«В ресторані / At the restaurant.»

Про матеріал
Objectives (goal or aim of lesson): To develop language competence of students on the theme of the lesson "At the restaurant" (the main theme is " Nutrition "), to elicit 100% of active student’s engagement. On the basis of previously acquired lexical material and skills, students must understand the information provided by the teacher and activate it both in writing and orally. Specifific expectations: raise their hands to participate; taking turns to share their ideas; build confidence in skills.
Перегляд файлу

Державний навчальний заклад «Запорізький будівельний центр професійно-технічної освіти »




План уроку

на тему:  «В ресторані / At the restaurant.»




Вид  роботи: Опис власного інноваційного (професійного) досвіду




викладач англійської мови

«спеціаліст І категорії»

 Державного навчального закладу

«Запорізький будівельний

центр професійно-технічної освіти»

Аратова Віра Петрівна










Lesson Plan Template

performed by Vera Aratova Group 2.



Title of Lesson: “At the restaurant “                                Date: 20.02.2023


Textbook Unit English Student’s book      pp. 96-          Class Level (Form): 11standard level (group by profession Cook. Baker)


Objectives (goal or aim of lesson):  To develop language competence of students on the theme of the lesson "At the restaurant" (the main theme is " Nutrition "), to elicit 100% of active student’s engagement. On the basis of previously acquired lexical material and skills, students must understand the information provided by the teacher  and activate it both in writing and orally.

Specifific expectations: raise their hands to participate; taking turns to share their ideas; build confidence in skills.


Materials needed for lesson: pictures, text-book, paper sheets



  1. Introduction/Motivation: 


  1.             T  Good day dear friends

St ______________________

T How are you.

St  ______________________

T Are you ready to work today?

St _______________________

T I believe that the topic of our lesson will be interesting for you. Both from the point of view of future cooks and bakers and from the point of view of a visit to the restaurant. What is the name of the theme?

St ­­­­­­_______________________

T You are right - our theme is "At the restaurant". I see that everyone is present today. Let's start the lesson.

  1.     T Answer my questions please:
  • Do You often go to the restaurant?

St  ______________________

  • What food is Ukraine famous for?

St  ______________________

  • Do You enjoy Ukrainian dishes?

St  ______________________

  • Now open Your books at p.98, look at the picture and name the food and dishes.

St  ______________________

       Estimated time: 3 minutes


  1. Presentation of New Information (lesson content): 

T Dear friends, open Your books at pages 105, look exercise 4.

  1. Read the questions please (a-h) and think when a waiter might ask them: before or during the meal?

a Can I take your coat?

b  Is everything OK with your meal?

c  Are you ready to order?

d  Would you like anything to drink first?

e  Here’s your main course … the steak?

f   Have you made a reservation?

  1.   Would you like some more wine?
  2.   Can I get you any dessert?
    1.  Write each question in a proper column.

Before the meal

During the meal



T- You're done, so switch notebooks and check your neighbor.

                                                                                        Estimated time: 5 minutes

  1. Practice:  .
    1. T – Open Your books at page 106.

In pairs, speak on the following items.

  1. Do you always have dinner at home or do you sometimes eat out?
  2. What do you usually order for the main course (dessert)? What do you usually drink?
  3. Are national dishes served in restaurants?
  4. What is the difference between a regular and a self-service restaurant? Which is generally less expensive?

5)Why are many self-service cafes opened throughout the country nowadays?

  1.   Read and dramatise the conversation in a group of three.

Waiter: We have a few specials on the menu this evening. First

there’s a lovely pepper steak served with beans and potatoes. And we have a delicious shrimp dish in garlic sauce served over rice.             

Eva: Which one would you recommend?

Waiter: I think the steak is the best

thing on the menu.

Eva: OK, I’ll have that then.

Waiter: How would you like your steak?

Eva: Medium rare.

Waiter: Anything to drink?Eva: What kind of juice have you got?

Waiter: Orange, apple and pineapple.

Eva: A glass of apple juice, please

Waiter: Sure.

Eva: Actually, I’d rather  have carrots and  beans with my steak.


Waiter: I’ll check with the chef, but I’m sure that won’t be a problem.

Eva: Great.

(A little later.)

Waiter: Would you like some coffee or dessert?

Martin: I could go for some coffee. And you?

Eva: Nothing for me, thanks.

Waiter: American coffee, sir?

Martin: I’d rather have cappuccino. And the check, please.

Waiter: Right away.



T - OK, so who is ready to present the conversation in the restaurant?


(Students present the conversation by a group of three).

T - Thanks for the play. I see that you like our theme. I am satisfied with your dramatising..


Estimated time: 20 minutes


  1. Production or Application of New Information: 

T -  Dear friends, I see that you liked our theme, I hope that we fully disclosed  and understood it. Now let's check how much.


4.1.  Imagine that you are the owner of a very good restaurant. Give your restaurant a name. Write a menu. Offer at least three items for each: starters, main courses, side dishes, salads and desserts.

4.2. Display your work in a gallery of works.

4.3. Ask your mates to decide which restaurant they would like to go

to, and why.

4.4. Decide which is the best restaurant for you from those that your mates displayed. Give your reasons.

T - Who is ready to answer? We listen carefully.

 St 1  ______________________


St 2  ______________________

St 3 ______________________                                                                                                                                                

St4  ______________________

St 5 ______________________

T- Thank you, dear friends, for a wonderful lesson, for your active work both individually and  in a group. You all get good grades for your work in class. I wish you success.

Home task: Please prepare dialogues "At the restaurant" using the materials of today's lesson. Good luck. See you at the next lesson.



Estimated time: 17minutes

Your Evaluation of Your Lesson:  I think that the lesson was at a good level. Students understood the material and completed all the tasks well, according to the acquired skills and vocabulary.

I believe that students are interested in using different techniques and methods of learning. This stimulates and motivates them, there is a need to enrich their vocabulary and ability to communicate in a foreign (English) language.






  1. Спілкування державною (і рідною у разі відмінності) мовами.
  2. Спілкування іноземними мовами.
  3. Математична компетентність.
  4. Основні компетентності у природничих науках і технологіях.
  5. Інформаційно-цифрова компетентність.
  6. Уміння вчитися впродовж життя.
  7. Ініціативність і підприємливість.
  8. Соціальна та громадянська компетентності.
  9. Обізнаність та самовираження у сфері культури.
  10. Екологічна грамотність і здорове життя.




Аратова Вера
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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
12 червня 2023
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