Reading test (Form 6) "London’s parks"

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Reading test for 6th form.


-to generalize the knowledge of grammatical and lexical material;

- to assess students progress before the main tests.

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Reading test (Form 6)

London’s parks


London is proud of its many green and open spaces, where the English countryside comes to the centre of the city. All the major parks were once royal gardens, but today they are here for everyone to enjoy.

St. James’s Park, near Buckingham Palace, is London’s oldest. It belonged to Henry VIII – the king who had six wives. In the park you can feed the swans, geese, ducks and other water birds that live near the lake.

In Kensington Gardens stands the Albert Memorial, which Queen Victoria built in memory of her husband.

One of the best times to visit London’s parks is in the spring. At this time of the year, Regent’s Park  is a beautiful place of blossom and flowers. It’s perhaps London’s most elegant park, with its attractive gardens and lakes. And at any time of the year, you can visit the Zoo, which has an aviary where birds can live in a natural environment, and about 6000 animals, many of them born here in Regent’s Park.  But the Zoo’s most popular residents are, of course, the pandas.

Pandas come from the mountains of south-west China, but there are very few of these wonderful creatures left in the world. Their main food is bamboo and they’re very fond of it!


I. Which sentences are true (T)  and which are false (F)?

1. London’s  parks used to belong to the kings and queens.

2. St. James’s Park is the oldest.

3. There is a statue of Henry VIII in Kensington Gardens.

4. There are gardens and lakes in Regent’s Park.

5. All the animals in the Zoo are born there.

6. Pandas come from the mountains of north-west China.


II. Fill in the missing adjectives in the sentences below.

  1. London is ______ of its ________ and  open spaces.
  2. All the parks were once ______________ gardens.
  3. St. James’s Park is London’s ____________.
  4. In the фpark you can feed the swans, geese, ducks and other ___________ birds that live near the lake.
  5. One of the __________ times to visit London’s parks is in the spring.
  6. Regent’s Park is a ____________ place of blossom and flowers.
  7. It’s perhaps London’s most elegant park, with its ___________ gardens and lakes.
  8. The Zoo has an aviary where birds can live in a ____________ environment.
  9. The Zoo’s most ___________ residents are, of course, the pandas.
  10. There are very few of these ___________ creatures left in the world.
  11. Their _________ food is bamboo .
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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 6 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
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