Question Words (What/Who/Where etc)

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Тест Question Words (What/Who/Where etc) розроблен на основі підручника New Round Up 2 для перевірки знань з теми.
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1.          Choose the right answer:

... can I find this book? - Over there.

image              а) what                                                                                     image     б) where

в) why

2.          Choose the right answer:

... is your favourite colour? - Blue.

image              а) what                                                                                     image    б) how

в) why

3.          Choose the right answer:

... old are you? - I'm ten.

image               а) how                                                                                       image     б) what

в) why

4.          Choose the right answer:

... are you from? - I'm from Ukraine.

image              а) what                                                                                     image     б) where

в) who

5.          Choose the right answer:

... are you going now? - Shopping.

image               а) where                                                                                  image    б) who

в) what

6.          Choose the right answer:

... are you crying? - I have lost my toy.

image               а) who                                                                                       image     б) why

в) what

Ключ до тесту

1. б (2 балів)                                  2. а (2 балів)                                3. а (2 балів)                                  4. б (2 балів)

5. а (2 балів)                                  6. б (2 балів)