Проект на тему: "Identifying peculiarities of expression of future action in the English newspaper discourse"

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Даний матеріал містить презентаційний супровід до захисту проекту на тему: "Identifying peculiarities of expression of future action in the English newspaper discourse".
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Identifying peculiarities of expression of future action in the English newspaper discourse Section: English language

Номер слайду 2

The aim of the research Tasks of the research: to identify peculiarities of expression of future action in the English newspaper discourse the characteristics of newspaper discourse; its functions and peculiarities; peculiarities of expression of future action in the English newspaper discourse.

Номер слайду 3

The first of any regular series of English newspapers was the Weekly News which first appeared on May 23, 1622. The first of English newspapers The first English daily newspaper—the Daily Courant— was brought out on March 11, 1702.

Номер слайду 4

consists the following basic features: 1) brief news items, 2) advertisements and announcements, 3) the headline, 4) the editorial. Newspaper style was the last of all the styles of written literary English to be recognized as a specific form of writing standing apart from other forms.

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The headline (the title given to a news item or an article) is a dependent form of newspaper writing. It is in fact a part of a larger whole. The main function of the headline is to inform the reader briefly what the text that follows is about. English headlines are short and catching.

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Ways of expressing the future action in English Newspaper discourse The Future Continuous The Future Perfect Continuous The Future Perfect The Future Simple Future Tenses

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Other ways of expressing future actions The Simple Present The Present Continuous The be going to form Ways of expressing the future action in English Newspaper discourse

Номер слайду 8

Ways of expressing the future action in English Newspaper discourse To be likely/unlikely to + infinitive To be on the point of doing smth To be about to + infinitive To be to + infinitive Other constructions

Номер слайду 9

Were used print and electronic sources in English. Were got consultations of teachers. Were found out that the theme of the research is really actual and it needed more attention in school English training. In the process of the research: Were processed different sources of illustrative material.

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До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 вересня 2019
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