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Підбір слів для відпрацювання навичок читання за основними правилами читання.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

a [ǽ] Pan back bat mat Can tack flat pan Sam shack dam smash Tram glad shall hat Man ass bad trap

Номер слайду 3

a [ei] Pane bake bade grave Cane take late pane Same shake mace mate Tame glade shale dame Mane hate race page

Номер слайду 4

a [ǽ]-[ei] Pan - pane glad - glade back - bake hat - hate bad - bade dam - dame mat - mate man - mane

Номер слайду 5

i [i] is big clip ship it dim disc chip fist bill cliff bin dish miss dig milk pink mint mist fill

Номер слайду 6

i [ai] like bike bite cite ice lice kite dime lime mice five Nile size side pine site nice spite smile tide

Номер слайду 7

i [i]-[ai] bill – bile bin – bine pill – pile win – wine mill – mile lift – life rid – ride twin – twine

Номер слайду 8

e [e]

Номер слайду 9

been flee beet deed peel seem seek keen feed feel steel feet deep meet sleep seed be he she we

Номер слайду 10

e [e]-[i:] pet – Pete fell – feel met – meet hell – heel bet – beet slept – sleep crept – creep text – tree

Номер слайду 11

e [e] – a [ǽ] met – mat send – sand men – man beg – bag bed – bad ten – tan bet – bat led – lad peck – pack pet – Pat kettle – cattle lend – land

Номер слайду 12

i [i] – e [i:] fill – feel fit – feet pill – peel grin – green hill – heel ship – sheep fiddle – feedle sick – seek

Номер слайду 13

ar [α:] – u [Λ] carp – cup park – puck barn – bun mark – muck bart – but lark – luck cart – cut March – much harm – hum dark – duck  

Номер слайду 14

u [Λ] bus duck bust uncle lump drug drunk Mum much gulf hut luck up us but cup

Номер слайду 15

u [ju:] use dune unit music due duke mule tulip Sue cube fuse pupil huge cute mute tube

Номер слайду 16

u [Λ] – u [ju:] fuss – fuse duck - duke mutt – mute mud – mute tub – tube cut – cute hug – huge mull – mule

Номер слайду 17

u [u:] blue Bruce true June clue crude prune rude glue prude drume rule

Номер слайду 18

o [o] rod rock job odd god loss hop not dog lot lost Tom clock soft pond office

Номер слайду 19

o [ou] no coke cone smoke go zone dose stole roe mode pose poke foe sole bone stone role rose broke hope

Номер слайду 20

o [o] – o [ou] rob – robe mot – mote not – note smog – smoke slop – slope Tom – tone cock – coke hop – hope

Номер слайду 21

y [i] Lynn lynx system lorry symbol physics gym stuffy crystal myth gypsum daily synonym city navy baby

Номер слайду 22

y [aɪ] type dye style my tye why spy shy fry sky fly Clyde cry try rye sly

Номер слайду 23

y [j] yard yellow yes yet play grey say may York yesterday day lay you your away always lawyer boy pay young

Номер слайду 24

ar [α:] are star art part car bark hard carpet arm farce park carve bar farm dark large

Номер слайду 25

er [ә:] her herd germ verbal term verb person verdict nerve derm pert serve tern verge vermin stern

Номер слайду 26

ir [ә:] bird dirt first circle firm girl skirt circus shirt squirm fir birch

Номер слайду 27

ur [ә:] burn burst church surf hurt nurse purse turtle curl hurdle turn turf urgent curb hurl fur

Номер слайду 28

or [o:] or fork sport form ore bore torch force door cork corn north cord more norm floor

Номер слайду 29

-er [ә] ladder butter pepper spider letter corner number dinner supper winter summer silver over better rubber waiter

Номер слайду 30

-or, -ar [ә] doctor sector tractor sponsor mentor tailor cursor actor major rector razor motor dollar poplar beggar cellar

Номер слайду 31

ai [ei] aim bail rain main aid laid sail gain brain maid hail tail mail paint nail wait

Номер слайду 32

ay, ey [ei] bay jay clay hay May slay way may day play stay dray gay say pay spray prey trey grey they

Номер слайду 33

oi, oy [oi] spoil boil coin voice join void soil point coil hoist poison boy toy noise choice joy

Номер слайду 34

sh [ ∫ ] she shelf shape shell fish shake sheriff shy shop dish ship sheep short cash mash shuttle dash flash shift crush

Номер слайду 35

ch [t∫] chalk chess bench child cheeks cheap birch coach church change torch perch cheese cherry cheap chair

Номер слайду 36

ch [k] chaos character chasm chemical chemist chlorine choir choral chord chorus Christ christen Christmas chronic chromium chemistry echo anchor scheme ache architect orchestra mechanic stomach

