Презентація на урок англійської мови, спрямована на закріплення лексичних одиниць з теми "Days of the week" і "School subjects", та введення їх в усне мовлення. Включає також розвиток граматичних навичок по темі "Present Simple Tense".
Підготувала:вчитель початкових класів Шабрило Юлія Федорівна. Timetable
Номер слайду 2
Is everybody ready to start?
Номер слайду 3
Let’ start Our ENGLISH lesson NOW
Номер слайду 4
*BE POLITELet us try to be polite. In everything we do,Remember always to say “Please”And don't forget "Thank you."
Номер слайду 5
*Фонетична зарядка. An elephant lives in the Zoo,In the zoo, in the zoo. A zebra lives there too,In the zoo, in the zoo.
Номер слайду 6
*Мовленнєва зарядка. I wish you: a lot of smile; to be surprised; to think a lot; to be polite.
Номер слайду 7
- The topic of our lesson today is remembered the days in week and your favourite lessons. By the end of this lesson you should be able to tell me about your classmate.
Vicky’s favourite lesson. Vicky is a schoolgirl. She goes to school five days a week. She likes music and singing. Music is her favourite lesson. Her favourite days are Wednesday and Friday. She has got Music lessons on these days.
Номер слайду 17
Номер слайду 18
- I liked greatly the way you worked today! You get only good and excellent marks for the lesson.