Річне оцінювання з англійської мови за курс 11 класу екстерна 2022-2023 навчального року

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Річне оцінювання з англійської мови за курс 11 класу екстерна 2022-2023 навчального року
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Річне оцінювання з англійської мови

за курс 11 класу 

екстерна 2021-2022 навчального року 


I блок на теми: «Being A Student», «Make Up Your Mind», «Family Relationship», «Eating Out»

I блок

1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences given below with one of the words A, B, C or D. Change the forms of the words where necessary.


A failing              B studying for                  C passing                 D taking


1. Congratulations on … all your exams!

2. No one likes … an exam.  I hope she will do better next time.

3. When are you … your English exam, in May or June?

4. Maria is … her English exam so hard, she doesn’t go out at all!


A memorise       B revise                 C repeat              D learn by heart


5. Do you think it is possible to … everything that we have studied during the year in two days before the exam?

6. My friend has a very good memory, she can … a long poem easily.

7 If you want to master foreign pronunciation, you should have enough patience to … phrases after the tape for many times in a row.

8. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t … the list of irregular verbs the teacher gave in class.


A learn              B study                   C find out                    D know


9. Where does your friend …? — He does an English course at university.

10. It has always been easy for Jack to … foreign languages.

11. Peter … several foreign languages and his dream is to work as a tour guide.

12. It is always very interesting for me to … about the culture of the country the language of which I study.


2. Fill in the gaps choosing the correct words from the list.



Nearly 450,000 businesses are started in Britain (0) every year. One third (1) … these stops trading during the fi rst three years. Starting a business is never easy (2) … so many things

are outside your control. If you are thinking about working for yourself, you (3) … start by thinking about the qualities you need to (4) … a business. Be hard with yourself. If you have a weakness, it is better to fi nd out now (5) … than later when your business could be in danger. Ask yourself (6) … you are a good organiser. Is your health (7) … ? Are you good (8) … making decisions? Do you have any practical experience of the business you want to start? Are you prepared to work long hours for very (9) … money? If you can’t (10) … ‘yes’ to most of these questions, perhaps you should think again about starting up a business on your own.

0.   a) every              b) this             с) last                         d) one

1.   a) from               b) of                 с) among                  d) in

2.   a) however        b) but               с) because                d) although

3.   a) have               b) ought          с) need                      d) must

4.   a) run                 b) make           с) do                          d) set

5.   a) more              b) rather          с) earlier                  d) quicker

6.   a) which            b) how              с) whether               d) that

7.   a) fine                b) firm              с) well                      d) good

8.   a) at                   b) for                 с) in                         d) with

9.   a) short             b) little              с) low                      d) few

10.  a) give              b) report           с) answer                d) put


3.Match the words with their definitions.


1.  an adolescent

2. negotiation

3. to assault

4. to blame

5. to interfere

6. to obey

7. to prevent


a   to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad

b     to do what someone in a position of authority tells you to do

c      to attack someone in a violent way

d     a young person who is developing into an adult

e     a method of doing something or dealing with a problem

f    to get involved in a situation that does not concern you, and try to infl uence what happens in a way that annoys people

g    discussions between the representatives of opposing groups


4.Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentence.


1. The boss ordered them (to not go / not to go) home until the job (was / is) done.

2. My friend says that he (has been working / had been working) for that company since 1996.

3. Joanna told me that she (didn’t want / doesn’t want) anything from me.

4. She reported that they (were having / had) dinner then.

5. They told me that they (had read / have read) that novel the year before.

6. The class repeated that they (had made / have made) up their mind and they (were going to travel / would travel) to Spain.

7. She asked me if (had I seen / I had seen) him.

8. He wanted to know what (was I doing / I was doing) that night.



IІ блок на теми: «Inventions And Lifestyles», «Nature And The Environment», «Speaking About Art», «Youth In Mind», «People And Society»


IІ блок

5.Choose the correct answer.


1. You can’t get access to the programme until you … your log in.

a) will register             b) have register            c) registered

2. We had been using land-lines until cellular phones … .

a) have appeared       b) appear                       c) appeared

3. They won’t return their books until they … them all.

a) have read               b) will read                    c) won’t read

4. We will take the dog for a walk when it … raining.

a) will stop                 b) stops                           c) stopped

5. Will you explain the problem when she … here?

a) have arrived         b) arrives                      c) will arrive

6. When I … time, I’ll paint the house.

a) have had               b) will have                   c) have

7. I won’t get married until I … a job.

a) will get                 b) get                              c) got

8. When I … next June, I will have been working for this company for 25 years.

a) retire                   b) will retire                  c) will have retired


6.Match the beginnings with the endings to make correct sentences.


1.  African safari tours  

2. Otto Finsch was a famous naturalist

3. I met the veterinarian  

4. Saiga antelopes are animals

5. Vylkove is a small Ukrainian town

6. Acid rain is natural phenomenon


a   which come from Central Asia.

b   which causes damage to forests.

c  that is also known as the “Ukrainian Venice”.

d   that we offer are very interesting.

e   who saved many homeless animals.

f   who was born in Germany. 

7.Group up the words and expressions into two columns.


heartwarming, well acted, lots of twists and turns, too long, a bit boring, very surprising, gripping, utterly believable, original, predictable










8.Find Ukrainian equivalents for these words and word combinations.


1. a self-addressed envelope

2. self-admiration

3. self-centred

4. self-coloured

5. self-discipline

6. self-educated

7. self-importance

8. self-love

9. self-made

10. self-mockery

11. self-neglect

12. self-pity

13. self-reproach

14. self-sacrifice


9.Group up the sentences (1-8) according to the columns.


A Participle

B Gerund

C Noun





1. We go to the play for the acting.

2. Every theatrical production consists of a number of players acting imaginary characters.

3. His acting of the part of Hamlet was most convincing.

4. The extension of education partly depends on the training of teachers.

5. Various germs of poison would be killed by the boiling.

6. Mr Teen spoke to us in a threatening and loud tone.

7. When tired of working, he only leaned back in his chair and sat immobile for a while.

8. I don’t like your boasting.






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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 травня 2023
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