Quiz on Environment and Natural Disasters

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Quiz on Environment and Natural Disasters for 6th Gradе. Квіз до теми Навколишнє середовище та катаклізми
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Quiz on Environment and Natural Disasters for 6th Grade


Instructions: Choose the correct answer for each question. The correct answers are provided at the end.


1. What is the main cause of air pollution?

a) Trees

b) Cars and factories

c) Rain

d) Sunlight


2. Which of the following is a type of natural disaster?

a) Celebration

b) Earthquake

c) Picnic

d) Vacation


3. What does recycling help to reduce?

a) Waste

b) Water

c) Sunlight

d) Air


4. Which disaster is caused by a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust?

a) Flood

b) Tornado

c) Earthquake

d) Tsunami


5. What is a common effect of deforestation?

a) More wildlife

b) Better air quality

c) Soil erosion

d) Increased rainfall


6. What should you do during a hurricane?

a) Go outside

b) Stay indoors and find a safe place

c) Drive around

d) Ignore it


7. Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?

a) Carbon dioxide

b) Oxygen

c) Methane

d) Nitrous oxide


8. What is the term for a long period of time with little or no rain?

a) Flood

b) Drought

c) Blizzard

d) Tsunami


9. What can happen during a volcanic eruption?

a) Landslides

b) Tsunamis

c) Lava flows

d) All of the above


10. How can we help protect the environment?

a) Littering

b) Using plastic bags

c) Planting trees

d) Driving more cars




 1. b) Cars and factories

 2. b) Earthquake

 3. a) Waste

 4. c) Earthquake

 5. c) Soil erosion

 6. b) Stay indoors and find a safe place

 7. b) Oxygen

 8. b) Drought

 9. d) All of the above

 10. c) Planting trees


Feel free to use this quiz in your class!

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