Розробка мультимедійного уроку з англійської мови у 10 класі з теми: «JUNK FOOD» метою якої є: активізувати у мовленні учнів лексичні одиниці теми;практикувати у вживанні їх у власних реченнях і висловлюванняхпрацювати над вдосконаленням навичок аудіювання учнів; працювати над вдосконаленням навичок роботи із текстом для читання; позвивати навички непідготовленого мовлення учнів з використанням особистого досвіду та знань; ознайомити учнів із продуктами, що належать до нездорової Їжі; надати інформацію про вплив нездорової їжі на різні органи і функції людського організму
Практична мета: - активізувати у мовленні учнів лексичні одиниці теми;
практикувати у вживанні їх у власних реченнях і висловлюваннях;
Освітня мета: - ознайомити учнів із продуктами, що належать до
нездорової Їжі;
- надати інформацію про вплив нездорової їжі на різні
органи і функції людського організму
Виховна мета: - виховувати в учнів навички здорового харчування ;
- формувати в учнів свідоме ставлення до власного
здоров’я як до найбільшої цінності ;
- пропагувати здоровий спосіб життя
Розвиваюча мета: - розвивати мовну здогадку, швидкість мовленнєвої
- розвивати логічне мислення та навички самостійної
роботи учнів
Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал
мультимедійна дошка
паперові макети гамбургера та яблука
аудіозапис пісні “It’s my life”
презентація “Junk food” в програмі Microsoft Power Point
Teacher: Good-morning, everybody. Glad to see you.
Look at the board. ( слайд 2)
I want to introduce my friend Robin to you. He’s got a great problem. What do you think, what problem has he got? (учні висловлюють думки щодо можливої проблеми Робіна) Read about it. ( слайд 3)
Robin, Robin, what a man!
He eats as much as no one can.
He ate a lot of fish, he ate a lot of meat.
He ate a lot of ice-cream and a sweet!
He ate a lot of porridge and ten eggs
And all the cookies mother had.
He drank a lot of juice, he ate a cake
Then said: “I have a stomach-ache.”
What did poor Robin do wrong?
Pupil: He ate too much different food; his problem is overeating, that’s why he has put too much weight.
T.: Look at these proverbs. Read then aloud. Do you understand their meaning ?
Which of them is a good piece of advice for our Robin?
P1: I suppose “Eat at pleasure, drink with measure” is a good piece of advice for him. One should eat and drink as much as our body needs. Only then he will feel well and healthy. Sure, “measure” can be different for different people. But Robin is grown-up enough to feel that it’s time to stop.
P2: In my opinion a good tip for Robin is the saying: “ One should eat to live, not live to eat.” Eating should not be the main purpose of life. There is nothing bad in eating much and tasty, but overeating shouldn’t bring one to the hospital. No one should be as fat as Robin is.
T.:I fully agree with you. I understand it’s difficult to give up any bad habit including overeating. I want to draw your attention to the words said by Henry Davia: “Every man is the builder of a temple called his body.” ( слайд 5)
Sure, there are many other factors which influence a state of our body, but healthy eating is one of them.
I know you have learnt much about eating traditions of the British and Ukrainian people. Look at these people. What do they have in common with our Robin? ( слайд 6)
Yes, they all are rather fat. They say mankind is getting fatter and fatter with every coming year. Today we’ll try to touch the problem which is common for American, British, Ukrainian people. They all eat too much junk food. ( слайд 7)
They say, junk food is the food of modern generation , its passion and sorrow. So today we’ll speak about junk food.
Getting ready for the lesson I’ve decided to consult the dictionary. That is what the dictionary says: ( слайд 8)
Junk Foods are typically ready-to-eat convenient foods containing much saturated fats, salt, sugar, little or no fruit, vegetables and are considered to have little or no health benefits. Common junk foods include salted snack foods, candies, sweet desserts, fried fast food, sodas and alcoholic beverages.