Номер слайду 37

this that then the these those with thus than bathe clothe tether their them thence there they though brother mother

Номер слайду 38

th [Ө] three cloth thrill moth throb thick thin both broth fifth throve think maths depth sixth anthem pith thing thank myth

Номер слайду 39

th [р] – z [z], th [Ө] – s [s] that – zest think - sink this – zip thank - send those – zone thin - sing these – zero pith – peas

Номер слайду 40

w [w] week waste wee welt will witch win wish web wave wife wide swim sweet sweep swift twin twill twice dwell

Номер слайду 41

wh [w] which white whim while wheat why whittle whiff whirl whip wheel whir what where when which whisper whisk whine whiz

Номер слайду 42

qu [kw] quill quite queen squint quake quick squirm quint quest quirk quitch quirt quell quip queed quail

Номер слайду 43

oo [u:] room boost bloom woof boom groom booze fool boot shoot spoon pool root goose moose cool roof proof tooth tool

Номер слайду 44

oo [u] book hook wood brook soot look rook good shook foot cook wool

Номер слайду 45

o [Λ] other love come dove become above compass another brother glove company mother cover comfort month discovery colour nothing lovelock colander

Номер слайду 46

-old [ould], -olt [oult] old cold hold fold bold gold sold told colt bolt molt volt

Номер слайду 47

-all [o:l], -ald [o:ld], -alt [o:lt] all ball call stall bald wall tall mall fall false hall small salt halt malt

Номер слайду 48

[o:] – [e] small – smell ball – bell wall – well tall – tell stall – shell fall – fell hall – hell call – sell

Номер слайду 49

aw [o:] dawn law crawl Lawrence draw saw paw prawn hawk taw lawn drawn bawl haw straw trawl claw raw fawn spawn

Номер слайду 50

ow [au] brown crowd owl flower fowl towel crown cow shower howl tower power now powder growl frown clown how dower prowl

Номер слайду 51

ow [ou] know blow low window grow show bow snow flow crow tow rainbow slow own yellow willow

Номер слайду 52

au [o:] sauce cause author fault pause August haunt vault launch because Laura gauze gauntlet staunch Paul Claude

Номер слайду 53

ou [au] bound found hound mount blouse trout proud round sound ground cloud pound mouth south noun scout

Номер слайду 54

oa [ou] oak boat toast coast coal load loan throat goat soap goal coach coat float road cocoa

Номер слайду 55

gh перед t не вимовляється eight might flight fight weight light bright night straight sight fright plight Dwight right slight caught fraught naught daughter slaughter

Номер слайду 56

-ng [ŋ] sing song sung sang ring long lung fang wing gong rung gang king Kong swung bang string strong strung rang

Номер слайду 57

n [n] – ng [ŋ] sin – sing win – wing fan – fang tin – ting ran – rang kin – king run – rung thin – thing sun – sung ban – bang pan – pang pin – ping

Номер слайду 58

-ie [i] Lizzie Addie Cathie Connie Dickie Eddie Essie Flossie Jennie Orrie nightie

Номер слайду 59

-ear [iә] ear clear dear fear near year spear hear lear appear sear smear tear rear beard shear

Номер слайду 60

-eer [iә] beer cheer peer engineer seer sheer leer pioneer deer sneer steer queer

Номер слайду 61

ea [i:] beam cheap beat least eat beach east easel tea clean leap deal steal sea leaf freak flea heat stream meat

Номер слайду 62

ea [e] ready wealth weather heavy weapon feather head health leather sweat breast peasant bread dead thread dreadful deaf threat death breakfast

Номер слайду 63

ia, ie, io, iu, ya [aiә] Brian lion violet riot quiet bias violate client giant diet viola dialogue dryad dyad dial diary

Номер слайду 64

-tion [∫n] station motion fiction section dictation emotion friction mention notion ambition fraction addition solution tradition selection revolution condition attention intention infection

Номер слайду 65

ew [ju:] few skew-eyed view stew new New York review mewl dew New Zeland news interview mew mews thews newspaper

Номер слайду 66

ew [u:] crew chewing gum slew flew fitchew screw chew screwdriver drew Jew screw-nail jewel

Номер слайду 67

-ture [t∫ә] capture feature future literature mixture sculpture venture temperature lecture nature culture adventure vulture picture gesture structure fracture torture suture agriculture

Номер слайду 68

kn [n] know knew knock knight knar knap knead knobble knee knot knell knuckle knob knave kneel knife

Номер слайду 69

sphinx elephant telephone phrase phone physics asphalt microphone alpha alphabet Memphis philosophy photo dolphin Joseph catastrophe triumph phantom sphere symphony

Номер слайду 70

ck [k] clock cock black rock socks duck jacket woodpecker peacock lock padlock stockings pocket bucket back back-pack pluck lucky deck neck

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