Конспект уроку " Global issues"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку для учнів 9 класу " Глобальні проблеми людства" з різноманітними вправами на опрацювання лексики з теми, вправами з читання і аудіювання та проектною роботою.
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«Ліцей «Муніципальний колегіум»







Конспект уроку

по темі


“Global issues”


для 9-го класу





кафедра іноземних мов

вчитель Красова О.Г.













Цілі: навчальні: 

               -  активізувати вживання вивченої лексики в розмовних та           граматичних структурах;

  • розвивати навички говоріння;
  • вдосконалювати навички читання та роботи над текстом;
  • покращувати навички аудіювання;
  • вдосконалювати навички проектної роботи

розвиваючі: -  розвивати навички роботи в групах;

  • розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів.

        виховні:       -   виховувати культуру спілкування;      

  • виховувати взаємоповагу та взаємодопомогу;
  • виховувати любов до іноземної мови та активне ставлення до її вивчення;
  • виховувати небадуже ставлення до проблем сьогодення.

Обладнання: підручник, магнітофон, мотиваційне відео, запис діалогу та тексту, ілюстративний та роздатковий матеріал.



















Хід уроку

I. Greetings. Organizing the class.

Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see you! I am also happy that we have guests today. Let us greet them. Take your seats, please.


II. Introducing the topic of the lesson.

 Teacher: - Let’s watch the video to understand what our lesson is devoted to.

(A motivated video about global problems)

Pupils try to guess the theme of the lesson.


 III. Speaking.

  1. Warming-up.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. There are two quotes of famous people about global problems. Let’s read them and share your opinion.

Quote1:” If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one”.

(Mother Teresa)


Quote2:” There’s no such thing as race. None. There is just a human race – scientifically, anthropologically”

(Toni Morrison)


  1. Brainstorming.

Teacher: Let’s name all kinds of global problems and create a spidergram.



deforestation                                                                    homelessness


racism                                                                                 disease


      air pollution             rubbish    poverty     war


                       warming           endangered





  1. Social/ environmental

Teacher: Let’s devide all problems into 2 types. Say what are social and what are environmental.


  1. Riddle solving

Teacher: Listen to my riddles and try to guess what global problem it is.


  1. Giving definitions

Teacher: Now give a definition to every global problem.

e.g. Deforestation is an environmental global issue when people cut down trees.

P1: War is a social global issue when there is a military conflict between two or more countries.

P2: Racism is a social global issue when people are descriminated by their race.

P3: Air pollution is an environmental global issue when people contaminate the air with chemicals.

P4: Global warming is an environmental global issue when the temperature of the planet is constantly rising

P5: Rubbish is an environmental global issue when people pollute the environment with litter.

        P6: Endangered species is an environmental global issue when       

        some animals are close to extinction.

        P7: Poverty is a social global issue when people don’t have enough       money for living.

        P8: Illiteracy is a social global issue when people can’t read and write.

        P9: Homelessness is a social global issue when people don’t have their own home.


IV. Vocabulary.

  1. Matching.

Teacher: Let’s read the newspaper headlines and match them to the problems.  (SB ex 2 p 120)

  1. Filling the gaps.

Teacher: Let’s read 3 texts and fillin the gaps. ( SB ex 3 p 120)


  1. Completion

Let’s complete the sentences. ( SB ex 4 p 120)


V. Reading and Listening Comprehension


1. Pre-Listening tasks:

 - look at the pictures and predict what these texts are about;

 - what is NGO?

 - what is the aim of such organisations?


2. While-listening task

 - listen to the recording and be ready to answer my questions

 ( SB ex 2 p 124)




  1. Post-listening tasks:
    • SB ex 3 p 124 – answer the questions;
    • SB ex 4 p 125  - complete the sentences

Teacher: What NGO do you like best and what can you tell  about it?



VI. Project Work

Now you’ll be devided into 2 groups and creat your own NGO. Take the sheets of paper, write the name of your organization, its aim, its activities and then make your presentation.


VII. The results of the lesson.

        Home task: collect theinformation about NGO in your town or country and be ready to speak about it