgh Castle. 

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Let’s discuss…Name three British customs or traditions that are similar to Ukrainian?

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Name three British customs or traditions that we haven’t got in Ukrainian culture?

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Name one British custom or tradition do you like the best?

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