Unit 4. Eating out
Урок 1
Eating out. Типи закладів громадського харчування
Цілі уроку: - формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць;
- вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення;
- вдосконалювати навички вживання непрямої мови;
- розвивати мовну здогадку і мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
- розвивати логічне мислення;
- виховувати культуру спілкування та зацікавленість учнів у
розширенні своїх знань.
Обладнання: підручник “English 11” Карпюк О. Д., аудіо матеріал, картки «Меню»,
Хід уроку
- Good afternoon, children!
- Usually, we people like to eat at home and prepare food by ourselves. But a lot of people prefer to eat outside, in restaurants or at food stands. Today we will talk about different places to eat.
2. Warm-up.
- How often do you eat out?
- Do you like eating out alone or with friends/family?
- What is your favorite place to eat?
-Are restaurants in your city cheap or expensive?
Listen to short dialogues (Appendix 1) and say where they are. Number the following places 1- 3.
__ at the coffee shop
__ at the restaurant
__ at the fast-food restaurant
Conversation 1(At the restaurant).
Waitress: Good evening sir, welcome to Stanley House, can I help you?
Jason: Can we have a table for two please.
Waitress: Please come this way please.
Waitress: Are you both ready to order now?
Jas on: Yes, we are. Can we have the Sunday roast
with vegetables and Chicken salad please?
Waitress: Would you like anything to drink
with your meal?
Jason: 2 glasses of white wine please.
Waitress: Would you like to see the dessert menu
Jason: No thanks, can we have the bill please.
Conversation 2 (At the fast-food restaurant).
A: What can I get for you?
B: Hello, may I have a double cheeseburger?
A: With everything on it?
B: That sounds great.
A: Did you want fries with your order?
B: May I get a large order of curly fries?
A: Did you want something to drink?
B: Get me a medium Pepsi.
A: Would you like anything else?
B: No, thank you. That's it.
A: No problem, that'll be $21.45.
B: Thanks a lot. Keep the change.
Conversation 3 (At the coffee shop).
A: Good morning! Can I take your order?
B: Yes, please. Could I have espresso to go.
A: Sure. What size would you like?
B: Umm… double. No sugar.
A: Milk?
B: No, thanks.
A: Would you like to have chocolate muffin to your coffee?
B: That would be nice. One chocolate muffin, please.
A: That would be 2.40. Here you are. Enjoy your coffee!
B: Thanks a lot. Keep the change
“Can I help you?”
“Are you ready to order?”
“I would like to have…”
“Can I see the menu”
“Keep the change”
“Here are you”
Write down new words and phrases in your vocabularies.
a bistro ['bi:strəʊ] a small informal restaurant or bar
a dressing ['dresiᵑ] a liquid mixture, often containing oil, vinegar, and
herbs, added to food, especially salads
a reservation [.rezə'veɪʃn] an arrangement in which something such as a seat
on a table at a restaurant is kept for you
staff [sta:f] the group of people who work for an organization
veggie [Vedʒɪ] vegetarian
sophisticated [sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd] intelligent or made in a complicated way and
therefore able to do complicated tasks
undercooked [ˏʌndə'kʊkt] not cooked enough
Speak on the following questions in pairs.
a) Read the text and make up a dialogue by transforming the
sentences into direct speech. Play the dialogue in pairs.
After having entered a cafe a customer asked a waiter if he might sit in a certain place. The waiter offered him to sit in any place he preferred including the one he asked about. The customer asked if he could see the menu. The waiter gave him the menu and asked if the customer would make an order immediately. The customer agreed and explained that he was short of time. He pointed out at some of the dishes on the menu saying he would like them to have. For not to make a mistake the waiter repeated the dishes again and asked the customer to confirm his order.
b) Report the dialogue.
Waiter: Welcome to the restaurant, folks. What'll it be?
Harry: What do you recommend?
Waiter: Well, the crab salad's always a big hit.
Harry: Susan, would you like the crab salad?
Susan: I'd love the crab salad.
Harry: Michelle, would you like to try the crab salad, too?
Michelle: OK.
Harry: We'll have three crab salads and a bottle of lemonade.
Waiter: Help yourself to celery and carrots and other vegetables.
Workbook, Ex. 2, 3 (p.42-43)
Цикл уроків з англійської мови
Тема: “Eating out”
11 клас
учитель англійської мови
Буртівської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів
Лощиць Юлія Володимирівна
Appendix 1
Conversation 1(At the restaurant).
Waitress: Good evening sir, welcome to Stanley House, can I help you?
Jason: Can we have a table for two please.
Waitress: Please come this way please.
Waitress: Are you both ready to order now?
Jas on: Yes, we are. Can we have the Sunday roast
with vegetables and Chicken salad please?
Waitress: Would you like anything to drink
with your meal?
Jason: 2 glasses of white wine please.
Waitress: Would you like to see the dessert menu
Jason: No thanks, can we have the bill please.
Conversation 2 (At the fast-food restaurant).
Conversation 3 (At the coffee shop).
A: Good morning! Can I take your order?
B: Yes, please. Could I have espresso to go.
A: Sure. What size would you like?
B: Umm… double. No sugar.
A: Milk?
B: No, thanks.
A: Would you like to have chocolate muffin to your coffee?
B: That would be nice. One chocolate muffin, please.
A: That would be 2.40. Here you are. Enjoy your coffee!
B: Thanks a lot. Keep the change
Appendix 2
Menu №1
Menu №2