Розробка Контроль аудіювання Easter 8 клас

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Розробка завдань для перевірки рівня розуміння тематичних текстів на слух після перегляду відеоматеріалу для учнів 8 класу з теми Великдень.
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Listening Comprehension



1.Easter  holiday is celebrated in spring.

2.Religious people remember the sacrifice of Christ.

3. Easter is quite a new holiday.

4.People all over our  country celebrate the birth of nature.

5.Eggs are the symbols of new life.

6.If you break an egg you will see the sun in the sky.

7.Rabbits are the symbol of Easter because in spring a lot of small rabbits are usually born!

8.European countries organize special contests and competitions for decorating the eggs.

9.People never decorate the eggs with metal.

10.Children like the Easter egg hunt!

11. Egg rolling is the contest when you need to roll the egg down the path with the spoon.

12.All adults dress up as bunnies to make the children laugh!

13.Chocolate eggs is the best gift at Easter.

14.Nowadays you can find a lot of chocolate things to eat at Easter!

15.All chocolate eggs are filled with alcohol in England.

16.Lent is a period when religious people don’t eat meat.

17.Christians have different names for different days at Easter!

18.On Maundy Thursday there was the last supper of Jesus.

19 . On’ Easter Sunday’ Jesus rose from the dead.

20. We don’t have to know anything about Easter!


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
7 травня 2021
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