Розробка уроку№5 з англійської мови для учнів 1 класу по темі :Я,моя родина і друзі"

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Розробка уроку№5 з англійської мови для учнів 1 класу по темі :Я,моя родина і друзі"
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 Lesson Plan Outline


Class\group: 1 form                                     

Topic: Me ,my family and friends              Microtopic: The description of my friend

Learning objectives: to learn and practice new vocabulary items  ;

                                  to introduce pronouns He/She ;

                                  to improve pupilsʾ communicative skills;

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to give short description of his\her friends

Vocabulary: a boy, a girl, happy, sad, tall, short

Grammar items: I have got a… I can see a … He\She is…

Materials to be used: handouts, white board , Power Point presentation ,Flashcards



Warm Up (5 minutes)

         Greetings. Song “Knock Knock Hello” (pupils listen to the song and do the actions along the song) (Slide 3)

Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your right hand.]
Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your left hand.]
Come in. [Motion to come inside.]
Let’s sing. [Pretend you are singing into a microphone. ]
Let’s play. [Run in place.]
Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your right hand.]
Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your left hand.]
Knock, knock, knock. [Pretend to knock on a door.]
Come on in! [Motion for someone to come inside.]
Let’s sing. [Pretend you are singing into a microphone.]
And play. [Run in place.]
And learn together. [Tap your finger on your temple.]
Knock, knock! [Thrust your fist in the air.]

         Teacher asks a question in turns  “How are you?’(Slide 5)

         Video-song “How are you?(pupils sing the song and repeat the moves) (Slide 3)

Presentation of new material(5 minutes)

         T: Look at the board. Who can you see? (Slide 6)

P: I can see a …( a boy, a girl)

C:\Users\Windows 7\Desktop\friends-friendship-kids-drawing-illustration-two-friend-children-sketch-54955534.jpg

         Presenting pronouns  He\She.( teacher explains the pronouns using the images) (Slide 7)

Practice of new material(15 minutes)

         Guessing Game ( teacher says someone’s name in the class, pupils together scream out the correct pronoun He\She)

T:Misha, P1: She(try again)…He

T:Maria , P2:She.(you’re right)

Describing people .

         Watching the video  “Tall\Short”( pupils watch the video repeating the words)

(Slide 8)

         Making up the short sentences ( describing appearences)

I have got a friend. He\She is…(tall ,short ,happy, sad) (teacher try to ask every pupil to make a sentence in the class listening and helping to pronounce the sounds correctly) (Slide 10)



         Let’s do some morning exercise “Make a circle” (Slide 11)

T: Time to make a circle. (Everyone rushes to the center of the room and holds hands in a circle.)

Make a circle, big big big. (Make the circle bigger.)
Small small small. (Make the circle smaller.)
Big big big. (Make the circle bigger.)
Make a circle, small small small. (Make the circle smaller.)
Hello hello hello. (Everybody waves to each other. Try to make eye contact with all of the children.)

Make a circle, round and round. (Holding hands, walk around in a big circle.)
Round and round.
Round and round. (If you like, move the circle in the other direction.)
Make a circle, round and round.
Hello hello hello. (Everybody waves to each other. Try to make eye contact with all of the children.)

Make a circle, up up up. (While holding hands, everyone reaches up high!)
Down down down. (Crouch down low.)
Up up up. (Reach high!)
Make a circle, down down down. (Crouch low.)
Now sit down. (Everyone sits down.)


Application of new material( 5 minutes) ( Colouring the new vocabulary


Summing up activities( 5 minutes)

-Miming Game  “What am I like?”( one of the pupils take out the card with learn words(short,tall,happy,sad) and try to show the other pupils with movements what he or she saw in the picture)

-Sing Goodbye song”See You Later”

See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)
See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)
See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)
Take care. (Wave with your left hand.)
Good-bye. (Wave with right hand.)

It's time to go. (Point to your watch, or where your watch would go on your wrist.)
See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)
It's time to go. (Point to your watch.)
See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye.)
Goodbye. (extend your arms out and point out to the class.)

See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)
See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)
See you later. (Make circles with thumbs and index fingers around each eye, and then extend your arms out and point out to the class.)
Take care. (Wave with your left hand.)
Good-bye. (Wave with right hand.)



1. Super simple songs

2. DreamEnglish





До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 1 клас (Карпюк О. Д., Ростоцька М.Є.)
18 січня 2024
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