Розробка на тему ""Getting about the city"

Про матеріал
В даній розробці учні тренують лексику по темі "Getting about the city", а також прийменники місця.
Перегляд файлу

Form: 3

Topic: Walking around the city. Prepositions.


Task1. Answer the questions.

  1. Where can we have some dinner?


  1. Where can we buy some stamps?


  1. Where can we see a policeman?


  1. Where can we see beautiful pictures?


  1. Where can we swim?


  1. Where can we read books?



Task2. Look at the map and answer the questions.

  1. Where is the swimming pool?- ______________________________________
  2. Where is the post office?- __________________________________________
  3. Where is the circus?-______________________________________________
  4. Where is the library?- _____________________________________________
  5. Where is the palace?-______________________________________________
  6. Where is the theatre?-______________________________________________




28 березня 2021
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