Презентація "Reflexive pronouns" націлена на вивчення зворотніх займенників в англійській мові. Підійде як для загальноосвітніх шкіл так і для позашкільних закладів.
C. Choose the correct words.1. Fred hurt him / himself while he was climbing a tree.2. On Sunday mornings, Stephen wakes up, makes himself / him breakfast and reads the newspaper.3. Diane didn’t invite me / myself to her party! Can you believe it / itself?4. My friend and I enjoyed myself / ourselves very much in Mexico.5. Some people walk down the street and talk to them / themselves.
Номер слайду 8
6. Did you and Mike make these model planes by yourself / yourselves?7. I don’t need your help. I can do this by me / myself.8. The teacher gave us / ourselves lots of homework for tomorrow.9. Donna bought her / herself a new computer and she’s really happy with it.10. This umbrella is Jenny’s. Can you give it to her / herself?
Номер слайду 9
Homework Запишіть табличку зі с. 87 (SB) у ваші граматичні зошити, ВИВЧІТЬ!!!!! D, p. 70 (WB) – користуйтесь словником
Номер слайду 10
Номер слайду 11
Номер слайду 12
Homework (25.04)Запишіть табличку зі с. 87 (SB) у ваші граматичні зошити, ВИВЧІТЬ!!!!! D, p. 94 (SB)