Saturated [`sætşəreitid] насичений
Benefit [`benəfit] користь
Beverage [`bevəridз] напій
To make sure you understand what is meant we’ll do the following exercise. Divide all food items into 2 groups: healthy food and junk food: ( слайд 9)
Ukrainian borsch, lollies, pop corn, cabbage salad, juice, coca-cola, buckwheat porridge, ice-cream, chips (crisps), boiled meat, milk, hamburger
Healthy Food Junk Food
Ukrainian borsch lollies
Cabbage salad pop corn
Juice coca-cola
Buckwheat porridge ice-cream
Boiled meat chips (crisps)
Milk hamburger
I see, all of you have done it correctly. You realize junk food is not healthy. What food items do you like more? Why? Why do people like to eat junk food?
P1: Nowadays, many people are too busy to pay attention to their health and appearance. They have too much work to do and too much things to do in their spare time, that is why they usually do not have time to think of what they eat and where they eat. Some people even tend to order the contents of their refrigerators on-line from supermarkets and grocery shops, some buy prepared food in cafes and restaurants. They don’t have time to cook themselves.
P2: Our life is very tense and fast. Sometimes a person has no time to have a complete dinner or breakfast. The only way out is to have a snack on the way to work or while going on business during the day. Junk food is perfect for quick eating.
P3: In my opinion junk food is rather tasty. That’s why we like to eat hot dogs, hamburgers, crisps and drink cola. It also smells well. We get used eating such food and can’t imagine our life without it.
P4: Young people and kids eat junk food because it looks very attractive, the package is very bright and catches an eye. As for me , I usually pay much attention to the package.
Besides, the colour of the food itself is very attractive, it smells well. A teenager can’t pass a shop without buying something tasty.
P5: Young people are greatly influenced by the advertisement. If one sees crisps or cola advertising 5-8 times a day, he or she is sure to buy it next day.
P6: In my opinion people eat junk food because all around them eat it: classmates, colleagues, friends, relatives. They may think: Why shouldn’t I if everybody can..?
Millions of tons of junk food are sold in the world every day. Junk food trademarks have become the most successful. Do you know what the most famous trademark in the world is? There are many legends about the history of its creation. This is one of them.
Before listening mind some unknown words:
To contain [kən`tein] містити
Trademark [`treidma:k] торгова марка
Concentrate [`konsəntreit] концентрат
Now listen to the text and tell if the statements are true or false according to the text
The story of Coca-cola
Its story began in Atlanta, Georgia in 1886. John Pemberton invented a new drink that contained the South American coca leaf and the African cola nut. But the inventor couldn’t think of a good name for the new drink. His partner proposed name of Coca-Cola and wrote the name in a special way – and that became the famous trademark.
Thirty years later the famous Coca-Cola special bottle first appeared.
For many years the company made only Coca-Cola. Then they produced new drinks – Fanta, Sprite and TAB – in the 1960, and the Diet Coke in 1982.
The recipe of the drink is a secret. The taste of Coca-Cola is the same in any place of the world. These drinks are produced in many foreign and Ukrainian cities, too. Though Coca-Cola and other drinks are produced everywhere in the world the receipt is known only to few people in America. They supply special concentrate to their partners. That is why it tastes the same everywhere in the world.
In 1985 the company changed the recipe! But the public was very unhappy! Soon the company brought back the original recipe .
Today they sell Coca-Cola in 195 countries. Hundreds of millions of people drink it every day. It has become the most famous trademark in the world.
Put the events in the logical order.
Key: 1. F 6. I
2.H 7. C
3. A 8. D
4. E 9. B
5. G 10. J
Making a conclusion about reasons for eating junk food I want to mention the psychologists’ poiпt now view on the problem:
interesting information about the famous trademark. Have you ever tasted coca-cola (eaten a hamburger, chips)? How often do you eat chips? What’s your parents’ attitude towards junk food? ( слайд 14)
I see, your parents are against your eating junk food very often. Why? What is wrong with junk food then? Let’s learn it from the text.
Before reading mind some new vocabulary:
passion – пристрасть
to lack – не вистачати
to put on weight – набирати вагу
obese – повний, з надмірною вагою
obesity – ожиріння
diabetes – діабет
artificial additives – штучні добавки
heading to every part of it. One heading should be extra:
What is wrong with junk food?
