Розробка граматичної теми "Пояснення особливостей вживання "would rather" та "had better" старшокласникам"

Про матеріал
Розробка містить матеріал для пояснення здобувачам освіти схожості та відмінностей між "would rather" та "had better" на уроках англійської мови, наприклад, при підготовці до ЗНО.
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Шановні колеги, хочу поділитися своїми наробками з пояснення англійської граматики старшокласникам англійською мовою. Пояснення приведені до чіткої структури і викладені зрозумілою мовою, аби полегшити розуміння та засвоєння досить складного матеріалу. Цього разу мова йтиме про структури з “would rather” та “had better”.


Today we will look at two grammatical phenomena which may seem quite alike – structures “would rather” and “had better”. The matter is, they have some common features and some differences.

Let’s begin with “would rather”.


Point 1. “Would rather” means someone’s wish or preference.

-I would rather go home now. (It means “I want to go home now.”)

-My friend would rather learn French. (It means that my friend would prefer to learn French, and not any other language.)


Point 2. “Would rather” is followed by the infinitive without “to”.

-We would rather play badminton on the beach.

-Tom’s parents would rather visit Spain this year.


Point 3. Negative forms have “not” in front of the infinitive.

-I would rather not go out this evening.


Point 4. Questions are formed with “would”.

-Would you rather have tea or coffee?


Point 5. Preferences can be expressed using “than”.

-She would rather stay at home than go to the cinema.


Point 6. The meaning is present or future, not past.

-I would rather watch a movie tonight.


Point 7. The form of “would rather” doesn’t depend on the person, the subject of the sentence.

-I/He/We would rather drink some juice.


Point 8. The shortened form “’d rather” is often used.

-I’d rather go by car.

-She’d rather not sing this song.

-We’d rather go sailing after lunch.




Now, let’s proceed to “had better”.


Point 1. “Had better” means “should”, or a piece of advice: if we don’t do this, something bad might happen.

-I had better go now or I’ll be late. (It means “I should go now.”)


Point 2. “Had better” is followed by the infinitive without “to”.

-We had better speak English abroad.

-She had better pay more attention to her studies.


Point 3. Negative forms have “not” in front of the infinitive.

-You had better not sit up late today.


Point 4.


Point 5. – 


Point 6. In spite of the form (“had”) the meaning is present or future, not past.

-Steve had better go to the bank this afternoon.


Point 7. The form of “had better” doesn’t depend on the person, the subject of the sentence.

-I/She/You had better stick to the rules.


Point 8. The shortened form “’d better” is often used.

-You’d better do your homework on time.

-We’d better not swim in such weather.


Now, let’s sum up. 


1.     ”Would rather” and “had better” have different meanings: wish – and advice.

2.     They are both followed by the infinitive without “to”.

3.     Negative forms have “not” in front of the infinitive.

4.     “Would rather” forms a question with “would”.

5.     “Would rather” may have “than” to specify the option.

6.     The meaning of both is present or future, not past.

7.     The forms of both don’t depend on the person.

8.     Both “would” and “had” are shortened as “’d”, but we shouldn’t mix them up, and remember: “would rather” and “had better”, not the other way round!

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