Презентація з дисципліни: «Іноземна мова» за темою: "Why learn English with films?".

Про матеріал
Презентація з дисципліни: «Іноземна мова» за темою: "Why learn English with films?". Підготувала Горлова Я.В. - викладач кваліфікаційної категорії «спеціаліст вищої категорії» Маріупольського механіко-металургійного коледжу ДВНЗ «ПДТУ» - 2019 р. Сприяє активізації розумової діяльності студентів, підвищенню рівня знань студентів з іноземної мови, інтересу до дисципліни. Є корисною у процесі навчання та розкриття інтелектуального потенціалу студентів .
Зміст слайдів
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Watching films is a lot more fun than studying with a textbook! It can also be just as useful. Here is why sitting down with a movie in English will improve your fluency:

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REAL ENGLISH By watching British and American films, you can listen to native English actors speaking the language in a natural way.

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BETTER PRONUNCIATION Hearing native speakers in movies will teach you the correct way to say things. LIVE CONTEXT In films, words are used as part of a story and this context helps you to learn and remember them more effectively.

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NATIVE ACCENTS When watching films, you will hear many regional accents. This will help you to understand them better. EXPLORE CULTURE You can learn about the culture behind the language when you watch movies in English. Language and culture are closely connected.

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5 tips to learn English through movies:1. Only choose interesting films!If you choose a boring film, then you may lose interest and pay less attention to the language it uses! 2. Avoid movies that are too difficult. Try to choose a movie that suits your current level of English. 3. Aim to understand 70% or more. When learning English with films, you should aim to understand the general meaning and not every single word. 4. Repeat your favourite lines!If you hear a line that you really like, write it down and repeat it! 5. Use subtitles in the right way. It is a good idea to turn the subtitles on. If you really like a movie, perhaps try watching it once with subtitles and then again without.

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Legendary films give a life to legendary quotations. Which of us don’t remember “Hasta la vista, baby!” from the “Terminator”. English expressions from famous films are worth remembering.

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“I’ll be back” is always popular. You can use it, if you go somewhere, but you are going to come back.

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“Huston, we have a problem”, when you are in a trouble.

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“I feel the need - the need for speed” – if you want something extreme or something new.

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If you don’t want to let somebody go.

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“Bond. James Bond!” in order everyone to remember your name.

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Thanks for your attention!

До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
1 листопада 2019
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