Eating junk food and fast food is a great all-American passion. American kids and grownups love their candy bars, Big Macs and fries, ice cream bars. Have you ever enjoyed a hamburger, sitting on a lawn? May be you're against all these hot dogs and cheeseburgers, because it's a junk food. Anyway such food is attractive and really makes our life more comfortable and more pleasant, especially outdoors, don't they?
Remember, junk foods are empty calories. An empty calorie lacks vitamins, minerals, or amino acids.
Junk foods such as hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken and chips usually contain many saturated fats. Too much saturated fat in the diet will cause people to put on weight and get fat or obese (very fat). Being overweight is a risk to the health of the heart and can cause other diseases.
Soft drinks, cordials, biscuits, cakes and lollies all have loads of sugar. That's what makes them taste so good! But too much sugar makes people fat, is bad for the blood and may cause other diseases.
Since junk food is too rich in fats and sugar, it is responsible for obesity, dental cavities, diabetes and heart diseases.
One more peculiarity of fast food is that it is digested very fast, especially if washed down with cola or any other sparkling drink. It means that an hour or two after you eat this food, you will feel hungry again. So you will get extra fat much faster than you can even imagine.
Many parents have already known: Junk foods – loaded with artificial food colours and additives – cause problems in children behavior .
The children were given a test drink with artificial additives. The research found a large number of children became more inattentive, impulsive and hyperactive. In England, where the study was conducted, people wanted to ban junk food in schools because it can lead to reading, learning by heart and other problems at school.
To lack [ læk] - to not have any or enough of something that you need or want
A cordial [ 'ko:diəl ] - fruit-flavoured drink that one can mix with water
T.: Let’s check the results: (Self-Cheking)
1.B 2. E 3.A 4.D
Answer the questions :
1.________________________________ is a great American passion.
2.____________________________________ are junk food items.
3. There are too much ____________________________ in junk food.
4. Junk food causes problems with ____________________________ .
5. After eating junk food children become ______________________ .
T.: At the beginning of the lesson we defined some reasons for eating junk food.
Here they are.( слайд 16 )
Now let’s define the reasons for not eating junk food.
- There is no vitamins, minerals …in junk food.
- It contains too much sugar and fat
- Too much junk food causes obesity.
- It leads to diabetes, heart, dental, blood diseases .
- Artificial additives cause psychological problems with children
- Artificial additives influence children’s mental activity
Now look at the board. A young boy has a problem: what to choose –
an apple or a package of chips. What would you choose if you were him? Start like this: If I were him…
Make your choice by taking “an apple “ or “ a hamburger” , explain your choice in a written form on these so called food items.
I’m happy to see you’ve made the right choice. You should try to persuade your friend not to eat junk food. At home you should write a letter to your friend convincing him not to eat junk food or at least to eat less.
Look at the board. You can see an empty page. Here should be a conclusion. I don’t want to make it. I want you to make this conclusion. It’s up to you to decide if you want to look like this…( slide 19)
or like this … or may be like this. I want to draw your attention to the words we said at the beginning : “Every man is a builder of a temple called his body.” Really your life is in your hands, you should live here and now, because it’s your life.
“It’s my life” says Bon Jovi in his song. Enjoy it. While listening fill in the missing words from the box:
now or never highway I’m alive forever my way |
This ain’t a song for the broken-hearted
No silent prayer for the faith-departed
I ain’t gonna be just a face in the crowd
You’re gonna hear my voice
When I shout it out loud
It’s my life
It’s (1)…………
I ain’t gonna live (2) …
I just want to live while (3)……
(It’s my life)
My heart is like an open(4)…..
Like Frankie said
I did it (5) ……
I just wanna live while I’m alive
It’s my life
This ain’t a song for the broken-hearted
No silent prayer for the faith-departed
I ain’t gonna be just a face in the crowd
You’re gonna hear my voice
When I shout it out loud
It’s my life
It’s now or never
I ain’t gonna live forever
I just want to live while I’m alive
(It’s my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just wanna live while I’m alive
It’s my life
XIV. Exercise “Microphone”
The lesson is almost over. What did you like at the lesson? What didn’t you like? Take a microphone. Say some words and pass it to your friend.