Olha Marchuk,
teacher of English,
school 4,
Zmerynka, Vinnytsia region
Level - B1 intermediate
Generation Gap
Learning Outcomes:
children will be able to:
Equipment: a computer, multimedia presentation of the lesson, video-film “Like Father
Like Son”, proverbs and quotations of famous people, handouts with the tasks, project
Хід уроку
I. Introduction
1. Greeting.
2. The aim of the lesson.
T: William Shakespeare once said, “Crabbed age and youth cannot live together”. These words mean that it’s quite difficult for people of older generation to understand the way of life and desires of young people. As you see, today we’ll speak about an everlasting conflict between fathers and children. The problem of parents and children has always existed and will exist as long as the world lives. This is an eternal problem and it has neither national nor time boundaries. So, we’ll discuss the problems of young people of our country and try to find the way how to get along with our parents and not to upset them so much.
II. Warm-up
1. Reciting the poem “Age and Youth” by W. Shakespeare
Crabbed age and youth Сваряться молодість і старість,
Cannot live together; Не можуть разом жити.
Youth is full of pleasure Старість сповнена турботами,
Age is full of care; Молодість – насолодами.
Youth like summer morn;
Age like winter weather; Молодість любить літній ранок,
Youth like summer brave; Старість – зимовий світанок.
Age like winter bare. Молодість – літню хоробрість.
Youth is full of sport; Старість – зимову убогість.
Age's breath is short; Молодість – спортивна й смілива,
Youth is hot and bold Старість – холодна й хвороблива.
Age is weak and cold; Молодість – дика й спритна,
Youth is wild and age is tame Старість - приручена й слабка.
Youth, I do adore thee! Молодосте, я обожнюю тебе! (Зоряна Галіо)
2. Brainstorming
T: Our world has seen many changes since Shakespeare’s time. What does it mean to be a teenager nowadays?
(Possible answers)
Being a teenager means:
III. Main Part
1. Speaking
T: So what are the possible sources of conflicts between parents and their children?
(Possible answers)
2. Presentation of the projects “Sources of Conflicts in Families”
S1: As for girls, they mostly argue about … with their parents.
S2: As for boys, they mostly have conflicts on …
T: What can we do to avoid problems in family relationship?
3. Group Work
T: Trying to solve these problems we can turn to folk wisdom and the sayings of some famous people. They are small pieces of human wisdom that have been handed from generation to generation and continue to be applicable.
Let’s work in six groups of four. Your task is to match the parts of the sayings and proverbs cut into some pieces. Comment on them.
4. Children/Parents Game
T: Both parents and children are not satisfied with their relations. What can children blame their parents for? What can parents accuse their children of doing /or not doing?
(Children are joined into 2 groups representing children and parents)
Possible answers:
5. Family Survey
T: Conducting surveys is very popular now. We didn’t like to lag behind either and one of our groups conducted a “Family Survey”.
6. Parents’ Survey
7. Relaxation. Watching Video
“Powerful Inspirational true story...Never give up!”
8. Rules in the Family
T: It’s high time to establish the rules of co-existence in a family. That was the task of another our group.
(Students share their ideas on the topic.)
T: Its common knowledge that different generations have different problems and life perception. Open your souls and hearts to each other.
9. Video Survey “Does Generation Gap Really Exist?”
S: Generation gap is and was a term popularized in Western countries during the 1960s referring to differences between people of younger generation and their elders, especially between children and their parents’ generation.
Generation gap means difference in an attitude, or lack of understanding between younger and older generations. This generation gap has always been there but these days it has reached to an explosive stage. The values and patterns of life have changed to a greater extent. Today, everybody likes to live and behave in his own way. This attitude has widened the generation gap, which can never be filled. It is now destroying family life completely. The elders look after the children and make all sorts of sacrifices to bring them up. Naturally, they feel they have the right over them. They want their children to follow their instructions as they have certain expectations from them. But the children, when they grow up, want a complete freedom in their thoughts and actions and, unfortunately, their thoughts and actions are just opposite to those expected by the elders. They revolt when any kind of restrictions are imposed on them. Consequently, the family breaks up and everything gets ruined.
To clarify if this problem really exists in your family, answer the following questions. Put + if it exists, put – if it doesn’t.
S: If you have three +, it means that the problem of the generation gap is burning for you as well. And as any problem it must be solved.
10. Reflection
T: You are so bright! Now I want you to think a little and give pieces of advice on what rules both teenagers and grown-ups have to follow to prevent the generation gap.
Ss: We have to love each other
We have to respect each other.
We have to share our experiences.
We have to change for each other. etc.
IV. Summing-up
Write an essay “Every generation of people is different in its own way. How is your generation different from your parents’ generation?”
2. Evaluation and feedback.