Ця презентація допоможе дітям вивчити назви різних професій та розширити їхній словниковий запас. Питальні речення та відповіді на них допоможуть також розглянути різноманіття професій та їхню роль у суспільстві.
Презентація на тему “Guess the Profession" для учнів 3 класу
Номер слайду 2
Who teaches children at school?A teacher. A teacher teaches and helps children to learn new things at school.
Номер слайду 3
Who helps sick people feel better in a hospital?А doctor. A doctor helps and treats sick patients.
Номер слайду 4
Who sells goods in shops ?A seller. A seller sells goods in shops.
Номер слайду 5
Who sings songs for people to enjoy? A singer. A singer sings songs for people to enjoy.
Номер слайду 6
Who takes care of animals on a farm?A farmer. A farmer takes care of animals on a farm.
Номер слайду 7
Who works in a restaurant or cafe, bringing food and drinks to guests?A waiter, a waitress. A waiter works in a restaurant or cafe, bringing food and drinks to guests.
Номер слайду 8
Who dances on stage to entertain people ?A dancer. A dancer dances on stage to entertain people.
Номер слайду 9
Who drives a car or a bus?A driver. A driver drives cars or buses to take people places.
Номер слайду 10
Who has their own company or business?A businessman/businesswoman. A businessman/businesswoman has their own company or business.
Номер слайду 11
Who works in an office? A secretary. A secretary works in an office.
Номер слайду 12
Who flies airplanes and goes to different places?A pilot. A pilot flies airplanes and travels to different places.
Номер слайду 13
Who takes care of your teeth?A dentist. A dentist takes care of my teeth.
Номер слайду 14
Who builds houses and buildings?A builder. A builder builds houses and buildings.
Номер слайду 15
Who creates beautiful paintings?An artist. An artist creates art by painting pictures.
Номер слайду 16
Who keeps our streets safe? A police officer. A police officer keeps our streets safe and maintains order in the city.
Номер слайду 17
Who helps people when there is a fire? Firefighter/Fireman. A firefighter helps people when there is a fire.
Номер слайду 18
Who bakes delicious bread and cakes for us? A baker. A baker bakes delicious bread and cakes for us.
Номер слайду 19
Who grows and takes care of beautiful plants and trees?A gardener. A gardener grows and takes care of beautiful plants and trees.
Номер слайду 20
Who takes care of the children and does the housework?A housewife. A housewife takes care of the children and does the housework.